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Why everybody picking on the christans and the white man (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
What a bunch of crap :violin I can not believe all the right wing B--- S--- everybody is picking on the Catholics and the white man .......We the so called liberal news media ! honored the pope when he was in the hospital and when he got out of the hospital the so called liberal news media worship him then too........

Do I have to remind all you right wing wackos all the major LIBERAL still broadcast the pope on Christmas

The problem with the right wing wacko's is unless you buy into every word they preach they will say you are picking on them B--- S---

Why is everybody picking on the white man do I have to remind you that the rich ( Rich got Richer and the poor got poorer ) :violin people have made more money in the past 10 - 15 - 20 and the overwhelming majority of the were white men this is a fact

:duel :duel
Freedom69 said:
We the so called liberal news media ! honored the pope when he was in the hospital and when he got out of the hospital the so called liberal news media worship him then too

Ya and most of you honored Yasar Arafat too. :eek:
Freedom69 said:
What a bunch of crap :violin I can not believe all the right wing B--- S--- everybody is picking on the Catholics and the white man

Blather, blather..blahblahblahblah


move along. Nothing to see here.

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