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Why It's Foolish To Select Kasich As VP (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2013
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Out West
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Throughout this entire race I've been a loud proponent of Kasich being a strong VP pick despite me disliking him personally. I've often touted the state of Ohio being so pivotal that despite his flaws he should still be considered for VP. However I've been thinking about two things and after Indiana I've changed my mind. This change of heart has nothing to do with his potential strength he would bring but his temperament.

I got an inkling of it when Kasich backed out of the Salt Lake City debate because Trump wasn't there. There are plenty of reasons I'd have considered justified for not being there. Scheduling conflict, family emergency, candidate not feeling well; I'd even have been more forgiving if Kasich had said they'd plain forgotten about it. But when Kasich said he wouldn't be at the debate because Trump wouldn't be there it really made me question his purpose for running. He is voluntarily passing up a chance to get upwards of 50% screentime for three hours because Trump won't be there? That excuse was weak. For the entire race Kasich was pissing and moaning bout how he wasn't being given enough attention and if he really wanted to be president he'd get out there and make the pitch to the people: to the delegates. But he took a pass. This came across as a weak and feckless move and suggested to me that he really had nothing worth hearing.

The other issue is how he is apparently very dishonest and stabs people in the back. Recall that Rubio and Kasich were supposed to campaign on behalf of one another in their own respective home states. Rubio did just that. He told people not to vote for him in Ohio and that they should vote for Kasich. However Kasich didn't return the favor. He kept right on campaigning in Florida. In an interesting twist, Rubio's efforts quite possibly saved Kasich's ass in Ohio and got him his one and only win. But that was just foreshadowing to Kasich's next bit of dishonesty.

The Cruz-Kasich movement announced that they would forge a deal to stop Trump. Within days, Kasich backed out of the deal and eviscerated Cruz. He verbally put a knife in Cruz' back. Not only was this move potentially suicidal, it showed that he was a typical dishonest politician who will say one thing and then do the other. It's possible that what Kasich did had no real effect on the Indiana race: for sure Ted Cruz self inflicted wounds continued to mount. However it doesn't matter that Kasich's betrayal had no effect, what matters is that he did it. Kasich went back on his deal.

And that's why Kasich should not be Trump's VP. Kasich is like the story about the Frog and the Scorpion. Kasich is a turncoat. He might even turn on Trump before the general election just for giggles. He's unreliable as a partner.
Trump wants Cruz to be his VP, but Cruz is not interested. He will try to force his hand by publicly asking Ted to be his running mate. Cruz will turn him down and Trump will then ask Krispy Kreme, aka Chris Christie to be his running mate.
Throughout this entire race I've been a loud proponent of Kasich being a strong VP pick despite me disliking him personally. I've often touted the state of Ohio being so pivotal that despite his flaws he should still be considered for VP. However I've been thinking about two things and after Indiana I've changed my mind. This change of heart has nothing to do with his potential strength he would bring but his temperament.

I got an inkling of it when Kasich backed out of the Salt Lake City debate because Trump wasn't there. There are plenty of reasons I'd have considered justified for not being there. Scheduling conflict, family emergency, candidate not feeling well; I'd even have been more forgiving if Kasich had said they'd plain forgotten about it. But when Kasich said he wouldn't be at the debate because Trump wouldn't be there it really made me question his purpose for running. He is voluntarily passing up a chance to get upwards of 50% screentime for three hours because Trump won't be there? That excuse was weak. For the entire race Kasich was pissing and moaning bout how he wasn't being given enough attention and if he really wanted to be president he'd get out there and make the pitch to the people: to the delegates. But he took a pass. This came across as a weak and feckless move and suggested to me that he really had nothing worth hearing.

The other issue is how he is apparently very dishonest and stabs people in the back. Recall that Rubio and Kasich were supposed to campaign on behalf of one another in their own respective home states. Rubio did just that. He told people not to vote for him in Ohio and that they should vote for Kasich. However Kasich didn't return the favor. He kept right on campaigning in Florida. In an interesting twist, Rubio's efforts quite possibly saved Kasich's ass in Ohio and got him his one and only win. But that was just foreshadowing to Kasich's next bit of dishonesty.

The Cruz-Kasich movement announced that they would forge a deal to stop Trump. Within days, Kasich backed out of the deal and eviscerated Cruz. He verbally put a knife in Cruz' back. Not only was this move potentially suicidal, it showed that he was a typical dishonest politician who will say one thing and then do the other. It's possible that what Kasich did had no real effect on the Indiana race: for sure Ted Cruz self inflicted wounds continued to mount. However it doesn't matter that Kasich's betrayal had no effect, what matters is that he did it. Kasich went back on his deal.

And that's why Kasich should not be Trump's VP. Kasich is like the story about the Frog and the Scorpion. Kasich is a turncoat. He might even turn on Trump before the general election just for giggles. He's unreliable as a partner.

