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Why MTG called 3 GOP Senators "Pro-Pedophile" for Supporting Jackson's Supreme Court Nomination (1 Viewer)

Riiight, and you're all of the above and ugly to boot. Please seek help, as in plastic surgery. And make sure to plead not guilty by reason of insanity.

No one cares about your conspiracy theories about MTG, QAnon, and Putin. Get an education, a lobotomy, and a face-lift and get back to me. 0/10 fail troll thread.
You can't post like this. You're in violation of DP rules, my friend.
Republicans do not need to play victim. They just want to do it because that is a convenient lie and lying is their specialty.
It's the only way they can win now. Here's the Republican fundraising strategy nowadays:

1. Say something insane.
2. Wait until news outlets pick up the insane statement and just report it
3. Republican who said the insane thing now can claim, "look at all the news outlets attacking me, please send money".

That's all they do now.
Dumber than a bag of evil hammers. That's MTG.
As opposed to, "Benevolent Hammers"? I've just never heard the term :)

It's a particular brand of stupid, sort of like you can be good chaotic, good neutral, or good lawful in DnD and related games.

I suppose I could have said "dumber than a bag of retarded hammers", but that would imply a lack of malice in her stupidity, and I've generally phased that word out as it is.
Rep Greene knows exactly what she is doing.

Her constituents are more than happy to cheer her on and reward her with campaign donations for such noisome rhetoric…
Claiming that supporters of a judge are "pro-pedophile" because he sentenced a man for allegedly breaking into a business with a gun is definitely stupid; that said this thread is pure shit and somehow managed to one-up them in the stupid factor.
Well, it didn't start out that way but it's starting to get that way now.
Republicans being pro pedophile and throwing drug filled orgies.

Riiight, and you're all of the above and ugly to boot. Please seek help, as in plastic surgery. And make sure to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. No one cares about your conspiracy theories about MTG, QAnon, and Putin. Get an education, a lobotomy, and a face-lift and get back to me. 0/10 fail troll thread.

Hello (again) and bye.
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.

The Gazpacho soup lady.

It's the morons who are gun fluffers and the toothless rednecks who support her. Nobody with a working brain does.

She is a disgusting, vile piece of shit. Her kids must be ashamed of her.
MTG is NOT the whole Republican Party, as you continue in your lead sentence, Collins, Murkowski and Romney do not agree with her. Are they not part of the Republican Party?

MTG is a lunatic.

There are like 10 - 20 sane Republicans in Congress out of 250+.

Are you trying to pretend that most of the party isn't ****ing certifiable? Looks that way.
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Meanwhile in Tennessee they are debating a bill that eliminates the age requirement for marriage

The Republican Party in TN has obviously been infiltrated with Satan-worshipping, pedophile Democrats.
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.
I agree with you up until that last point. MTG is a sign of how willing to tolerate evil/crazy the GOP has become, but, she is, thankfully, nothing close to emblematic of it. Hopefully she gets defeated in the next cycle.
I agree with you up until that last point. MTG is a sign of how willing to tolerate evil/crazy the GOP has become, but, she is, thankfully, nothing close to emblematic of it. Hopefully she gets defeated in the next cycle.

Those Republicans who tolerate MTG's QAnon craziness are just as bad as the ones who actually believe it.

Not all Germans who voted for the Nazis agreed with their crazy Jew-hating crap. But they still went along with it.
You can't post like this. You're in violation of DP rules, my friend.
Rather than playing mod, if you see an issue, please simply report it using the Report function.
Those Republicans who tolerate MTG's QAnon craziness are just as bad as the ones who actually believe it.

Nope. :)

It's not good that they do so - or even morally neutral. It speaks poorly of the GOP that they allow her their platform (though the parties have lost a lot of power over the past couple of decades).

However, it is not the same level as she herself, any more than every Democrat is an anti-semite because members of their party are willing to make common cause with anti-semites.
Nope. :)

It's not good that they do so - or even morally neutral. It speaks poorly of the GOP that they allow her their platform (though the parties have lost a lot of power over the past couple of decades).

However, it is not the same level as she herself, any more than every Democrat is an anti-semite because members of their party are willing to make common cause with anti-semites.
One problem....this isn't true.

A Democrat making foolish or ill-advised remarks about Israel once in awhile isn't even in the same stratosphere as a QAnon nut like MTG.
One problem....this isn't true.

A Democrat making foolish or ill-advised remarks about Israel once in awhile isn't even in the same stratosphere as a QAnon nut like MTG.
That, my friend, is an attempt to goalpost shift :). The salient question wasn't a qualitative comparison of antisemitic conspiracies, but, of guilt by association. ;)
That, my friend, is an attempt to goalpost shift :). The salient question wasn't a qualitative comparison of antisemitic conspiracies, but, of guilt by association. ;)
It's not a goal post shift. Your comparisons aren't even on the same football field.

25% of Republicans are as crazy and evil as MTG. There is absolutely nothing that compares to MTG on the Democratic side.
That, my friend, is an attempt to goalpost shift :). The salient question wasn't a qualitative comparison of antisemitic conspiracies, but, of guilt by association. ;)
No, it isn't. Why can't Republicans debate honestly anymore? Are you that insecure about your views?
It's not a goal post shift. Your comparisons aren't even on the same football field.

25% of Republicans are as crazy and evil as MTG. There is absolutely nothing that compares to MTG on the Democratic side.
I'm so old, I can remember when a majority of the Democratic party bought into 9/11 trutherism. You may want to be careful with tribal signaling as proof of evil ;)

And, again, the question is whether association makes one equally guilty, as you claimed. The answer is No. All Democrats are not sexual predators Because Bill Clinton and all Republicans are not so Because Trump. Willingness to turn a blind eye to evil, or to fail to confront evil, is often wrong, but, it is not the equal of the evil itself. Someone who flees Ukraine rather than staying to fight as an insurgent, or who keeps her head down and doesn't talk about politics in Russia is not made the equal of Putin by their actions.
No, it isn't. Why can't Republicans debate honestly anymore? Are you that insecure about your views?
I am not a Republican. I left the party when it decided to nominate an immoral carnival barker, and nothing that has happened since has indicated to me that that was the wrong decision.
I am not a Republican. I left the party when it decided to nominate an immoral carnival barker, and nothing that has happened since has indicated to me that that was the wrong decision.
But you're still trolling the libs, which is all Republicans can do now, since they can't govern. So like it or not, you're one of them :(

So sorry.
Dumber than a bag of evil hammers. That's MTG.
This is true, I have 4 hammers in my workshop and every one of them is more intelligent than MTG or Boebert.
But you're still trolling the libs, which is all Republicans can do now, since they can't govern. So like it or not, you're one of them :(

So sorry.
..... You're not... Very good at this. Are you.

Disagreeing with a foolish take from someone on the left doesn't make me a Republican any more than disagreeing with a foolish take from someone on the right makes me a Democrat.

What a stupid age we live in, where so many are emotionally incapable of processing that.

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