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Why Republicans Can't Win (1 Viewer)


Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Political Leaning
Very Liberal

Here's a bit of news that illustrates why the Republicans can't win, even when they get their way.

Fudge it though you may, you can't hide the fact that the right-wing agenda is anathema to the American people:

In South Dakota, Rounds' Approval Plummets
South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds’ (R) job approval dropped to 58% from 72% last month, after he signed a bill outlawing most abortions in the state, according to a new SurveyUSA poll.

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PerryLogan said:

Here's a bit of news that illustrates why the Republicans can't win, even when they get their way.

Fudge it though you may, you can't hide the fact that the right-wing agenda is anathema to the American people:

In South Dakota, Rounds' Approval Plummets
South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds’ (R) job approval dropped to 58% from 72% last month, after he signed a bill outlawing most abortions in the state, according to a new SurveyUSA poll.


Great news!
KidRocks said:
Great news!

Guess that really taught him a lesson, what with an election coming up in FOUR years, and still having a 21 point fav/unfav swing.:roll:
PerryLogan said:

Here's a bit of news that illustrates why the Republicans can't win, even when they get their way.

Fudge it though you may, you can't hide the fact that the right-wing agenda is anathema to the American people:

In South Dakota, Rounds' Approval Plummets
South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds’ (R) job approval dropped to 58% from 72% last month, after he signed a bill outlawing most abortions in the state, according to a new SurveyUSA poll.


Issue by issue, national polls have repeatedly demonstrated that the American people agree with Republicans on most things. This post is a gigantic steaming load.

For proof that Republicans overwhelmingly represent middle America go to the intro to "Democrats favor the Rich." The numbers don't lie.

(Ever wonder why suburban sprawl directly coincides with Republican voting trends?...suburbia-i.e., middle America is Republican ;) )

Also, this would make the sixth time in a row liberals have told us things like "Republicans can't win." You guys lose your butts every time you say that. Save it for your MoveOn rallies, where people are far more willing to disregard the Truth.
Oh, that's just great. Now we might be able to rid ourselves of these republican scalawags and replace them with democrat scalawags.:roll:
aquapub said:
Issue by issue, national polls have repeatedly demonstrated that the American people agree with Republicans on most things. This post is a gigantic steaming load.
Your point would be more pointed if you backed it up.
Care to demonstrate this agreement for those of us sitting in the peanut gallery?
Simon W. Moon said:
Your point would be more pointed if you backed it up.
Care to demonstrate this agreement for those of us sitting in the peanut gallery?

Facts schmacks....people believe what they wanna believe.:roll:

In my world, I hardly know a single person that supports the rightwing agenda and agree with today's republicans. Maybe, just maybe, in his world the opposite is true.

Reality is perception.
Captain America said:
Oh, that's just great. Now we might be able to rid ourselves of these republican scalawags and replace them with democrat scalawags.:roll:

You hit the nail on the head. Fact is, Most Republicans could be axe murderers and be reelected. Why? Because the Democrats have no real platform. Face it. In many places, Republicans could put up Bozo the Clown against a Democrat, and Bozo would win. With an administration as bad as this one, you would think the Democrats have a landslide coming, but the truth is, the Dems are the world's foremost experts on committing political suicide.
danarhea said:
You hit the nail on the head. Fact is, Most Republicans could be axe murderers and be reelected. Why? Because the Democrats have no real platform. Face it. In many places, Republicans could put up Bozo the Clown against a Democrat, and Bozo would win. With an administration as bad as this one, you would think the Democrats have a landslide coming, but the truth is, the Dems are the world's foremost experts on committing political suicide.

So true...Bob Shrum teaches at the school of public service here at my school, and he just wrote a letter into the school paper today talking about how good the Dems chances are so good in 2008.

And I'm sitting here thinking "I'm gonna take the word of a guy who managed to support the loser in EIGHT presidential campaigns?"
danarhea said:
In many places, Republicans could put up Bozo the Clown against a Democrat, and Bozo would win. With an administration as bad as this one, you would think the Democrats have a landslide coming, but the truth is, the Dems are the world's foremost experts on committing political suicide.

You know, if it wasn't so pitiful it would be funny. Because of this they think they are doing something right. :shrug:
PerryLogan said:

Here's a bit of news that illustrates why the Republicans can't win, even when they get their way.

Fudge it though you may, you can't hide the fact that the right-wing agenda is anathema to the American people:

In South Dakota, Rounds' Approval Plummets
South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds’ (R) job approval dropped to 58% from 72% last month, after he signed a bill outlawing most abortions in the state, according to a new SurveyUSA poll.


