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Why MTG called 3 GOP Senators "Pro-Pedophile" for Supporting Jackson's Supreme Court Nomination (1 Viewer)

RIP U.S. Democracy

DP Veteran
Jan 17, 2022
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Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.
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Where did you get 25% from? Most likely it is 95 percent of Republicans.

See this article. --

But a quarter of Republicans agree with those sentiments, according to a PRRI report released Thursday that was based on data from four separate polls it conducted. So does 16% of the population as a whole – or, Jackson notes, about 44 million people.

I agree that 95% of Republicans are willing to kiss QAnon ass for more votes, without question. However, do 95% of Republicans REALLY believe the whole Democrat Satan-worshipping, children-eating bullshit? I sure hope not.
I agree that 95% of Republicans are willing to kiss QAnon ass for more votes, without question. However, do 95% of Republicans REALLY believe the whole Democrat Satan-worshipping, children-eating bullshit? I sure hope not.

Uh, what? I don't know a single Democrat who worships Satan or eats children.
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.

What is MTG?
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.
It's the Neanderthal in her. It shows right around the eyes
Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.
Oh, yeah. Republicans don't care about anyone who isn't white, Christian, straight, and wealthy. Anyone else can pound sand, according to today's Republican. Also Republican's are traitors to this nation. They embrace Putin, a war criminal.

Republicans are evil, plain and simple.
It's the Neanderthal in her. It shows right around the eyes
Please be kind to her, ma'am. After all - it was she who exposed those nasty, "Jewish Space Lasers".

Also, I hear she has a real problem with tomato-based police (Gazpacho Police).

She's a moron. All who voted for that disgusting piece of trailer trash should and likely will - go to Hell.
Where did you get 25% from? Most likely it is 95 percent of Republicans.

Hillary made the mistake of "backing off".

Link to cached page of article,

Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ speech shocked voters five years ago — but some feel it was prescient​

By Roxanne Roberts
August 31, 2021
There were two kinds of Donald Trump supporters, she explained: Voters who feel abandoned and desperate, who she placed in one metaphorical basket, and those she called “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic” — her “basket of deplorables.”

Trump — the same man who announced his candidacy by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” — clutched his proverbial pearls, aghast that his opponent had uttered such a shocking slander. His campaign turned that insult into an asset; supporters wore hats and shirts proudly declaring themselves deplorable. Pundits seized on the phrase, debating who does and doesn’t deserve to be called that. Five years later, many believe “deplorables” — figuratively and literally — are here to stay..."

Clinton expresses regret for saying 'half' of Trump supporters ...

https://www.cnn.com › 2016/09/09 › politics › hillary-cli...
Sep 12, 2016 — Hillary Clinton expressed "regret" Saturday for comments in which she said "half" of Donald Trump's supporters are "deplorables," meaning ...
Hillary made the mistake of "backing off".

Link to cached page of article,

Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ speech shocked voters five years ago — but some feel it was prescient​

By Roxanne Roberts
August 31, 2021

Clinton expresses regret for saying 'half' of Trump supporters ...

https://www.cnn.com › 2016/09/09 › politics › hillary-cli...
Sep 12, 2016 — Hillary Clinton expressed "regret" Saturday for comments in which she said "half" of Donald Trump's supporters are "deplorables," meaning ...
If Clinton had doubled-down and called Republican voters "racist assholes" like they are, she very well may have won the election.
Oh, yeah. Republicans don't care about anyone who isn't white, Christian, straight, and wealthy. Anyone else can pound sand, according to today's Republican. Also Republican's are traitors to this nation. They embrace Putin, a war criminal.

Republicans are evil, plain and simple.

They care more about a non-Christian than all Christians combined. Donald Trump is a son of Satan. He and Vladimir Putin are anti-Christian in every way.
Oh, yeah. Republicans don't care about anyone who isn't white, Christian, straight, and wealthy. Anyone else can pound sand, according to today's Republican. Also Republican's are traitors to this nation. They embrace Putin, a war criminal.

Republicans are evil, plain and simple.
No. They're not. They're ordinary people like you or I. For the most part they're victims of decades of deliberate propaganda campaigns and 'wedge issue' politics, structurally generated by a two party system heavily beholden to a donor class of billionaires and mega corporations who (unsurprisingly) would much rather that the big divisive 'issues' in politics be about comparatively trivial matters like immigration, guns, CRT etc. etc. than about climate change, inequality, corporate power and the world-eating system of current capitalism.

