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Why Do Republicans Love Treason So Much? (1 Viewer)


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Jul 13, 2005
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Hmm ....

In the 1980s, less than a month after Iran was declared an enemy of the United States, the Reagan Administration, in a plan masterminded by Oliver North, sold weapons to *guess who?* Iran, and used the money to illegally fund the Contra terrorists in Nicaragua.

Less than two years ago, Karl Rove revealed the identity of a covert CIA operative, Valerie Plame, an act which George H.W. Bush denounced as one of the highest forms of treason.

I recently read an editorial in the Wall Street Journal thanking Karl Rove for doing so, because apparently it needed to be known to denounce one of the President's critics. Ironically, the same editorial clearly stated that there were many forms of evidence that Karl Rove could have stated that debunked Joseph Wilson's editorial without revealing the fact that his wife was a CIA operative. One conclusion can only be arrived at for Rove's motive behind revealing her identity: political vengeance.

How sad. Then again, how much can we expect from a man who sent letters to South Carolina Republicans in 2000 telling them (falsely) that John McCain had a black baby?

Now, please tell me: how exactly is this the party of patriotism?
I don't think this is an exactly fair characterization of the party...
ShamMol said:
I don't think this is an exactly fair characterization of the party...
I didn't say that all Republicans commit treason, if that's what you're thinking.

Their tendency to forgive this trespasses, and even lionize them for doing so does say something about the party.
musicking3149 said:
Less than two years ago, Karl Rove revealed the identity of a covert CIA operative, Valerie Plame, an act which George H.W. Bush denounced as one of the highest forms of treason.

I recently read an editorial in the Wall Street Journal thanking Karl Rove for doing so, because apparently it needed to be known to denounce one of the President's critics. Ironically, the same editorial clearly stated that there were many forms of evidence that Karl Rove could have stated that debunked Joseph Wilson's editorial without revealing the fact that his wife was a CIA operative. One conclusion can only be arrived at for Rove's motive behind revealing her identity: political vengeance.

Right. Except that that's not what happened. Do you actually READ the news, or just the headlines?

Even if it does turn out that Rove was in touch with the reporters regarding Valerie Plame, he NEVER MENTIONED HER NAME. The only thing he did was try to keep them from printing an incorrect news story. Another example of things being blown out of proportion. How about they actually focus their time on finding out who actually revealed her name and position?
Originally posted by ShamMol:
I don't think this is an exactly fair characterization of the party...
Here is a characterization for you regarding the Republican party. If it wasn't for immorality, they wouldn't have any morality at all!
You know what I mean. I don't like people starting threads attacking another party just because they don't like the party. If they have a particular issue that the party is severly involved with (say Republicans supporting new SS or Democrats hating on Bolton), fine, but not just generic threads which are meant to attack.

If we want to have an idealic conversation about the principles of each party without attacking each other, great, but this thread isn't one of those times.
The OP of thread and several of the comments in it rightly belong in The Basement instead.

RightatNYU said:
Even if it does turn out that Rove was in touch with the reporters regarding Valerie Plame, he NEVER MENTIONED HER NAME.
This distinction is finer than frog's hair. He disclosed information that identified her.
Simon W. Moon said:
The OP of thread and several of the comments in it rightly belong in The Basement instead.

This distinction is finer than frog's hair. He disclosed information that identified her.

That's not at all what I've heard, but I know you for being very good with your sources. Could you show me where it has been proven that he identified her?

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