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Why does organized religion insist on being a power player? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
Particularly in politics. Why does the Church (for most of us that'd be the one we would relate to) stress certain beliefs on others? Seriously, I can't see any secular reason to put creationism in our science classes at school, or any secular reasoning for the banning of gay marriage (though, most people find it repulsive) or abortion, as well.

I'm sure there are more examples I don't have. More skillful members might have better run of history.

Anyone elses thoughts?
I think it's because they want more power. . .seriously. The church used to be a major player in the world of politics but ever since the whole "seperation of church and state" thing, they are kinda being cast out. Thankfully, their efforts will ultimately fail as every generation moves farther and farther from religion.
FinnMacCool said:
I think it's because they want more power. . .seriously. The church used to be a major player in the world of politics but ever since the whole "seperation of church and state" thing, they are kinda being cast out. Thankfully, their efforts will ultimately fail as every generation moves farther and farther from religion.
They may move further away from organized religion, but not necessarily become nonbelievers or unreligious. Fundamentalists abound and are quite often, the noisiest. Thankfully at least charlatans and loopies are being outed :)
Churches have interests as much as any other 'group' that wants to promote its agenda. Think of them as Kellogg's....get the kids(in this case the people looking for something to validate their existence) to want it and buy it and you'll suck in the parents(government).
ngdawg said:
They may move further away from organized religion, but not necessarily become nonbelievers or unreligious. Fundamentalists abound and are quite often, the noisiest. Thankfully at least charlatans and loopies are being outed :)
Churches have interests as much as any other 'group' that wants to promote its agenda. Think of them as Kellogg's....get the kids(in this case the people looking for something to validate their existence) to want it and buy it and you'll suck in the parents(government).

There is nothing better than to stand for something you believe in, even if it's wrong. Organized religion is pretty much a joke as we have seen in the history books. Everyone has different beliefs and opinions about everything. Think of this, if you have something that you think will change people to believe just like you wouldn't you make your voice heard. This is exactly what these religious organizations are doing. I think it's funny that most of the things they believe in and stand behind are old mythical stories. I'm not anti-relgious but I am practical.

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