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Why MTG called 3 GOP Senators "Pro-Pedophile" for Supporting Jackson's Supreme Court Nomination (1 Viewer)

Because she is a C. A moronic, taliban GOP POS, like most are or are who are perfectly OK with pandering to

"moronic, taliban GOP POS"....yeah, you pretty much nailed it!

That describes 90% of the Republican Party now.
YES YES YES for KBJ ........ and Susan Collins for returning to her former moderate thinking at least for this.
Lisa Murkowski was not a surprise she just happens to be a smart moderate politician. Well Mitt Romney the leveraged buyout scam artist is always a surprise never reliable nonetheless Mitt thanks for this one.
KBJ apparently has a strong record when it comes to religious freedom. For a Mormon like Romney, who I'm sure has experienced some discrimination on that front during his life, I'm sure that was a deciding factor.
Yeah...it's really perverse how that idiot Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn from TN has nothing to say about this,
when she was one of the Senators asking Jackson ridiculous questions during her Supreme Court nomination hearing.
You mean the summary of what I'd written from the snip up? It's not 'both sides'; it's the billionaires and mega corporations and their neoliberal ideological servants who are the biggest threat to the future of human civilization, and whose influence in American politics (and elsewhere) are probably the single biggest cause of this shockingly deep divide in values and knowledge.
The fact that the Democrat party is also pretty heavily bought and paid for by those interests is not propaganda; it's pretty readily available information, and bleedin' obvious just from the fact that even such tepid, ineffectual proposals like Warren's 3-6% wealth tax on the ultra-rich or the current Biden proposal requiring gains in liquid assets to be taxed like any other income (barely even centrist ideas in a sane world) are somehow considered radical far-left ideas within the party and eventually, inevitably fizzle into nothing. The response from one 'side' of politics to the wedge issues and divide-and-rule approach necessary to maintain such a plutocratic system is obviously, drastically worse than the other... but ultimately, given half a chance those people are pretty much the same as you and I and it's the system itself which needs to be attacked and changed, not the people whose frailties it's exploiting.
Hatred and vitriol towards the people on the other 'side' just helps reinforce the system and deepen the problem.
I disagree more with the left. I'm a conservative. I'm also more than willing to criticize Republicans when they do things that are wrong, just as I am with Democrats.

Your apparent inability to understand that is, well, unfortunate for you :-/.
I understand you, perfectly, dude. You identify more with the Republicans so you're more likely to cozy up to them when they make bullshit claims, like "the election was stolen so lets bring down our democracy".

Sorry, dude, you're a Republican, which means you're with the party that would rather kiss up to Putin than do what's best for America.

What's worse, like most Republicans today, since they are so ****ing evil and can't lead, you don't have the courage to admit it.

You're a Republican which means you've no problem with lying about what Democrats say and do. You also ignore all the evil shit they've said and done over the past 5 years

We're done here. All you've done is make me embarrassed for you here.
I agree with you up until that last point. MTG is a sign of how willing to tolerate evil/crazy the GOP has become, but, she is, thankfully, nothing close to emblematic of it. Hopefully she gets defeated in the next cycle.
Rethink this.
Nope. :)

It's not good that they do so - or even morally neutral. It speaks poorly of the GOP that they allow her their platform (though the parties have lost a lot of power over the past couple of decades).

However, it is not the same level as she herself, any more than every Democrat is an anti-semite because members of their party are willing to make common cause with anti-semites.
I understand you, perfectly, dude. You identify more with the Republicans so you're more likely to cozy up to them when they make bullshit claims, like "the election was stolen so lets bring down our democracy".

Sorry, dude, you're a Republican, which means you're with the party that would rather kiss up to Putin than do what's best for America.

What's worse, like most Republicans today, since they are so ****ing evil and can't lead, you don't have the courage to admit it.

You're a Republican which means you've no problem with lying about what Democrats say and do. You also ignore all the evil shit they've said and done over the past 5 years

We're done here. All you've done is make me embarrassed for you here.