WHY REPUBLICANS "CANT" WIN???? HUH HUH, :smile: ..& by what "alternate reality" are you living in as there has been ONLY 1-democratic party president since the infamous, impotent & ineffectual presidency of Jimmy Carter? (nearly 30 years of liberalism REJECTED)...must have just slipped your mind!

Not to mention the democratic party loss of the majority in the congress better than a decade ago?? ;)

Thats okay, ..pick whatever reality you prefer cause' even when democrats lose THEY still think they win as it makes them feel good about themselves as THEY prepare to impugn, indict, criminalize & scandalize the next GOP administration! :2razz:
The basic republican just wants things to stay the same, they elect republicans because they believe they will do this, whether or not they will, this is what they represent.

The basic democrat wants things to change, democrats won't commit to a platform really, so what are democrats left to do?
RightatNYU said:
So true...Bob Shrum teaches at the school of public service here at my school, and he just wrote a letter into the school paper today talking about how good the Dems chances are so good in 2008.

And I'm sitting here thinking "I'm gonna take the word of a guy who managed to support the loser in EIGHT presidential campaigns?"

Yes, and I watched their fearless leader talk with a group of doctors(AMA) the other day, and he managed to only reference Rove twice, I was quite proud of him(Dean).:cool:

I actually look forward to a Dem controlled Congress, and Senate. I think the people deserve what they have been promised, and the Dem's are certainly in the position to prove their worth. It's sad that it must be this way, that we can't work together, but if it takes a shake up to get things done, then a shake up it should be. Unfortunately for the Dem's, their DNC chairman is still talking about Rove, the war, and all the other issues that just make people go tone deaf.
PerryLogan said:

Here's a bit of news that illustrates why the Republicans can't win, even when they get their way.
South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds’ (R) job approval dropped to 58% from 72% last month, after he signed a bill outlawing most abortions in the state, according to a new SurveyUSA poll.

The Democrats, especially since the 2000 election, are the only ones who allow POLLS to guide their moral compass and their stance, at that moment, on any issue! How's that working out for ya so far?! :lamo
easyt65 said:
The Democrats, especially since the 2000 election, are the only ones who allow POLLS to guide their moral compass and their stance, at that moment, on any issue! How's that working out for ya so far?! :lamo

Both parties do it, easy. Don't kid yourself into thinking that the dems are the only ones.
aps said:
Both parties do it, easy. Don't kid yourself into thinking that the dems are the only ones.

STOP! Every time the polls fluctuate some Dem Reporter brings it up to Bush who reminds him that he leads by conviction and his faith in what he is doing is right! Kerry changed his mind more times than he changed his pants last week based on Zogby polls! :rofl
easyt65 said:
STOP! Every time the polls fluctuate some Dem Reporter brings it up to Bush who reminds him that he leads by conviction and his faith in what he is doing is right! Kerry changed his mind more times than he changed his pants last week based on Zogby polls! :rofl

Oh, so because Bush says he leads by conviction, that means that he doesn't change his mind when the polls are negative towards him? Just because someone says something doesn't make it true.
aps said:
Oh, so because Bush says he leads by conviction, that means that he doesn't change his mind when the polls are negative towards him? Just because someone says something doesn't make it true.

Aps, yu guys kep bringing up the fact that Bush's poll numbers are the lowest ever and that people want our troops home. If the GOP/Bush was ruled by polls the way the Dems are, Bush would be calling for our troops to be home next week. I am not saying it, Bush himself is by his own actions!
Here are some quick figures on how Republican Americans are. In poll after poll:

80% of Americans agree government has "a responsibility to try to do away with poverty"
2/3rds of Americans support stricter gun control
80% agree government has "a responsibility to try to do away with poverty"
71% favor International Criminal Court
64% support Affirmative Action
over 70% of Americans describe themselves as "environmentalists"
62% Americans say they'd prefer a universal healthcare system to the present one
89% in favor of sex education, contraception
80% favor public transportation
80% favor Social Security

Americans support

expanding job-training programs (94%)
improving public schools in low-income areas (94%)
increasing tax credits for low-income workers (80%)
expanding subsidized day care (85%)
expanding subsidized housing (75%)

Six in 10 Americans say there should be stricter gun control laws. Large majorities support mandatory waiting periods, trigger locks, national registration, safety courses, background checks at gun shows, and banning assault weapons.
77% favor paying teachers more
65% favor mass vaccination effort
74% percent say Supreme Court should overturn state laws that criminalize consenting sexual relations between same-sex couples...yet allow that conduct to occur between opposite-sex couples.
58% favor paying UN dues in full
80% favor strengthening the World Health Organization

These delusions of the right are quickly shattered...

