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Why do white supremacists cheer for russia and Putin? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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I have read that white supremacists see Russia and Putin as white Christians All I have to say is REALLY? Fuentes, who lead the conference said he wants Putin to be thee leader of this country and it seems that many GOOPers do to. The GOP has become the party of wantabe dictators. What has happened to the party that once fought against the communist and dictators of any kind all over the globe. Now they worship at the feet of some of the worst dictators on the planet. Some say Russia is a democracy. I guess i do not know a democracy that does not allow any peaceful demonstrations against the government and calls them riots. In fact, one demonstrator holding a sign aginst the government can be arrested for rioting in Russia. Democracy my ass.
Trump's crush on Putin made Putin an object of affection for a great number of his followers.

Trump thinks of himself as being in the image of Putin. That allowed some sort of transference to take place in the minds of Trump followers. Trump's fans blur Trump's image in with Putin's image, and that helps them view Trump as the strongman he wants to be, instead of the clownish slug that he actually is.
I have read that white supremacists see Russia and Putin as white Christians All I have to say is REALLY? Fuentes, who lead the conference said he wants Putin to be thee leader of this country and it seems that many GOOPers do to. The GOP has become the party of wantabe dictators. What has happened to the party that once fought against the communist and dictators of any kind all over the globe. Now they worship at the feet of some of the worst dictators on the planet. Some say Russia is a democracy. I guess i do not know a democracy that does not allow any peaceful demonstrations against the government and calls them riots. In fact, one demonstrator holding a sign aginst the government can be arrested for rioting in Russia. Democracy my ass.
Who in the hell are these "white supremacists" your side keeps talking about? I'm in my mid 50's and have lived all over the country, from Maryland to Arizona, to the Bay area in California... From Texas, to Missouri, and I even spent 4 years in Alabama, and I've never met one. From statistics I gathered during Obama's presidency, it was estimated there were between 10 and 20 thousand members in white supremacists organizations in the US, which is about 0.005% of the population.

Groups like ANTIFA and BLM did more damage, and inflicted more pain and suffering on innocent people in just one night in 2020, then white supremacists have done in total over the last 25 years. So why in the hell do you people put so much emphasis on this very small, insignificant group people who have zero political influence and don't have the power to do jack squat?

Who in the hell are these "white supremacists" your side keeps talking about? I'm in my mid 50's and have lived all over the country, from Maryland to Arizona, to the Bay area in California... From Texas, to Missouri, and I even spent 4 years in Alabama, and I've never met one. From statistics I gathered during Obama's presidency, it was estimated there were between 10 and 20 thousand members in white supremacists organizations in the US, which is about 0.005% of the population.

Groups like ANTIFA and BLM did more damage, and inflicted more pain and suffering on innocent people in just one night in 2020, then white supremacists have done in total over the last 25 years. So why in the hell do you people put so much emphasis on this very small, insignificant group people who have zero political influence and don't have the power to do jack squat?

Eyes wide shut. The fbi seems to know who they are and consider them a big threat in america. So how is it living in the state of denial since you've been to so many others?
Who in the hell are these "white supremacists" your side keeps talking about? I'm in my mid 50's and have lived all over the country, from Maryland to Arizona, to the Bay area in California... From Texas, to Missouri, and I even spent 4 years in Alabama, and I've never met one. From statistics I gathered during Obama's presidency, it was estimated there were between 10 and 20 thousand members in white supremacists organizations in the US, which is about 0.005% of the population.

Groups like ANTIFA and BLM did more damage, and inflicted more pain and suffering on innocent people in just one night in 2020, then white supremacists have done in total over the last 25 years. So why in the hell do you people put so much emphasis on this very small, insignificant group people who have zero political influence and don't have the power to do jack squat?

This is how fanatics work.
They are far right fascists, as is Putin.

