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Why do we give them the limelight they want so badly? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.
There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.
The media gives them limelight because, if they didn't, they'd have to give it to the Democrats...like Kamala Harris and her "word salad" speeches.

This is what she said yesterday...

“For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic. So to that end we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to I believe what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy,”​
The short answer is, what gets media more clicks: "Sen. Tillis advocates tax changes", or "Rep. Cawthorn attacks GOP for coke and orgy parties"?
There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.
yeah----it was the same with Trump. The media made him, at least for his cult.
There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.

Because everyone loves a train wreck.
The media gives them limelight because, if they didn't, they'd have to give it to the Democrats...like Kamala Harris and her "word salad" speeches.

This is what she said yesterday...

“For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic. So to that end we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to I believe what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy,”​
If Kamala is so bad, why watch her speeches? Or do you just go to Fox news, see what they are saying about her and then regurgitate?

But beyond your deflection, the point of the thread is why do we/the media pay any attention to the utterly stupid comments that MTG and Boebert make? Asked in the alternative, have they ever said anything that was not stupid? Anything that is worthy of press coverage other than to once again point out how utterly stupid these 2 woman are?
There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.

You are ****ing joking..........right?


You 'people' are 15 months into a ****ing train wreck presidency, and you STUDIOUSLY ignore every failed policy that the current president has turned to shit with his magical touch...instead scouring leftist websites that EXIST to dream up anti-republican shit for you to swallow and regurgitate.
There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.
The media wants high ratings, the higher their ratings the more they can charge for their commercials, the more money they make. These absurd statements by those you mentioned gets covered mainly because they are absurd. Then Democrats jump on the bandwagon to spout their rhetoric of how absurd those statement were gaining even more coverage. The right wants to hear their heroes speak while the left wants to condemn them in public which leads to even more media exposure.

It's a never-ending cycle. But it boils back to ratings, making money. The more asinine the statement, the more coverage by the media. The more the left bring out their big guns to point out how asinine their statements were which gets even more coverage. Ignoring them is impossible. Although I think it would work.
The media gives them limelight because, if they didn't, they'd have to give it to the Democrats...like Kamala Harris and her "word salad" speeches.

This is what she said yesterday...

“For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic. So to that end we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to I believe what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy,”​
Was that Harris or trump? Hard to tell the difference. Oh wait, it had to be Harris because trump would have told us a couple times what a genius he is.
If Kamala is so bad, why watch her speeches? Or do you just go to Fox news, see what they are saying about her and then regurgitate?
I don't watch her speeches and I don't go anywhere looking for them. But, even though the mainstream media ignores her speeches, they are being reported. That's when I see her nonsense.

But beyond your deflection, the point of the thread is why do we/the media pay any attention to the utterly stupid comments that MTG and Boebert make?
I already answered that question.

Asked in the alternative, have they ever said anything that was not stupid? Anything that is worthy of press coverage other than to once again point out how utterly stupid these 2 woman are?
You'll have to tell me, because I don't listen to them any more than I listen to Mad Maxine.
There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.
for the same reason we read the National Enquirer in check out line.......sleeze, braggadocio, soldiering, crime, nastiness etc......all of this sells.....because it's what we like.......

You are ****ing joking..........right?


You 'people' are 15 months into a ****ing train wreck presidency, and you STUDIOUSLY ignore every failed policy that the current president has turned to shit with his magical touch...instead scouring leftist websites that EXIST to dream up anti-republican shit for you to swallow and regurgitate.
Now that is what I call a total pile of BS. Let us see, Biden took over a failing economy and now it is growing by leaps and bounds. He took over unemployment at over 10% and it is it under 4% and the lowest it has been in years. We do have high inflation, but that is because the economy has grown almost too fast and the covid epidemic. He has once again shown the world that the US ins the leader of the free world, after the shit show Trump did making us a laughing stock and bending a knee to Putin. And what des the GOP have, tax cuts for the wealthy and cries about CRT. Some day the GOP will come up with some actual policies to help the whole nation rather than just the wealthy who support them in their campaigns
Now that is what I call a total pile of BS. Let us see, Biden took over a failing economy and now it is growing by leaps and bounds. He took over unemployment at over 10% and it is it under 4% and the lowest it has been in years. We do have high inflation, but that is because the economy has grown almost too fast and the covid epidemic. He has once again shown the world that the US ins the leader of the free world, after the shit show Trump did making us a laughing stock and bending a knee to Putin. And what des the GOP have, tax cuts for the wealthy and cries about CRT. Some day the GOP will come up with some actual policies to help the whole nation rather than just the wealthy who support them in their campaigns

You can call it what you want but you cant deny the fact that you and every other leftist on this site ignore the shit going on with this administration while you continue to look for any obccure stupid thing you can find to post about the party not currently in power. ANd then you bitch about them being in the 'limelight'?

There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.
Good question.

Y'all hate Trump's guts, yet you still start at least 5 different threads about him everyday whenever he makes a stupid comment on something.
There is a small group of the present GOP that have to be in the limelight, Cawthorn, Green, Boebert, and Cruz. They seem to fight each other for their time in the limelight coming up with stranger and stranger things seemingly trying to out do one another. And every time the media and we go, what the hell and read all about their latest exploits. I think if wee just did not do so, maybe they would just stop. Maybe that is what we should do.
They obviously represent the party. If they didn't someone would shut them up, or at least criticize them for what they say/do.

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