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Why Hillary? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I keep hearing all this talk about Mrs. Clinton running for the democrats but omg I hope she doesn't win. Does anyone else hate her? I'm a liberal and generally more supportive for liberal canidates but there is something about her that I absolutely cannot stand. I hate when people think because I'm a liberal that I support her. I absolutely hate her guts. Especially since that incident with GTA:SA where she started this huge thing so that they could make Rockstar games pay for a modification that was made by someone who bought the game and made it for others to download. So she makes this into a huge thing so she can gain support from those idiot chrisitan mothers who think that they should control everything that I see and read.

Anyone else dislike/hate Hillary Clinton?
FinnMacCool said:
I keep hearing all this talk about Mrs. Clinton running for the democrats but omg I hope she doesn't win. Does anyone else hate her? I'm a liberal and generally more supportive for liberal canidates but there is something about her that I absolutely cannot stand. I hate when people think because I'm a liberal that I support her. I absolutely hate her guts. Especially since that incident with GTA:SA where she started this huge thing so that they could make Rockstar games pay for a modification that was made by someone who bought the game and made it for others to download. So she makes this into a huge thing so she can gain support from those idiot chrisitan mothers who think that they should control everything that I see and read.

Anyone else dislike/hate Hillary Clinton?

I think that perhaps YOU hate her IS because she is pretending to be more of a moderate these days.

Of course I could be wrong because I really do not know you. Many liberals are upset with her because of her NEED to be percieved as "moderate" for her to EVER have a chance of picking up some undecided votes etc.

THe clinton's will say, or do ANY g-damn thing to get elected, ..& that is the truth, it just depends on what type of crowds they were addressing, or mugging for.

Perhaps Hillary is not quite liberal enough for you, ..or the fact that she has been breaking bread with republicans??

Do not indulge in needless worry, or handwringing...as I assure you that even IF she gets the democratic nomination, she or any other liberal will NOT win the presidential election in 08'!

I hope that this will not sadden you too much!;)
I will not be happy with Hillary in office. She would treat the military like her husband. She wouldn't have to, but she would.

Plus, she would make me have to stay in the Corps longer, because there is no way that I am getting retirement papers with her signature on it.
I personally can't stand her for many reasons.

One mentioned was the lack of personal responsibility.

The other is I can't stand the thought of a woman president. IMO, I think it would seriously compromise the stability and security of the country.

Women think with their emotions first and logic second. It's the way we were created. We weren't created to be leader, but the helper.


I respectfully ask that you watch the "idiot Christian mother's" comments. While I am not a mother, I am a step mother. And a Christian one at that. And I am not an idiot.I realize that you were not addressing me directly, however I do read what it written here.

I do not agree with censorship imposed on anything. Warnings and ratings are fine. However, I do reserve the right to censor the things in my own home.

The word "idiot" is my problem.

You are very perceptive of Hillary's motivations. It goes to her " it takes a village to raise a child" ideology which in my opinion is not only ridiculous but irresponsible. And degrading to any parent who takes an active role in the raising of their child.
I was actually pretty pissed off when I wrote this post but it would be lie for me to say that I have very little respect for radical christian mothers who think they can get the government to do their parenting for them while making the rest of us suffer. However I don't think you are one of them particularily by your name. If you were an extremist I'm sure you would've joined in the book burnings of Harry Potter.
FinnMacCool said:
I was actually pretty pissed off when I wrote this post but it would be lie for me to say that I have very little respect for radical christian mothers who think they can get the government to do their parenting for them while making the rest of us suffer. However I don't think you are one of them particularily by your name. If you were an extremist I'm sure you would've joined in the book burnings of Harry Potter.

Book burnings?
Yeah these christian whackos down south burned Harry Potter books cause they think it promotes witchcraft. idiots.
FinnMacCool said:
Yeah these christian whackos down south burned Harry Potter books cause they think it promotes witchcraft. idiots.

That's ludicrous...I'd rather burn witches.

By the way, I'm a Christian too, but I know of which "wackos" you speak of.
Yah. You see I put christians into two categories. Christians and Christian Whackos. Some people mistake that for an attack on christianity but really I don't have a problem with most christians.most.
Keeper of the Phoenix said:
I personally can't stand her for many reasons.

One mentioned was the lack of personal responsibility.

The other is I can't stand the thought of a woman president. IMO, I think it would seriously compromise the stability and security of the country.

Women think with their emotions first and logic second. It's the way we were created. We weren't created to be leader, but the helper.

Excuse me? Maybe you think with your emotions first and your logic second, but I can assure you that not all women do.