Of all the ways you could attempt an ad hominem to avoid having to discuss the problems with the claim that all members of a group are equally guilty for what one member of the group does, this, was probably one of the poorest you could have chosen.

It's often wrong to avoid rightful conflict.

Avoiding that conflict does not, however, make you guilty of whatever the person you are avoiding conflict with is doing.

Rethink this.

I've thought through it. Nutpicking is not a valid means of describing the left or the right. All Democrats are not rioters burning down cities. All Republicans are not rioters breaking into the Capital. All Democrats are not Maxine Waters or AOC. All Republicans are not MTG or Gaetz. All Left Wingers are not whatever-the-craziest-person-on-MSNBC-said-this-week, and all Right Wingers are not whatever-the-craziest-person-on-FOX-said-this-week.
View attachment 67384481

Of all the ways you could attempt an ad hominem to avoid having to discuss the problems with the claim that all members of a group are equally guilty for what one member of the group does, this, was probably one of the poorest you could have chosen.
Nothing ad hom in there, my friend. Are the Democrats perfect? Certainly not. It's just that the Republicans are so ****ing evil, that if all one does is sit there and attack Democrats, then you've no problem with the death cabal the Republicans have become.

Ergo, you're a Republican.

Show some courage - I know it's hard. Just own it. Say, "MAGA!!!!'
Nothing ad hom in there, my friend.

Yes. The attempt to avoid having to discuss the point that all members of a group are not equally guilty of crimes committed by any given member of that group by turning to a personal attack (even a very, ill-informed and foolish one) of "Well You're Just A Republican So You Hate Democrats!" is indeed an ad hominem fallacy.

Are the Democrats perfect? Certainly not. It's just that the Republicans are so ****ing evil, that if all one does is sit there and attack Democrats, then you've no problem with the death cabal the Republicans have become.

Ergo, you're a Republican.

Show some courage - I know it's hard. Just own it. Say, "MAGA!!!!'

🤷‍♂️ I have informed you, cited for you, and shown you how yo are incorrect, and I'm fine with criticizing Republicans. That you ignore it to repeat a claim that you know is wrong is no one's problem but your own.

I knew you were a partisan. I did not know you were dishonest. Thank you for showing us this part of your character.
Yes. The attempt to avoid having to discuss the point that all members of a group are not equally guilty of crimes committed by any given member of that group by turning to a personal attack (even a very, ill-informed and foolish one) of "Well You're Just A Republican So You Hate Democrats!" is indeed an ad hominem fallacy.

🤷‍♂️ I have informed you, cited for you, and shown you how yo are incorrect, and I'm fine with criticizing Republicans. That you ignore it to repeat a claim that you know is wrong is no one's problem but your own.

I knew you were a partisan. I did not know you were dishonest. Thank you for showing us this part of your character.
Just own it - the first step is admitting you're a member of the current unpatriotic Republican party.

How angry are you Biden appointed a black woman to SCOTUS. Such an historic event, and there you and your Republican buddies are - fuming that a black person is more successful that you.

White grievance.. another disease that strikes you broken party.
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.
MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.
Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.
This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.
The Democrats have their version of crazy in Maxine Waters. Most of us are not obtuse enough to equate Waters to being a typical Democrat. Unfortunately, most of the posters in this thread are not that smart.
Sigh. Every day there's stupid comments from one of these: MTG, Boebert, Cawley, Cruz, etc.
Sigh. Every day there's stupid comments from one of these: MTG, Boebert, Cawley, Cruz, etc.

Yes, these are such blatantly disingenuous, dishonest comparisons. Just a stupid throwaway line because Trumpsters can't think of anything else to say. Really tiresome.
This thread subject proves the power of FoxNews, OANN, and like headed commentary pushing half truths about Jackson's record.

Republicans could not rely on saying no because she is a black woman so they found one case, but her overall track record says much differently.