Unless he had a deal worked out with Trump already, say just before Ohio-Florida... No proof of that, of course, but would it surprise anyone?
kasich is an establishment shill. Trump needs to pick one man and one man only; chris christie. with this ticket the north east will split.
Trump wants Cruz to be his VP, but Cruz is not interested.


He will try to force his hand by publicly asking Ted to be his running mate. Cruz will turn him down and Trump will then ask Krispy Kreme, aka Chris Christie to be his running mate.

I think Christie wants the AG job.

I think Christie wants the AG job.

All complete speculation on my part. Trump wants the conservative vote without having to work for it. That means getting Cruz's endorsement, which he is not going to get unless he asks Cruz to be his running mate. But Cruz being the stand up guy he is will turn it down. So he will hit up the obvious choice, Christie, which he is hoping will help him win the north east.
Throughout this entire race I've been a loud proponent of Kasich being a strong VP pick despite me disliking him personally. I've often touted the state of Ohio being so pivotal that despite his flaws he should still be considered for VP. However I've been thinking about two things and after Indiana I've changed my mind. This change of heart has nothing to do with his potential strength he would bring but his temperament.

I got an inkling of it when Kasich backed out of the Salt Lake City debate because Trump wasn't there. There are plenty of reasons I'd have considered justified for not being there. Scheduling conflict, family emergency, candidate not feeling well; I'd even have been more forgiving if Kasich had said they'd plain forgotten about it. But when Kasich said he wouldn't be at the debate because Trump wouldn't be there it really made me question his purpose for running. He is voluntarily passing up a chance to get upwards of 50% screentime for three hours because Trump won't be there? That excuse was weak. For the entire race Kasich was pissing and moaning bout how he wasn't being given enough attention and if he really wanted to be president he'd get out there and make the pitch to the people: to the delegates. But he took a pass. This came across as a weak and feckless move and suggested to me that he really had nothing worth hearing.

The other issue is how he is apparently very dishonest and stabs people in the back. Recall that Rubio and Kasich were supposed to campaign on behalf of one another in their own respective home states. Rubio did just that. He told people not to vote for him in Ohio and that they should vote for Kasich. However Kasich didn't return the favor. He kept right on campaigning in Florida. In an interesting twist, Rubio's efforts quite possibly saved Kasich's ass in Ohio and got him his one and only win. But that was just foreshadowing to Kasich's next bit of dishonesty.

The Cruz-Kasich movement announced that they would forge a deal to stop Trump. Within days, Kasich backed out of the deal and eviscerated Cruz. He verbally put a knife in Cruz' back. Not only was this move potentially suicidal, it showed that he was a typical dishonest politician who will say one thing and then do the other. It's possible that what Kasich did had no real effect on the Indiana race: for sure Ted Cruz self inflicted wounds continued to mount. However it doesn't matter that Kasich's betrayal had no effect, what matters is that he did it. Kasich went back on his deal.

And that's why Kasich should not be Trump's VP. Kasich is like the story about the Frog and the Scorpion. Kasich is a turncoat. He might even turn on Trump before the general election just for giggles. He's unreliable as a partner.

Yeah, I would have to say that I largely agree. I've always thought John Kasich was a total sack of **** and the only reason that's been ignored this election is because Trump has been such a sacrosanct, loud, thundering blowhard that he's gotten 99% of the media attention. But Kasich is a real piece of ****, on the level that Hillary is. He's the typical, slimey, disgusting politician that Americans have agreed that they hate for about a year now.

At this point, it would behoove Trump to pick a strong female VP, but just like it would behoove Hillary to pick a strong progressive VP, I don't think that either are going to do what they should.
Trump wants Cruz to be his VP, but Cruz is not interested. He will try to force his hand by publicly asking Ted to be his running mate. Cruz will turn him down and Trump will then ask Krispy Kreme, aka Chris Christie to be his running mate.

God help us all if it's donut boy!!

To much has been said between the two GOP front runners for them to be on the same ticket. Besides, Trump wants someone who can work with Congress, and that is not no friends Ted. UNless of course the Senate has a need to listen to Ted recite green Eggs and Ham on the senate floor, what a tool lol
All complete speculation on my part. Trump wants the conservative vote without having to work for it. That means getting Cruz's endorsement, which he is not going to get unless he asks Cruz to be his running mate. But Cruz being the stand up guy he is will turn it down. So he will hit up the obvious choice, Christie, which he is hoping will help him win the north east.

Cruz doesn't help him win any swing states and Trump can win Texas without him. Personally I'd look at Rob Portman, but he can be considered a bit dull.
Trump is not going to pick a VP based on logic or political sensibility!

Have you guys actually followed his campaign so far?

He'll pick someone 'out of the box', probably a woman, probably an obedient and hot one.

Palin is an option, but too much baggage.

Haley would be good, but she'd be committing career suicide.

Jan Brewer isn't hot enough.

Carly is a possibility, she's made story by losing the same primary twice, so why not three times in one year?

But my money is on Kim Kardashian. Or maybe Ivanka.
Cruz doesn't help him win any swing states and Trump can win Texas without him. Personally I'd look at Rob Portman, but he can be considered a bit dull.

