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Why Diversity Should NOT Be Celebrated (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 13, 2019
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
How many people here work at a large company? Large companies routinely send out news letters that celebrate various minorities. Whether it is a race, sex, sexual orientation or religion, large companies celebrate the diversity of their employees every day. But what if they didn't?

I don't mean to say that companies should not hire people of various backgrounds. Far from it. I am saying, however, that when diversity is celebrated we reinforce social segregation that might other wise dissolve in the daily tasks of working towards a common goal. When an employer points to a group, deems them special and recognizes their contributions the company is doing two things; favoring the group and inviting those that have that superficial characteristic to identify by that characteristic.

By favoring the group, the company creates resentment. Like it or not, people get jealous. When others are recognized for superficial characteristics, those that don't have those characteristics will resent both the company and the beneficiaries. It's a pretty common reaction.

By celebrating people with superficial characteristics, those that have those characteristics will take pride in them. The end result is they will congregate and identify with others that are similar. This brings us back to those stupid cliques we all remember from high school.

If we stopped celebrating diversity we could stop seeing our differences and start seeing our similarities. We could be employees of Company X, residents of a great city or maybe just Americans.
How many people here work at a large company? Large companies routinely send out news letters that celebrate various minorities. Whether it is a race, sex, sexual orientation or religion, large companies celebrate the diversity of their employees every day. But what if they didn't?

I don't mean to say that companies should not hire people of various backgrounds. Far from it. I am saying, however, that when diversity is celebrated we reinforce social segregation that might other wise dissolve in the daily tasks of working towards a common goal. When an employer points to a group, deems them special and recognizes their contributions the company is doing two things; favoring the group and inviting those that have that superficial characteristic to identify by that characteristic.

By favoring the group, the company creates resentment. Like it or not, people get jealous. When others are recognized for superficial characteristics, those that don't have those characteristics will resent both the company and the beneficiaries. It's a pretty common reaction.

By celebrating people with superficial characteristics, those that have those characteristics will take pride in them. The end result is they will congregate and identify with others that are similar. This brings us back to those stupid cliques we all remember from high school.

If we stopped celebrating diversity we could stop seeing our differences and start seeing our similarities. We could be employees of Company X, residents of a great city or maybe just Americans.

Another ridiculous argument that if we all acted like white men then there would be no problem,
Soon the academy of motion pictures will be able to choose best picture, not because it’s good but simple because the cast and crew were of a specific race or are disabled.
Just give everyone a participation award and move on to the next self gratification award ceremony for the idiot elitists.
Another ridiculous argument that if we all acted like white men then there would be no problem,

I never said act like a white guy. That's a very racist thing for you to assume.
Soon the academy of motion pictures will be able to choose best picture, not because it’s good but simple because the cast and crew were of a specific race or are disabled.
Just give everyone a participation award and move on to the next self gratification award ceremony for the idiot elitists.

You know every movie already follow those guidelines. They are not hard to follow, and basically tailored to be something everyone already does so no movie studio would be in trouble.
How many people here work at a large company? Large companies routinely send out news letters that celebrate various minorities. Whether it is a race, sex, sexual orientation or religion, large companies celebrate the diversity of their employees every day. But what if they didn't?

I don't mean to say that companies should not hire people of various backgrounds. Far from it. I am saying, however, that when diversity is celebrated we reinforce social segregation that might other wise dissolve in the daily tasks of working towards a common goal. When an employer points to a group, deems them special and recognizes their contributions the company is doing two things; favoring the group and inviting those that have that superficial characteristic to identify by that characteristic.

By favoring the group, the company creates resentment. Like it or not, people get jealous. When others are recognized for superficial characteristics, those that don't have those characteristics will resent both the company and the beneficiaries. It's a pretty common reaction.

By celebrating people with superficial characteristics, those that have those characteristics will take pride in them. The end result is they will congregate and identify with others that are similar. This brings us back to those stupid cliques we all remember from high school.

If we stopped celebrating diversity we could stop seeing our differences and start seeing our similarities. We could be employees of Company X, residents of a great city or maybe just Americans.

Yep that's it. Racism would all just go away if other people didn't shove diversity down your throat. It's almost as if you had no other choice but to hate the blacks. :unsure13:
I never said act like a white guy. That's a very racist thing for you to assume.

No, it is just the only message that can be taken from such a rant. How dare anyone not behave as if being white is the only way to be. And is that not your message here. if all the other ethnicities just ignored their own customs and behaviours and just acted the same way then all would be good.
E pluribus unum. Both pluribus and unum are worth celebrating. Else let’s just have one star on the flag.
How many people here work at a large company? Large companies routinely send out news letters that celebrate various minorities. Whether it is a race, sex, sexual orientation or religion, large companies celebrate the diversity of their employees every day. But what if they didn't?

I don't mean to say that companies should not hire people of various backgrounds. Far from it. I am saying, however, that when diversity is celebrated we reinforce social segregation that might other wise dissolve in the daily tasks of working towards a common goal. When an employer points to a group, deems them special and recognizes their contributions the company is doing two things; favoring the group and inviting those that have that superficial characteristic to identify by that characteristic.

