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Why the anger over Pinochet but not over Castro? (1 Viewer)


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Jul 8, 2005
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One thing I find perplexing is the continual bleeting blood lust for the neck of poor old Generallisimo Augusto Pinochet but no similar feelings for El Commandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro. This is especially perplexing because Castro was and is the more oppressive of the two and because the fruits of Pinochet's regime certainly are far greater than those of Castro's.

Pray tell, can someone enlighten me?

Because Castro was a left-wing dictatorship, Pinochet right-wing. Pinochet killed the Socialist President Allende, took over had a poor human rights record and many more people became poorer. He was quite friendly to US businesses. Castro overthrew the US-backed Batista government which was really oppressive. And he made the gap between rich and poor closer.

Casto was better than Pinochet
Pinochet did not provide free health care, free education and make a 3rd world country as literate as the USA. Castro did. Castro did not kill aimlessly. And Pinochet was created by the United States, the United States did not try to assassinate him countless times.
V.I. Lenin said:
Pinochet did not provide free health care, free education and make a 3rd world country as literate as the USA. Castro did. Castro did not kill aimlessly.

Oh yeah, Cuba's great. I'll believe that when Floridians start escaping there on rafts.
Please tell me you know that more Cubans fled Cuba under Batista, an American backed capitalist dictator, then they have under Castro's reign?

I never said Cuba was heaven. But compare it to other Latin American countries and tell me how terrible it is. I'd chose Cuba over El Slavador or Argentenia anytime.
Kissenger & the CIA brought about the overthrow of Allende in their support for a coup, even though Allende was the democratically elected president of Chile.
It's making an under statement to say... this was a hypocrytical thing for a so called 'pro democracy' country to have done.

One might ask, how is it such acts can be committed by a country that’s supposed to be ‘pro democracy’ ?
Could it be a combination of indifference, apathy, disbelief & blind ignorance on the part of the electorate. If so then such members of that electorate must share a common guilt, for to turn a blind eye to evil acts & do nothing is to participate in evil acts.

I’d now like to consider how it is that politicians in a democratic country could commit such acts, not be punished for those acts & even wind up with a Nobel peace prize at the end of it !

Lets take a look at a large proportion of the Americans here.

1) They don't believe the USA has demolished human rights & democracy in Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua & elsewhere in the Americas & indeed the world.

2) If they do believe these things were done, they believe it was somehow done for the good of the people of those countries, the greater good of mankind & the free western world.

3) They don't care anyway that the US has done these things because the victims were non Americans, so as non Americans what the victims felt & what they thought & what they suffered simply doesn't matter.

4) It was part of the war on Communism, based on an imaginary Soviet threat in the Americas dreamed up by the 'lets unite in our hatred for a common enemy’ brigade who use the power of fear from phoney Soviet threat scares as a way to maintain the status quo of the mining interests of the US multi national corps that employed Chilean tin miners in slave like conditions. After all, they didn't want Allende's Unions after a fair deal for the guys that go down a dark dangerous hole all day & dig up tin.

5) Anyone that questions American atrocities & America meddling in other people’s countries, must be an anti American if they are a foreigner, or unpatriotic if they are American. Anyone that is either anti American or simply unpatriotic, must be deluded & what they say is worthless & untrue & uh let me see what else... uh well it's danged unpatriotic & danged un American.. that's enough isn't.

6) The circular argument that goes as follows.. Anyone that claims these things really happened must be a liberal & all liberals are not worth listening to because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to, because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to, because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to, because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to, because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to, because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to, because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to, because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to, because they say things that liberals say & what liberals say is not worth listening to… ad infinitum.

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between the following blind faiths ?
Blind faith 1) Being a proud American
Blind faith 2) Being a proud Muslim

Danged if I can tell the difference really.

Oh actually there is one... The Americans have killed even more people & messed even up more countries than the Muslims have in the last 100 years.
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Robin.....I think I love you.
Well thanks, but sorry old chap I really can't reciprocate those feelings as I'm a moderate capitalist... but not a fascist though.

Oh I almost forgot...
7) Anyone that wants equitable conditions for employees, must be a goddam commie !
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Hah, aw. A broken heart....

The key is moderate capitalist. And I find, much to my comrades dismay, I'm becoming a capitalist myself. Well, not really, just less hard-edge socialist.

In the end, I love your view of America. I've yet to find a single born and bred American who feels the same way though.
You mean you love my view of their view LOL
There are a few like Bill O'Rielly who doesn't see his country through rose coloured spectacles.
Good night ;)
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V.I. Lenin said:
I never said Cuba was heaven. But compare it to other Latin American countries and tell me how terrible it is. I'd chose Cuba over El Slavador or Argentenia anytime.

Hmm. El Salvador - probably, but hasn't that country been going through civli wars? I'd doubt Argentina - but I'd have to do more research. I definately wouldn't choose Cuba over Mexico, Guatemala, Costa-Rica, Puerto Rico of course, among.

By the way - hot off the press:
because Allende was democratic and the guy Castro e.t.c overthrew wasnt?
V.I. Lenin said:
Pinochet did not provide free health care, free education and make a 3rd world country as literate as the USA. Castro did. Castro did not kill aimlessly. And Pinochet was created by the United States, the United States did not try to assassinate him countless times.


Who told you Castro provides "free education" and "free health care"? The average Cuban earns $20 a month (slave wages)........school children have to "volunteer" to work in the fields during the summer, and unless you are a card carrying member of the communist party, you cannot attend college.

The only people who have access to decent medical care are foreigners who flock to Cuba for cheap cosmetic surgery. Even aspirin is a luxury which most Cubans have a hard time finding.

And for your information, in 1957 (two years before Castro's rise to power) according to the Gingsbug World Atlas..... Cuba was one of the 13 most developed countries in the world. #1 in Latin America in calorie consumption, #1 in per capita income, #1 in sanitary indexes, and #2 in literacy behind Argentina. Cuba also was #11 in the world in the number of doctors and dentists per capita of doctors and dentists.

Remember, 1957 was 48 years ago. Where would Cuba be today?

So you see, my friend, Castro did not "make a third world country literate". Castro took a developed country and turned it into a Third World Country....not to mention that he has killed 50 times more people than Pinochet, jailed 100 times more people than Pinochet, and sent into exile almost 20% of a population that, before his reign, never emigrated.

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