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Why MTG called 3 GOP Senators "Pro-Pedophile" for Supporting Jackson's Supreme Court Nomination (1 Viewer)

Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.

He should have been given twenty.
And it's really become impossible to have an honest conversation about people like MTG, because to do so would result in violation of the forum TOS.
Sorry, that's how dire this situation has become.
More and more over the past three years I think it's absolutely imperative that every sensible person start trying to understand this relatively straightforward analysis of how such a shocking and deep epistemic divide has split the USA (and increasingly other countries too):
> Two parties serving a billionaire class
> Wedge issue politics as diversion from more serious issues
> Everyone's use of various simplifying heuristics to help us 'understand' our incredibly complex world

> Heuristic mechanisms co-opted and cyclically reinforced in service to one 'side' of those divisive/diversionary wedge issues

Dismissing the 'other side' as simply evil is not only inhumane and a little unfair - not to mention doing exactly the same thing as they are claiming against you - but most importantly it is actively playing into the hands of the divide-and-rule strategy which is probably the biggest cause of all of these symptoms to begin with. And that's truly sad, because if there were any faint glimmer of hope over the past decade it's that Trump's "drain the swamp" rhetoric - however cynically self-serving - actually appealed to people... conservatives who on some level are just as sick of the billionaire dog and pony show as many on the left.
Sorry, you lost my the support from "snip" down, in your post. You choose the, "it's both sides," propaganda that is counterproductive to
the actual history of progress and what little potential for continued improvement we actually have available.

Politics of resentment, white people are the "true victims" = G.O.P. "special sauce".

The True Story of Chicago's “Welfare Queen”​

https://www.chicagomag.com › city-life › may-2019 › t...

May 16, 2019 — Ronald Reagan infamously caricatured Linda Taylor as a welfare bogeyman. ... about "a strapping young buck" buying steak with food stamps.

Gore Vidal summed it up, but he wasn't saying what you're saying. IOW, a center right major party is not similar to a RWE party.
As bad as G.O.P. seems, it is always even worse. Racist, sexist, scapegoating the least powerful. Portraying themselves as victims. Doing nothing for anyone except their wealthiest RWE political donors and the clergy they sponsor to further their political agenda.

"..This lesson was first learned back in 1964 when Barry Goldwater, the Republican nominee for President, expressed his blanket opposition to social security programs and Medicare. Two months before the November 1964 election, Goldwater flew back to Washington, D.C., to vote against Medicare legislation. But when Lyndon B. Johnson won by a landslide and Democrats gained large majorities in both houses of Congress, liberal pundits declared the death of conservatism with undisguised glee. ...

The lesson was not lost on Republican leaders and strategists who took Social Security and Medicare off the table for nearly half a century...Our study proved prophetic in one major respect: LBJ’s landslide did not signify “the death of conservatism.” Far from it. Beginning with the election of Richard Nixon in 1968, Republicans won five of the next six presidential elections and seven of the next ten. They did so by steering clear of “the third rail.” To be sure, from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama, presidents have proposed cutbacks in Social Security and Medicare, but not until the Ryan Plan was there any attempt to challenge the basic structure of these programs.."

"I Will Not Promise the Moon": Alf Landon Opposes the Social ...​

http://historymatters.gmu.edu › ...

Alf Landon, the Republican candidate for President in 1936, offered strong opposition to Social Security based on its burden on employers and employees as ...


G.O.P. POTUS cynically appointed two "erasers" to the SCOTUS seats of Justices Thurgood Marshall and Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

Versus the bio pages of these two, "stink bombs",

The Republicans aren't victims of anything. They are evil sociopathic, racist greedy pricks. They need to play "victim" to cover their evil cynical ways.

Republicans do not need to play victim. They just want to do it because that is a convenient lie and lying is their specialty.
Meanwhile in Tennessee they are debating a bill that eliminates the age requirement for marriage
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.
And she went on a failed speaking tour with Goetz the pedo....
As opposed to Marjorie Traitor Greene being openly a supporter of white nationalists and Putin.

GOP torn as Greene speaks to far right amid 'Putin!' chants​

Republican leaders in Congress are torn over what to do with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene after the congresswoman spoke at a weekend event organized by a white nationalist who marveled over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as the crowd erupted in chants of “Putin!”
Sorry, you lost my the support from "snip" down, in your post. You choose the, "it's both sides," propaganda that is counterproductive to
the actual history of progress and what little potential for continued improvement we actually have available.
You mean the summary of what I'd written from the snip up? It's not 'both sides'; it's the billionaires and mega corporations and their neoliberal ideological servants who are the biggest threat to the future of human civilization, and whose influence in American politics (and elsewhere) are probably the single biggest cause of this shockingly deep divide in values and knowledge.