By favoring the group, the company creates resentment. Like it or not, people get jealous. When others are recognized for superficial characteristics, those that don't have those characteristics will resent both the company and the beneficiaries. It's a pretty common reaction.

By celebrating people with superficial characteristics, those that have those characteristics will take pride in them. The end result is they will congregate and identify with others that are similar. This brings us back to those stupid cliques we all remember from high school.

If we stopped celebrating diversity we could stop seeing our differences and start seeing our similarities. We could be employees of Company X, residents of a great city or maybe just Americans.

The title of your thread is "diversity should not be celebrated."

I guess you're one of those who want to make America "great" again?

Ahh, the good ol' days when diversity wasn't celebrated...

Not to worry about diversity.

Demographers assure us that by the end of this century, Euro Americans will be a small segment of the American population.

The vast majority of people in the government and the workforce will be African Americans and Hispanic Americans (with some Asian Americans).

At that time, no doubt life in this country will then be all peaches & cream.
Not to worry about diversity.

Demographers assure us that by the end of this century, Euro Americans will be a small segment of the American population.

The vast majority of people in the government and the workforce will be African Americans and Hispanic Americans (with some Asian Americans).

At that time, no doubt life in this country will then be all peaches & cream.

Yep that's it. Racism would all just go away if other people didn't shove diversity down your throat. It's almost as if you had no other choice but to hate the blacks. :unsure13:

No. I said racism would go away if we stopped point out our differences and picking favorites. Try to read for comprehension.
No, it is just the only message that can be taken from such a rant. How dare anyone not behave as if being white is the only way to be. And is that not your message here. if all the other ethnicities just ignored their own customs and behaviours and just acted the same way then all would be good.

Not only is it not the only message, it is not even a reasonable inference.
The title of your thread is "diversity should not be celebrated."

I guess you're one of those who want to make America "great" again?

Ahh, the good ol' days when diversity wasn't celebrated...


You obviously only read the title and didn't read the post. Try to make a reasoned response next time please.
How many people here work at a large company? Large companies routinely send out news letters that celebrate various minorities. Whether it is a race, sex, sexual orientation or religion, large companies celebrate the diversity of their employees every day. But what if they didn't?

I don't mean to say that companies should not hire people of various backgrounds. Far from it. I am saying, however, that when diversity is celebrated we reinforce social segregation that might other wise dissolve in the daily tasks of working towards a common goal. When an employer points to a group, deems them special and recognizes their contributions the company is doing two things; favoring the group and inviting those that have that superficial characteristic to identify by that characteristic.

By favoring the group, the company creates resentment. Like it or not, people get jealous. When others are recognized for superficial characteristics, those that don't have those characteristics will resent both the company and the beneficiaries. It's a pretty common reaction.

By celebrating people with superficial characteristics, those that have those characteristics will take pride in them. The end result is they will congregate and identify with others that are similar. This brings us back to those stupid cliques we all remember from high school.

If we stopped celebrating diversity we could stop seeing our differences and start seeing our similarities. We could be employees of Company X, residents of a great city or maybe just Americans.

Exactly what happens at your work that you dont like. I am unclear on your premise. Be specific
No. I said racism would go away if we stopped point out our differences and picking favorites. Try to read for comprehension.

Your asking too much of these clowns to do that.
You obviously only read the title and didn't read the post. Try to make a reasoned response next time please.

They do not have the capability to do such things.
Another ridiculous argument that if we all acted like white men then there would be no problem,

The problem isn’t even acting like white men. It’s not having their skin color. POC have learned that no matter how they “act,” they aren’t treated as white people are.
You obviously only read the title and didn't read the post. Try to make a reasoned response next time please.

Your entire post is premised, whether you realize it or not, on the idea that we are all treated equally and the only problem is perception of differences.

Your entire argument is completely disconnected from all data and history on the subject. Why in the world are you owed anything when your entire premise is predicated on an uneducated opinion? (Not to say no one should argue or agree, it’s a message board.)
The problem isn’t even acting like white men. It’s not having their skin color. POC have learned that no matter how they “act,” they aren’t treated as white people are.

your projections and assumption of how you treat people is no reflection on anyone else but you.
You should really change how you treat people and stop judging them by their skin color.
Your entire post is premised, whether you realize it or not, on the idea that we are all treated equally and the only problem is perception of differences.

Your entire argument is completely disconnected from all data and history on the subject. Why in the world are you owed anything when your entire premise is predicated on an uneducated opinion? (Not to say no one should argue or agree, it’s a message board.)

again a projection fallacy is your issue and no one else's.
you should probably take your own advice.
Your entire post is premised, whether you realize it or not, on the idea that we are all treated equally and the only problem is perception of differences.

Your entire argument is completely disconnected from all data and history on the subject. Why in the world are you owed anything when your entire premise is predicated on an uneducated opinion? (Not to say no one should argue or agree, it’s a message board.)

Actually, I never assume we are all treated equally. In fact, the premise of the post is that to get to equality we have to stop intentionally separating ourselves by superficial characteristics. You claim to be progressive. Why do you disagree with the premise?

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