It is really upsetting that in the 21st century we still have people saying stuff like this.
This brings back flashbacks of Mary Wolfstonecraft. . . .

Ah well. I don't think women act only on emotion. Granted they do sometimes go crazy on me for no reason but Men and Women are completely different people. I know women that are smarter then me but if you say women act on emotion then you can also say that men are just stupid. Both of these generalizations are incorrect.

ah well. if I ever get married I would rather have a companion then a helper.
FinnMacCool said:
This brings back flashbacks of Mary Wolfstonecraft. . . .

Ah well. I don't think women act only on emotion. Granted they do sometimes go crazy on me for no reason but Men and Women are completely different people. I know women that are smarter then me but if you say women act on emotion then you can also say that men are just stupid. Both of these generalizations are incorrect.

ah well. if I ever get married I would rather have a companion then a helper.

Men go crazy on me too. Doesn't mean I think they ALL make bad leaders. That's insane...seems we have a word for it...ah yes. Sexist.
Kelzie said:
Excuse me? Maybe you think with your emotions first and your logic second, but I can assure you that not all women do.

It is really upsetting that in the 21st century we still have people saying stuff like this.

It's only been the 21st Century for under six years. Give it time........We'll pull our heads out of our assess sooner or later.:think:
I'm not really a christian. Its true that I was raised Catholic but I'm not very religious. I mean I do believe there is a God or at least some kind of higher being but I dunno. . .I'm not sure about my faith that much.

I feel that what I think is right I will do. as a catholic I'm not allowed to have "pre marital sex" (which just sucks for the people who don't plan on ever being married) or wear codoms etc. and I think thats all bullshit. As for abortion, I personally wouldn't want a girl I got pregnant aborting but I believe that its still a womans choice. Hell even if they do outlaw it, they will do it anyway and that could be very dangerous.

So yeah I'm not really sure what I am haha.

Wow this post got really off topic didn't it?
Well if I do ever sorta become a christian again of some sorts I don't think I will be Catholic. they restrict too much and they are way way too conservative.

I'm sure I will find my way...whatever way that is...thanks man.
Hillary will never get the nomination. When in history has the early favorite ever gotten the Democratic Nomination? She is nothing but a fund raising tool for the Republicans. All they have to do is mention her name and the checks start rolling in.
FinnMacCool said:
Well if I do ever sorta become a christian again of some sorts I don't think I will be Catholic. they restrict too much and they are way way too conservative.

I'm sure I will find my way...whatever way that is...thanks man.

Episcopalian is the way to go. Second largest denomination in the world, and much more socially liberal than the Catholic Church (other than that, its pretty much just like it).
Kelzie said:
Excuse me? Maybe you think with your emotions first and your logic second, but I can assure you that not all women do.

It is really upsetting that in the 21st century we still have people saying stuff like this.

I agree with you, though I would NEVER want Hillary in the White House. I can think of several women more qualified both professionally and ideologically than she is.
ludahai said:
I agree with you, though I would NEVER want Hillary in the White House. I can think of several women more qualified both professionally and ideologically than she is.

Margaret Thatcher...

If Arnie ever got his way, I would provide free airfare for Maggie to get her ass over here...
ludahai said:
I agree with you, though I would NEVER want Hillary in the White House. I can think of several women more qualified both professionally and ideologically than she is.

Like me? :2wave:
A Vegan in the White House?

Steak houses would close down. People would be out of work. Vegetarian stores would be springing up all across the country. Vegan food is expensive, so the economy would suffer. The bovine population would quadruple and there would be cow **** everywhere.

This is dangers water. I'd have to weigh the guilt I would feel for the out of job steakhouse employee that can't feed his family.
Last edited:
GySgt said:
A Vegan in the White House?

Steak houses would close down. People would be out of work. Vegetarian stores would be opening up everywhere. Vegan food is expensive, so the economy would suffer. The bovine population would quadruple and there would be cow **** everywhere.
Don't forget that cows are a big methane producer.

"What this country needs is tofu in every pot.":rofl
cnredd said:
Don't forget that cows are a big methane producer.

"What this country needs is tofu in every pot.":rofl

You're right. The Ozone later. WHAT ABOUT THE OZONE LAYER? We would have to compoletely kill the rain forest. Where would we get paper for our children in school? The education system would suffer.
cnredd said:
Don't forget that cows are a big methane producer.

"What this country needs is tofu in every pot.":rofl

You're right, the Ozone later. WHAT ABOUT THE OZONE LAYER!? We would have to compoletely kill the rain forest. Where would we get paper for our children in school? The education system would suffer.

**Check out my kick ass double post**

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