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Why I care little about The Twitter sale (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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I guess there are arguments on both sides of the Musk buying Twitter and allowing back those who either lied or used twitter to argue for violence. My problem is, why does anyone go on such a social media to get such information in the first place. Does anyone think they are getting any real "truths" from this site, really? I guess if you are part of one of the cults, like the trump cult, the White Supremacist cults, religious cults or some left wing cult, you might see this as the place to get your "orders or info" but are you really that stupid? I guess i am just too old to understand, but going on these sites to me, unless it is just friends exchanging plans to meet or updating your lives, seems a waste of time and makes you as stupid as the ones posting lies or inciting violence. If everyone who is worried about the site being totally open, then get off and it will be easier for the FBI and other federal agencies to sort out those who would incite the kind of violence we had in Washington on January 6th.
Twitter proves we can’t have nice things.
Musk has shown he is an incredible innovator. My hope is that he can innovate Twitter in ways not being done today by other social media.
Are you really having a hard time understanding the importance of Twitter because you don't use it? I almost don't use it either. It's important.
Musk has shown he is an incredible innovator. My hope is that he can innovate Twitter in ways not being done today by other social media.
I'd say he's been more of an entrepreneur than an innovator, though there's some truth to that; but if he wanted to 'innovate' he could have made a new platform to compete with Twitter. I wouldn't expect anything good to come from this, which appears to be little more than a rich political ideologue buying political power.
I'd say he's been more of an entrepreneur than an innovator, though there's some truth to that; but if he wanted to 'innovate' he could have made a new platform to compete with Twitter. I wouldn't expect anything good to come from this, which appears to be little more than a rich political ideologue buying political power.
What would you like to see come from this sale that would be "good"?
What would you like to see come from this sale that would be "good"?
That's a good and fair question, I thought a bit about that before, and I don't think I have an answer ready, but I'm just saying this is 'bad' and pointing out the systemic problems - how we SHOULD handle social media as public policy is a big topic.
I guess there are arguments on both sides of the Musk buying Twitter and allowing back those who either lied or used twitter to argue for violence. My problem is, why does anyone go on such a social media to get such information in the first place. Does anyone think they are getting any real "truths" from this site, really? I guess if you are part of one of the cults, like the trump cult, the White Supremacist cults, religious cults or some left wing cult, you might see this as the place to get your "orders or info" but are you really that stupid? I guess i am just too old to understand, but going on these sites to me, unless it is just friends exchanging plans to meet or updating your lives, seems a waste of time and makes you as stupid as the ones posting lies or inciting violence. If everyone who is worried about the site being totally open, then get off and it will be easier for the FBI and other federal agencies to sort out those who would incite the kind of violence we had in Washington on January 6th.

This is like CNN being purchased by someone on the right. It is a big deal even though some Democrats want to pretend it isn't.
Opinion noted.

If it wasn't a big deal, it wouldn't be a major topic of discussion on all social media platforms, talk shows and news networks. :)
If it wasn't a big deal, it wouldn't be a major topic of discussion on all social media platforms, talk shows and news networks. :)
That's not a test for whether something is "a big deal."
The only time I cared about Twitter was when they banned a famous person. That might be why they do it.
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