I especially love the dude with the Badnarik sticker who said "the Dems are the world's foremost experts on committing political suicide."

Let's talk about the electoral triumphs of the Libertarian Party for a moment.

Q: Why do Libertarians all over the country have to pose as Democrats & Reoublicans to win elections?
A: Because they could never get elected if they ran as Libertarians.

Q: What does this behavior (e.g., posing as Dems & Reps to get elected) tell us about Libertarians?
A: They are frauds. Like everyone else, the Libertarians do what they have to to get what they want. If they don't mind deceiving voters to get into office, how honest can they be?

Michael Badnarik would have tried to get rid of Social Security, incurring the wrath of the American poeple, just as the hapless Republicans did.

Badnarik would have lost New Orleans, just as the Republicans did.

Badnarik would be impeached for nincompoopery, just as GWB will be.

As for political suicide, giving us what is obviously The Worst Administration Ever™ (also the worst Congress ever, the most incompetent govenrment in galactic history, etc., etc.) strike me as a jolly good try at political suicide.

Stop BSing yourselves. America & the whole world are convulsing with disgust at the whole neocon project. If the Republicans keep winning, we'll need to hunt around for an explanation, won't we? Could the Democrats possibly be so inept? Could every poll ever done be wrong about how Americans feel? How do the Republicans keep winning, when they deliver only catastrophe? Did America relaly rellect THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER?

Stay tuned.
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easyt65 said:
Aps, yu guys kep bringing up the fact that Bush's poll numbers are the lowest ever and that people want our troops home. If the GOP/Bush was ruled by polls the way the Dems are, Bush would be calling for our troops to be home next week. I am not saying it, Bush himself is by his own actions!

I disagree.

Why did Bush go to New Orleans and make that big speech where he promised all these benefits? Because he was planning to do it in the first place? NOPE.

Notice that Harriet Miers removed her name from being nominated to the Supreme Court. Do you think she did that because SHE wanted to? NOPE.

Why has the White House agreed to some oversight regarding the warrantless wiretapping? I thought that he had to power to conduct this kind of thing without any oversight from Congress.
Issue by issue, national polls have repeatedly demonstrated that the American people agree with Republicans on most things. This post is a gigantic steaming load.
surely if this was true then republicans should be winning every election by a massive margin...
aps said:
I disagree.

Why did Bush go to New Orleans and make that big speech where he promised all these benefits? Because he was planning to do it in the first place? NOPE.

Notice that Harriet Miers removed her name from being nominated to the Supreme Court. Do you think she did that because SHE wanted to? NOPE.

Why has the White House agreed to some oversight regarding the warrantless wiretapping? I thought that he had to power to conduct this kind of thing without any oversight from Congress.

Just wanted to clear that last sentence up, Congress has had oversight from the start, yet this remains a common misconception.
aquapub said:
Issue by issue, national polls have repeatedly demonstrated that the American people agree with Republicans on most things. This post is a gigantic steaming load.

I certainly do not share the belief the Republicans cant win. I think that they have a fairly decent chance of holding one or both houses of congress this election cycle. However, you could not be more wrong on your polling assumption. Virtually every single poll conducted in the last 50 years has found that the majority of American voters consistently agree with the Democratic positions on every single issue other than defense.

I mean come on, do you honestly believe that elections are about “issues”. It’s all wedge issues. Republicans consistently run on Gays, God, and Guns.

For example, in the last presidential election. On the issues,

Kerry almost consistently held a 5 point lead on the economy.

Kerry held a 12 point lead on prescription drugs.

Kerry held a 13 point lead on taxes.

Kerry held a 21 point lead on healthcare.

Of course, he narrowly lost because of the good old wedge issues of Gays, God, and Guns. (primarily gays this time around)

Right now on the economy Bush and the Republican position has extremely low ratings at only 34%.

Source: http://poll.gallup.com/content/?ci=21994

The environment and energy policies have always been dead losers for Republicans when polled.

I would challenge you to find one national poll that shows that the Republicans enjoy an advantage on any domestic issue over Democrats.
aquapub said:
Issue by issue, national polls have repeatedly demonstrated that the American people agree with Republicans on most things. This post is a gigantic steaming load.

What issues? How about a source?

Fiscal responsibility? No
Health Care? No
Energy Independence? No
National Debt? No
Iraq War? No
Education? No
Abortion? No
The Environment? No
Lobby Reform? No
etc. etc.

Gay Bashing? Yes
Flag Burning? Yes
God in the Government? Yes

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