The fact that the Democrat party is also pretty heavily bought and paid for by those interests is not propaganda; it's pretty readily available information, and bleedin' obvious just from the fact that even such tepid, ineffectual proposals like Warren's 3-6% wealth tax on the ultra-rich or the current Biden proposal requiring gains in liquid assets to be taxed like any other income (barely even centrist ideas in a sane world) are somehow considered radical far-left ideas within the party and eventually, inevitably fizzle into nothing. The response from one 'side' of politics to the wedge issues and divide-and-rule approach necessary to maintain such a plutocratic system is obviously, drastically worse than the other... but ultimately, given half a chance those people are pretty much the same as you and I and it's the system itself which needs to be attacked and changed, not the people whose frailties it's exploiting.

Hatred and vitriol towards the people on the other 'side' just helps reinforce the system and deepen the problem.
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.
Bah ha ha, this post was so insane I almost neglected to reply to it. The conspiracy theory you're hocking almost makes Pizzagate look believable in comparison.

Stop repeating memes about "Qanon" for whatever trashy tabloids serve as your surrogate for facts, reality, and information - it's rotting your brain and making you shut-in and paranoid. :)

The Republicans aren't victims of anything. They are evil sociopathic, racist greedy pricks. They need to play "victim" to cover their evil cynical ways.
Riiight, and you're all of the above and ugly to boot. Please seek help, as in plastic surgery. And make sure to plead not guilty by reason of insanity.

As opposed to Marjorie Traitor Greene being openly a supporter of white nationalists and Putin.

GOP torn as Greene speaks to far right amid 'Putin!' chants​

Republican leaders in Congress are torn over what to do with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene after the congresswoman spoke at a weekend event organized by a white nationalist who marveled over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as the crowd erupted in chants of “Putin!”
No one cares about your conspiracy theories about MTG, QAnon, and Putin. Get an education, a lobotomy, and a face-lift and get back to me. 0/10 fail troll thread.
He should have been given twenty.
Don't you just love it when people who are completely illiterate about how our laws work and have never even read or watched an actual criminal trial attempt to chime in on things they know nothing about?

Doesn't matter whether this dude was the pizzagate shooter or Osama bin Laden, there's an actual procedure for trying, convicting, and sentencing people. Please learn about it.

And it's really become impossible to have an honest conversation about people like MTG, because to do so would result in violation of the forum TOS.
Sorry, that's how dire this situation has become.
Please... this thread and probably your entire post count is a violation of the forum TOS, so don't let that stop you bucko.

This thread sucks so much I should've just laughed it off and moved on, but I couldn't resist trying to move it back in the direction of sanity a bit. :D
Calling Mitt a pro-pedophile, hilarious and just shows her to be the idiot she is.

View attachment 67384088
Claiming that supporters of a judge are "pro-pedophile" because he sentenced a man for allegedly breaking into a business with a gun is definitely stupid; that said this thread is pure shit and somehow managed to one-up them in the stupid factor.
No. They're not. They're ordinary people like you or I. For the most part they're victims of decades of deliberate propaganda campaigns and 'wedge issue' politics, structurally generated by a two party system heavily beholden to a donor class of billionaires and mega corporations who (unsurprisingly) would much rather that the big divisive 'issues' in politics be about comparatively trivial matters like immigration, guns, CRT etc. etc. than about climate change, inequality, corporate power and the world-eating system of current capitalism.

We've agglomerated an incredibly complex civilization around ourselves such that few if any can really have a full appreciation of everything going on in society and the world at large, so we all turn to simplifying heuristics (eg. 'trust the experts,' 'trust the preachers,' 'fight the power,' 'fight the commies') to try to construct a coherent narrative/worldview for ourselves, and unfortunately those with conservative tendencies have been fed and are more inclined to believe narratives which are wrong more often than they're righ correct. In the long run that's resulted in an echo chamber effect - and would have even in strictly business model terms, though exacerbated by political interests - in which Fox (for an obvious example) in catering to those tendencies has reinforced and therefore created an increased demand for an even greater bias in coverage and content.

More and more over the past three years I think it's absolutely imperative that every sensible person start trying to understand this relatively straightforward analysis of how such a shocking and deep epistemic divide has split the USA (and increasingly other countries too):
> Two parties serving a billionaire class
> Wedge issue politics as diversion from more serious issues
> Everyone's use of various simplifying heuristics to help us 'understand' our incredibly complex world

> Heuristic mechanisms co-opted and cyclically reinforced in service to one 'side' of those divisive/diversionary wedge issues

Dismissing the 'other side' as simply evil is not only inhumane and a little unfair - not to mention doing exactly the same thing as they are claiming against you - but most importantly it is actively playing into the hands of the divide-and-rule strategy which is probably the biggest cause of all of these symptoms to begin with. And that's truly sad, because if there were any faint glimmer of hope over the past decade it's that Trump's "drain the swamp" rhetoric - however cynically self-serving - actually appealed to people... conservatives who on some level are just as sick of the billionaire dog and pony show as many on the left.
Okay, so if we condense the long-windedness and unnecessary jargon here, this is basically just a dime-a-dozen socialist or Marxist rant about "corporate" power being the boogie man here. Obviously "sensationalist" media and propaganda is a thing, but this diatribe is just another sensationalist propaganda piece in its own right which definitely begs the question.