Hey i never said it was smart... Trump has a love for the spotlight, likes to be the center of attention. No one knows who Rob Portman is so no way Trump would think of choosing him. He wants something that gives the biggest media explosion.
Cruz doesn't help him win any swing states and Trump can win Texas without him. Personally I'd look at Rob Portman, but he can be considered a bit dull.

I don't think Portman would take it. That could give a senate seat to the Democrats. Voters don't tend to like it when someone runs for national office and local at the same time. And even if they win that means another competitive race in 2018 to replace him.
All complete speculation on my part. Trump wants the conservative vote without having to work for it. That means getting Cruz's endorsement, which he is not going to get unless he asks Cruz to be his running mate. But Cruz being the stand up guy he is will turn it down. So he will hit up the obvious choice, Christie, which he is hoping will help him win the north east.

Christie is deeply unpopular in New Jersey, not quite sure how that translates into Trump carrying New England.
Trump is not going to pick a VP based on logic or political sensibility!

Have you guys actually followed his campaign so far?

He'll pick someone 'out of the box', probably a woman, probably an obedient and hot one.

Palin is an option, but too much baggage.

Haley would be good, but she'd be committing career suicide.

Jan Brewer isn't hot enough.

Carly is a possibility, she's made story by losing the same primary twice, so why not three times in one year?

But my money is on Kim Kardashian. Or maybe Ivanka.

Ivanka is a smart lady. Personable, and without her fathers bravado, for sure the standout in his brood. The boys come off as a bit stuck up, but I could be wrong as I do not know either one.
Hey i never said it was smart... Trump has a love for the spotlight, likes to be the center of attention. No one knows who Rob Portman is so no way Trump would think of choosing him. He wants something that gives the biggest media explosion.

All you need in a VP is one that's not controversial and can walk and chew gum at the same time. Portman is that plus he's smart and would come across well at the VP debate.
All you need in a VP is one that's not controversial and can walk and chew gum at the same time. Portman is that plus he's smart and would come across well at the VP debate.

You think chump wants to choose one that is not controversial?
You think chump wants to choose one that is not controversial?

Who the **** knows what Trump will do. I wouldn't be surprised if he introduces a cardboard cutout of himself or his daughter as a running mate.
Who the **** knows what Trump will do. I wouldn't be surprised if he introduces a cardboard cutout of himself or his daughter as a running mate.

Cardboard cutout, what a promotional idea!! He could pass them out at the convention.
Trump wants Cruz to be his VP, but Cruz is not interested. He will try to force his hand by publicly asking Ted to be his running mate. Cruz will turn him down and Trump will then ask Krispy Kreme, aka Chris Christie to be his running mate.

That would be a very bad move for Cruz, to sign on as Trump's VP. No matter what the outcome of the election, Cruz loses.

I really don't see what Christie brings to the table; it's highly doubtful he could deliver NJ, which is the brass-tacks point of the VP slot. That's why Kasich is still his best option: Trump needs Ohio, and Kasich has the best chance of delivering it. Trump doesn't need Cruz for Texas, and even if he did, he's lost the general anyway if Texas is a battleground.

Unless Trump pulls a very large rabbit out of his...somewhere, it looks like the pubs have booted for the second time in a row on what should have been a gimme. Here's one idea that I've been thinking about for a few days: Trump needs to give a speech explaining why people should vote for Clinton. It could start off with his usual casualness, emphasizing that he is not a politician. I'm not a speech writer, but something like this:

Good evening everyone. I'm gonna do things a bit differently tonight. I'm going to tell you why you should vote for my opponent, Hillary Rodham Clinton. She's had a long career, first as a lawyer, then as a governor's wife, then as a president's wife, then as a Senator, and finally as a secretary of state. So, she's been in the political arena for well over 30 years, with plenty of experience as a politician. Me? I'm new to it, this is my first time running for anything, and I would do things differently than a career politician. So, if you want more of the same, Clinton is your obvious choice. As secretary of state, she was instrumental in maintaining business as usual in the middle east, as well as expanding the US role in global trade agreements. So, if you like how things are going there, as well as here, then she's your obvious choice. Finally, she was the architect of what became known as Obama Care, you know, the one where you could keep your doctor and costs would go down. So, if you're happy with your insurance premiums, then Clinton is your obvious choice.

But, if you want to try something different, if you want somebody besides a career politician, if you want something other than the same old same old, then I'm your guy.

Ok, like I said, I'm not a speech writer, plus I can't say for sure what are really the hot button issues at the national level, but I think Trump needs something big if he stands a chance in this race.
Cardboard cutout, what a promotional idea!! He could pass them out at the convention.

Ironically that is what graduates of Trump's "school" got instead of a pic with the Don himself that they were promised.
Ironically that is what graduates of Trump's "school" got instead of a pic with the Don himself that they were promised.

Oh crap LoL

I just spit by blunt out of my mouth

Medicinal of course !!

Did the cardboard cutout come with a hairpiece, or is it extra?
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