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Why not stop it Bush? (1 Viewer)



Don't you think the ambish of President Bush and his most familiars to be too costly for America? After we came to Iraq it became even worse than it used to be under Saddam's dictatorship. We didn't happen to be that good in rebuilding normal life there. Too great sum of money of that invested in there we spend on safety measures. Nowadays Iraq is nothing but spot of instability we cannot leave. Can it be that the states that have undergone "democratization" of Bush like Ukraine, Kyrgizia and Georgia will in the short run soak into instability as well? Uzbekistan is already in the first flush of civil war thanks to the efforts of Bush. May be it is time to stop? This is a dead-end politics we don't want to pay for.
The middle east was more unstable before we went in, I believe we are making much progress and in fact, the latest poll of the Iraqi people said things are improving rapidly outside fo the Sunni trianlge if the news is correct this time.
LaMidRighter said:
The middle east was more unstable before we went in, I believe we are making much progress and in fact, the latest poll of the Iraqi people said things are improving rapidly outside fo the Sunni trianlge if the news is correct this time.
Keep telling yourself that. I have a relative over there who says it is hell outside too. He has had little kids throw rocks at his head when he was helping someone up, ridiculous statement to say it is getting better if you haven't been there.

Enlist Here

Go see what it is really like.
ShamMol said:
Keep telling yourself that. I have a relative over there who says it is hell outside too. He has had little kids throw rocks at his head when he was helping someone up, ridiculous statement to say it is getting better if you haven't been there.

Enlist Here

Go see what it is really like.
Where is the relative? I believe I qualified it by area. I have friends serving and they say outside of the Sunni triangle there aren't many problems.
It's cost over 25 billion to go to war with Iraq. That is more thatn enough to get every child under 12 out of poverty in the third world.
josh said:
It's cost over 25 billion to go to war with Iraq. That is more thatn enough to get every child under 12 out of poverty in the third world.
According to this site, costofwar.com, it's over $174 billion.
So that's why they wont help Gordon Brown to make poverty history is it? I mean, war is so much more important than actually saving lives for once!
War gets the capitalists more money. I dont like the Bush administratoin but I dont blame Bush as much as i blame the capitalist system. It demands profit above welfare. That is why the USA doesnt have a welfare state- because the capitalists prefer money over people.

England only has a welfare state because the government feared a revolution after world war 2.

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