Looking at the entirety of her career it comes back to Republicans not liking her because of her race and gender.
Yes. The attempt to avoid having to discuss the point that all members of a group are not equally guilty of crimes committed by any given member of that group by turning to a personal attack (even a very, ill-informed and foolish one) of "Well You're Just A Republican So You Hate Democrats!" is indeed an ad hominem fallacy.

🤷‍♂️ I have informed you, cited for you, and shown you how yo are incorrect, and I'm fine with criticizing Republicans. That you ignore it to repeat a claim that you know is wrong is no one's problem but your own.

I knew you were a partisan. I did not know you were dishonest. Thank you for showing us this part of your character.

You are nowhere near correct. Most of the Republican Party is morally depraved and a threat to democracy. You cannot honestly say the same thing about the Democratic Party, no matter how disingenuous you want to be. --

Is the GOP “a party built on fraud, fear and fascism”? Certainly, not all Republicans think this way. But too many others are subverting democracy, cavorting with white nationalists, spreading racist fears and fantasizing about extrajudicial punishment for political opponents and the media. For them, the jackboot fits.

You are nowhere near correct. Most of the Republican Party is morally depraved and a threat to democracy. You cannot honestly say the same thing about the Democratic Party, no matter how disingenuous you want to be. --

Is the GOP “a party built on fraud, fear and fascism”? Certainly, not all Republicans think this way. But too many others are subverting democracy, cavorting with white nationalists, spreading racist fears and fantasizing about extrajudicial punishment for political opponents and the media. For them, the jackboot fits.

How, exactly, do you think that in any way addresses the point that all members of a group are not equally guilty of any misdeed done by any member of the group?
How, exactly, do you think that in any way addresses the point that all members of a group are not equally guilty of any misdeed done by any member of the group?

It's a strawman argument that doesn't address the threat to democracy that the Republican Party has become. That's the real issue, not the silly, irrelevant "points" that you're trying to make.

You're trying to imply that the Democrats are equally as bad as the Republicans. It's obvious that they are not. There is one simple way for you to avoid this "misunderstanding" -- state the truth, which is that the Republicans are much worse.
It's a strawman argument

That is incorrect. A strawman argument is a deliberate misrepresentation of another's argument into a ridiculous or weaker form that is more easily countered.

This was simply the point that all members of a group are not - as put forward - equally guilty of deeds committed by a single member of the group.

the threat to democracy that the Republican Party has become.

Democrats would be on much stronger ground protesting the GOP's failure to recognize the loss of the last election if they didn't periodically engage in it themselves, though, agreeably, to a lesser degree and much lesser impact.

This stuff, however, builds on itself. That's kinda scary looking forward, but, looking back, you can see clear tracks laid down that pointed us towards Jan 6th, and the refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of an election that had gone against them.

Out of curiosity, how is Stacy polling in Georgia these days?

You're trying to imply that the Democrats are equally as bad as the Republicans.

It depends on what you are talking about. There are some issues that I find the Democratic Party's positions to be utterly without redeeming value. The same is true of other issues and the GOP.

Generally I don't find either to be "good". They are bad in different ways, and horrific in different ways.
That is incorrect. A strawman argument is a deliberate misrepresentation of another's argument into a ridiculous or weaker form that is more easily countered.
Yep....that is EXACTLY what you are doing.
Sigh. Every day there's stupid comments from one of these: MTG, Boebert, Cawley, Cruz, etc.
And you think we can't find equally stupid remarks from AOC and the rest of the squad? And then there's Good old Maxine...

Those who live in glass houses...
And you think we can't find equally stupid remarks from AOC and the rest of the squad? And then there's Good old Maxine...

Those who live in glass houses...

Nope. You can't.
And you think we can't find equally stupid remarks from AOC and the rest of the squad? And then there's Good old Maxine...

Those who live in glass houses...
Every day? Have at it. Can you even name the rest of "the squad" without looking them up?

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