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Why is nobody talking about this? (1 Viewer)


Feb 15, 2006
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Very Liberal
For those of you who thought that W. cares about homeland security. The Bush administration has reached a new low in outsourcing. This is something that every American should know.

WASHINGTON Feb 11, 2006 (AP)— A company in the United Arab Emirates is poised to take over significant operations at six American ports as part of a corporate sale, leaving a country with ties to the Sept. 11 hijackers with influence over a maritime industry considered vulnerable to terrorism.




multiple links for all you Bushies who need to read the same thing over and over from separate sources before you believe it
We certainly need to proceed cautiously when allowing foreign companies some degree of control over our homeland security. But why are you so quick to condemn this? Do you know anything about this company? What ties does Dubai have to the 9/11 hijackers? Perhaps I've overlooked something, but I've always thought of Dubai as one of our most reliable allies in the Middle East (aside from Israel).

Cassapolis said:
multiple links for all you Bushies who need to read the same thing over and over from separate sources before you believe it

Cute. But three different stories would've been more convincing than the same story at three different URLs.
read the article please it points out how UAE has in fact not been all that cooperative
What's the surprise? We all know Bush Inc is in bed with big oil. Who's the provider for big oil? See the connection now? No surprise.
Cassapolis said:
read the article please it points out how UAE has in fact not been all that cooperative
Doesn't matter, point it they want to outsource to UAE.
Cassapolis said:
read the article please it points out how UAE has in fact not been all that cooperative

I see maybe two vague sentences in this article that suggest Dubai was uncooperative in tracking al-Qaeda's finances. I'm gonna need to see a little bit more evidence than that.
Kandahar said:
I see maybe two vague sentences in this article that suggest Dubai was uncooperative in tracking al-Qaeda's finances. I'm gonna need to see a little bit more evidence than that.

I'm sorry what i said was kinda off base, the scary thing about this isn't exactly how the UAE has been uncooperative but the fact that we know that the UAE was in fact a major country for the terrorists to do their dealings. And now we have opened the door for them just a little bit more. I may be ignorant on this but i haven't heard much if anything on terror cells being busted in the UAE. I'm really more concerned that none of the "left wing" media is talking about this.
Cassapolis said:
I'm sorry what i said was kinda off base, the scary thing about this isn't exactly how the UAE has been uncooperative but the fact that we know that the UAE was in fact a major country for the terrorists to do their dealings. And now we have opened the door for them just a little bit more. I may be ignorant on this but i haven't heard much if anything on terror cells being busted in the UAE. I'm really more concerned that none of the "left wing" media is talking about this.

I've heard that Dubai is the one of the most modern, Westernized countries in the Arab world, so it's highly likely that the reason terror cells haven't been busted there is because they simply don't exist. But I could be wrong.

You're probably right that the terrorists did a lot of their financial dealings in Dubai. But that probably has less to do with Dubai supporting terrorism, and more to do with the fact that there are simply more financial opportunities for EVERYONE there than elsewhere in the Arab world.
Our country has been in bed with the Saudi Royal Family for a long time. Not just dems or republicans either. Doesn't matter who's in charge we're in bed with the Saudi Royal Family. The problem is the Saudi Royal family is under attack in Saudi Arabia. The question is whether or not the Royal family will be able to continue to control their population and what will happen when they do finally completely loose control.

It's a problem for everyone no matter what your political party. And it's none one that's going to be easily solved by anyone.
This issue is starting to gather momentum. And I got a hunch this will be a big, big story in this country.
Billo_Really said:
This issue is starting to gather momentum. And I got a hunch this will be a big, big story in this country.

It should already be. along with the missing $9 billion
talloulou said:
Our country has been in bed with the Saudi Royal Family for a long time. Not just dems or republicans either. Doesn't matter who's in charge we're in bed with the Saudi Royal Family. The problem is the Saudi Royal family is under attack in Saudi Arabia. The question is whether or not the Royal family will be able to continue to control their population and what will happen when they do finally completely loose control.

It's a problem for everyone no matter what your political party. And it's none one that's going to be easily solved by anyone.

This is quite Coulter-Ish. I disagree. We should not give up on justice and reform. Nothing is this cut and dry. Nothing is this pubescent. We can and will restore power to the people of the United states of America. I don't care how deep your apology runs.
I notice that the neo-cons on this site are not responding to this post, why is this?
Conflict said:
This is quite Coulter-Ish. I disagree. We should not give up on justice and reform. Nothing is this cut and dry. Nothing is this pubescent. We can and will restore power to the people of the United states of America. I don't care how deep your apology runs.

What, are you disagreeing that we are in bed with the Arab Royal families? Are you disagreeing that we cater to the Arab royals regardless of which party is in office? If you are......why? Explain yourself.
jfuh said:
I notice that the neo-cons on this site are not responding to this post, why is this?

Maybe 'cause there were so many other "sale of port threads"?????
talloulou said:
Maybe 'cause there were so many other "sale of port threads"?????

yeah but i posted it 1st look at the date i posted it..at the time everyone was talking abou the VP shootig that guy in the face

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