Also, I can't take anyone with the self loathe to use a FSM avatar seriously, sorry. It's almost up there with incels who use anime avatars in the list if of things which should immediately discredit anything else the poster in question is trying to say.

The ugly fat girl. Yeah, I know that asshole.
Oh I totally believe that you know a lot about assholes.
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Don't you just love it when people who are completely illiterate about how our laws work and have never even read or watched an actual criminal trial attempt to chime in on things they know nothing about?

Doesn't matter whether this dude was the pizzagate shooter or Osama bin Laden, there's an actual procedure for trying, convicting, and sentencing people. Please learn about it.

Please... this thread and probably your entire post count is a violation of the forum TOS, so don't let that stop you bucko.

This thread sucks so much I should've just laughed it off and moved on, but I couldn't resist trying to move it back in the direction of sanity a bit. :D
You failed.
Anyone remember 2020 and how most right wing drones kept rambling about "Save the Children? It was the Quanon right wing conspiracy that everyone, mainly Democrats, Hollywood, and Trump's 'enemies" were all pedo's, and Trump was some justice warrior going to bring them all down.

This is how these people roll. Mind you, the GOP is rife with pedo's and sexual predators, including their former president, but they'll dismiss that all as "fake news"...as they are instructed to do by their GOP masters.
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.

MTG is NOT the whole Republican Party, as you continue in your lead sentence, Collins, Murkowski and Romney do not agree with her. Are they not part of the Republican Party?

MTG is a lunatic.
Oh, yeah. Republicans don't care about anyone who isn't white, Christian, straight, and wealthy. Anyone else can pound sand, according to today's Republican. Also Republican's are traitors to this nation. They embrace Putin, a war criminal.

Republicans are evil, plain and simple.
Independents are dumb, plain and simple.

Now, I personally know any Independents, but that doesn't matter. I'm going to broad brush the entire group, well, because that's what I do.

See? Dumb.
Okay, so if we condense the long-windedness and unnecessary jargon here, this is basically just a dime-a-dozen socialist or Marxist rant about "corporate" power being the boogie man here. Obviously "sensationalist" media and propaganda is a thing, but this diatribe is just another sensationalist propaganda piece in its own right which definitely begs the question.

Also, I can't take anyone with the self loathe to use a FSM avatar seriously, sorry. It's almost up there with incels who use anime avatars in the list if of things which should immediately discredit anything else the poster in question is trying to say.

Oh I totally believe that you know a lot about assholes.
I see you're off to a great start here.
MTG is NOT the whole Republican Party, as you continue in your lead sentence, Collins, Murkowski and Romney do not agree with her. Are they not part of the Republican Party?

MTG is a lunatic.

Plenty of Republican senators, some who are considered presidential timber, said pretty much the same thing during the confirmation hearings.

And no one in party leadership, or otherwise, have stepped up to criticize her.
Okay, so if we condense the long-windedness and unnecessary jargon here, this is basically just a dime-a-dozen socialist or Marxist rant about "corporate" power being the boogie man here. Obviously "sensationalist" media and propaganda is a thing, but this diatribe is just another sensationalist propaganda piece in its own right which definitely begs the question.
Welcome to the forum, or perhaps welcome back judging by some of your comments. Would you say you're here more to learn, or to share, or to fight? Getting the pretty strong impression it's the latter, which is a little sad, but it takes all sorts to make a world (y)

Also, I can't take anyone with the self loathe to use a FSM avatar seriously, sorry. It's almost up there with incels who use anime avatars in the list if of things which should immediately discredit anything else the poster in question is trying to say.
Obviously this says quite a bit more about you than about anyone else. For my part, since you kind of asked, I love humour and noodles and there's something rather profound about the observation that religious believers tend to create god in their own image; a great deal of wisdom has been lost since the stories of Jacob's wrestling match at Peniel and Moses' first encounter with YHVH.
Independents are dumb, plain and simple.

Now, I personally know any Independents, but that doesn't matter. I'm going to broad brush the entire group, well, because that's what I do.

See? Dumb.
Your broken English post aside. It doesn't matter that not all Republicans are assholes when it's the assholes who are in charge.

Get it now?

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