We've agglomerated an incredibly complex civilization around ourselves such that few if any can really have a full appreciation of everything going on in society and the world at large, so we all turn to simplifying heuristics (eg. 'trust the experts,' 'trust the preachers,' 'fight the power,' 'fight the commies') to try to construct a coherent narrative/worldview for ourselves, and unfortunately those with conservative tendencies have been fed and are more inclined to believe narratives which are wrong more often than they're righ correct. In the long run that's resulted in an echo chamber effect - and would have even in strictly business model terms, though exacerbated by political interests - in which Fox (for an obvious example) in catering to those tendencies has reinforced and therefore created an increased demand for an even greater bias in coverage and content.

More and more over the past three years I think it's absolutely imperative that every sensible person start trying to understand this relatively straightforward analysis of how such a shocking and deep epistemic divide has split the USA (and increasingly other countries too):
> Two parties serving a billionaire class
> Wedge issue politics as diversion from more serious issues
> Everyone's use of various simplifying heuristics to help us 'understand' our incredibly complex world

> Heuristic mechanisms co-opted and cyclically reinforced in service to one 'side' of those divisive/diversionary wedge issues

Dismissing the 'other side' as simply evil is not only inhumane and a little unfair - not to mention doing exactly the same thing as they are claiming against you - but most importantly it is actively playing into the hands of the divide-and-rule strategy which is probably the biggest cause of all of these symptoms to begin with. And that's truly sad, because if there were any faint glimmer of hope over the past decade it's that Trump's "drain the swamp" rhetoric - however cynically self-serving - actually appealed to people... conservatives who on some level are just as sick of the billionaire dog and pony show as many on the left.
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Why did MTG call GOP Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney "Pro-Pedophile" for supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination? It's actually quite simple.

MTG is ****ing crazy and she believes in QAnon, just like approximately 25% of deranged, evil GQP voters.

Ketanji Brown Jackson was the judge who sentenced the crazy Pizzagate shooter to 4 years in prison back in 2017. QAnon believers like MTG are still butthurt about this fact.

This is how evil and dangerous the Republican Party has become. They must never hold power at the Federal level in this country again.
They are the party. MTG is just signalling to the Qanon crowd.
No. They're not. They're ordinary people like you or I. For the most part they're victims of decades of deliberate propaganda campaigns and 'wedge issue' politics, structurally generated by a two party system heavily beholden to a donor class of billionaires and mega corporations who (unsurprisingly) would much rather that the big divisive 'issues' in politics be about comparatively trivial matters like immigration, guns, CRT etc. etc. than about climate change, inequality, corporate power and the world-eating system of current capitalism.

We've agglomerated an incredibly complex civilization around ourselves such that few if any can really have a full appreciation of everything going on in society and the world at large, so we all turn to simplifying heuristics (eg. 'trust the experts,' 'trust the preachers,' 'fight the power,' 'fight the commies') to try to construct a coherent narrative/worldview for ourselves, and unfortunately those with conservative tendencies have been fed and are more inclined to believe narratives which are wrong more often than they're righ correct. In the long run that's resulted in an echo chamber effect - and would have even in strictly business model terms, though exacerbated by political interests - in which Fox (for an obvious example) in catering to those tendencies has reinforced and therefore created an increased demand for an even greater bias in coverage and content.

More and more over the past three years I think it's absolutely imperative that every sensible person start trying to understand this relatively straightforward analysis of how such a shocking and deep epistemic divide has split the USA (and increasingly other countries too):
> Two parties serving a billionaire class
> Wedge issue politics as diversion from more serious issues
> Everyone's use of various simplifying heuristics to help us 'understand' our incredibly complex world

> Heuristic mechanisms co-opted and cyclically reinforced in service to one 'side' of those divisive/diversionary wedge issues

Dismissing the 'other side' as simply evil is not only inhumane and a little unfair - not to mention doing exactly the same thing as they are claiming against you - but most importantly it is actively playing into the hands of the divide-and-rule strategy which is probably the biggest cause of all of these symptoms to begin with. And that's truly sad, because if there were any faint glimmer of hope over the past decade it's that Trump's "drain the swamp" rhetoric - however cynically self-serving - actually appealed to people... conservatives who on some level are just as sick of the billionaire dog and pony show as many on the left.

The Republicans aren't victims of anything. They are evil sociopathic, racist greedy pricks. They need to play "victim" to cover their evil cynical ways.

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