It's also why the mainstream GOP are cheerleading for Putin...just to stick it to Biden and "the left".
A lot of people would rather live in a world where the average monthly wage is about $695 (51,100 rubles/month vs 2021 to usd exchange rate), where there is no freedom of speech or assembly, where there is no democracy (just the sham of one), where human rights mean nothing, where there are constant shortages, and where you can get killed for saying the wrong thing or if a rich person doesn't like the way you looked at them, all for hating on gay people.
I have read that white supremacists see Russia and Putin as white Christians All I have to say is REALLY? Fuentes, who lead the conference said he wants Putin to be thee leader of this country and it seems that many GOOPers do to. The GOP has become the party of wantabe dictators. What has happened to the party that once fought against the communist and dictators of any kind all over the globe. Now they worship at the feet of some of the worst dictators on the planet. Some say Russia is a democracy. I guess i do not know a democracy that does not allow any peaceful demonstrations against the government and calls them riots. In fact, one demonstrator holding a sign aginst the government can be arrested for rioting in Russia. Democracy my ass.
You wouldn't broadbrush now would you?

Nay never........lol
Who in the hell are these "white supremacists" your side keeps talking about? I'm in my mid 50's and have lived all over the country, from Maryland to Arizona, to the Bay area in California... From Texas, to Missouri, and I even spent 4 years in Alabama, and I've never met one. From statistics I gathered during Obama's presidency, it was estimated there were between 10 and 20 thousand members in white supremacists organizations in the US, which is about 0.005% of the population.

Groups like ANTIFA and BLM did more damage, and inflicted more pain and suffering on innocent people in just one night in 2020, then white supremacists have done in total over the last 25 years. So why in the hell do you people put so much emphasis on this very small, insignificant group people who have zero political influence and don't have the power to do jack squat?


If you had read the article, which you didn't, you will see the "white supremacists" named by name.

You know. The one who hosted the event attended by your right wing hero, MTG.
Then why did you cry about being "broad-brushed"? Did you even read the article?

If you are not a white supremacist, he broad brushed exactly nothing.
He said "the gop". Did you not read it ?
He said "the gop". Did you not read it ?

Are you one of the "many" he referred to?

Fuentes, who lead the conference said he wants Putin to be thee leader of this country and it seems that many GOOPers do to.

Do you support Fuentes, as MTG and Gosar do?
Are you one of the "many" he referred to?

Fuentes, who lead the conference said he wants Putin to be thee leader of this country and it seems that many GOOPers do to.

Do you support Fuentes, as MTG and Gosar do?
No and the % who do is small.
Who in the hell are these "white supremacists" your side keeps talking about? I'm in my mid 50's and have lived all over the country, from Maryland to Arizona, to the Bay area in California... From Texas, to Missouri, and I even spent 4 years in Alabama, and I've never met one. From statistics I gathered during Obama's presidency, it was estimated there were between 10 and 20 thousand members in white supremacists organizations in the US, which is about 0.005% of the population.

Groups like ANTIFA and BLM did more damage, and inflicted more pain and suffering on innocent people in just one night in 2020, then white supremacists have done in total over the last 25 years. So why in the hell do you people put so much emphasis on this very small, insignificant group people who have zero political influence and don't have the power to do jack squat?


Whataboutism didn't take long.
Then his argument was correct, and he never broad brushed you unless you identify as one of those anti-Americans cheering for Russia at the Fuentas event.
"The GOP has become the party of wantabe dictators."

Oh no he didn't broad brush lol
"The GOP has become the party of wantabe dictators."

Oh no he didn't broad brush lol

Okay, so argue with him. Tell him he's wrong. Tell him why Trump supporters didn't want Trump to have ultimate power.

Lots of people agree with him. MTG and Gosar certainly do.
Okay, so argue with him. Tell him he's wrong. Tell him why Trump supporters didn't want Trump to have ultimate power.

Lots of people agree with him. MTG and Gosar certainly do.
I don't argue with blatant broadbrushing I laugh at it.

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