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WHy the GOP wants to keep the Electoral College (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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The GOP is fighting any efforts to change the constitution when it comes to the Electoral College. It might be because of the facts. In the past 7 president elections, the GOP candidate has won a majority of the popular vote once. The GOP has won in the Electoral College 3 times during those seven elections. 2020 may be another time when Trump/GOP lose the popular vote but again win the White House. That would mean that in eight elections the GOP candidate won the popular vote but once and yet won the White House 50% of the time. I have read that this time Trump could lose the popular vote by as much as 10% and still win the WHite House because of the Electoral College. So it would seem that the GOP has every reason to want to keep the Electoral College and I suspect will fight any attempt to change the system to a popular vote.
If you need an electoral gimmick to keep allowing a minority of the country to choose the next President, you've lost the national argument.
What other country uses an EC? The popular vote should determine elections.
Why the GOP wants to keep the Electoral College

Because letting empty plots of land vote helps their hopelessly inept candidates to win when they actually lost.
Right wingers want the flyovers to rule the coasts.
They're too stupid to understand that getting rid of the EC turns every state "purple". Those millions of Republican voters in California and New York whose votes get tossed in the trash because the EC votes for those states are going Blue, you get rid of the EC and suddenly they count.
They're too stupid to understand that getting rid of the EC turns every state "purple". Those millions of Republican voters in California and New York whose votes get tossed in the trash because the EC votes for those states are going Blue, you get rid of the EC and suddenly they count.

They keep saying that if there’s a popular vote then New York and California will pick the president. Um...no. Under a popular vote system, there...are...no...states.
They keep saying that if there’s a popular vote then New York and California will pick the president. Um...no. Under a popular vote system, there...are...no...states.

Especially if removing the EC also institutes a threshhold rule for a higher than 51% needed to win. Also implementing instant run-offs and ranked choice voting would be good.
If the Democrats are worried about losing the electoral vote, they should figure out how to win those votes in the red counties/parishes.

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