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Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matter to National Security (1 Viewer)

Precisely - in a free county people can choose to be assholes/MAGA.

See, we see that you hate us, but that says nothing about us being dumb or unqualified.

Also, do you think that my company's dedication to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is one of the reasons our stock price keeps rising or the sole reason?

Wow. A loaded question is the best argument you can make for your position? wow. That's really weak.

Your company? I would need to know more... are you getting support form one of hte big funds, now controlled by woke assholes, using other people's money to push their personal political agenda?
See, we see that you hate us, but that says nothing about us being dumb or unqualified.

Wow. A loaded question is the best argument you can make for your position? wow. That's really weak.

Your company? I would need to know more... are you getting support form one of hte big funds, now controlled by woke assholes, using other people's money to push their personal political agenda?
I see how the truth can trigger you. To the MAGA collective any desire to show empathy and understanding is considered a weakness. The fact that the MAGA scapegoats immigrants is one of their greatest weaknesses.
See, we see that you hate us, but that says nothing about us being dumb or unqualified.

Wow. A loaded question is the best argument you can make for your position? wow. That's really weak.

Your company? I would need to know more... are you getting support form one of hte big funds, now controlled by woke assholes, using other people's money to push their personal political agenda?
The world is sure made simpler when all you have to do is scream MAGA to represent the sum pf all your fears.

I missed the days of my youth when the right was more generally inclined to display simple-minded views and the left more nuanced and complex. Today, it is exactly the opposite as it is all but a child's game of cowboys and Indians for these leftists.

oops, my apologies. Make that colonial invaders and brave indigenes.
I see how the truth can trigger you. To the MAGA collective any desire to show empathy and understanding is considered a weakness. The fact that the MAGA scapegoats immigrants is one of their greatest weaknesses.

Huh, you didn't answer the question at all.

I will take that as a YES.

So that explains it. Regardless of actual merit, woke assholes took over large funds and now channel that money to support companies based on...esg scores? I believe is the term, basically how woke you are.

SO, your stock prices rise, paid for by investors who's interests are being ignored, so it creates a type of "Success", that allows you to pretend that your policies are working,

wehn really you are just cycling other people's money around, to support your game of pretend.
Huh, you didn't answer the question at all.

I will take that as a YES.

So that explains it. Regardless of actual merit, woke assholes took over large funds and now channel that money to support companies based on...esg scores? I believe is the term, basically how woke you are.

SO, your stock prices rise, paid for by investors who's interests are being ignored, so it creates a type of "Success", that allows you to pretend that your policies are working,

wehn really you are just cycling other people's money around, to support your game of pretend.
Ah, so capitalism can DEI are incompatible, according to you? Good thing our BOD follows the desires of our stockholders and consumers and rejects ignorance, racism, and stupidity.
Ah, so capitalism can DEI are incompatible, according to you?

I of course, said nothing like that. YOu just made up shit and failed to address anything I said.

Good thing our BOD follows the desires of our stockholders and consumers and rejects ignorance, racism, and stupidity.

And you called me racist.

So, that's all you got to support your point about your "rising stock prices"?

Man, sounds like I hit hte nail right on the head then, with my guess as to what is going on there.
For those who support DEI, I would ask whether you want this philosophy applied to your favorite sports team?

I have a lovely participation award to offer to anybody who says yes.

Loaded question as you deliberately invite a conflict of interests

A fairer one would be; would you want to see it applied to sports generally ?
Loaded question as you deliberately invite a conflict of interests

A fairer one would be; would you want to see it applied to sports generally ?

Ok, would you?
We already have he "Rooney Rule" for NFL coaches, I'd like to see it extended to players and coaches in all team sorts.

Wow. Would really reduce a lot of money flowing to minority communities.

But, it's not going to happen, so it's easy for you to say that you would support it, because you know it is not goign to happen.
Wow. Would really reduce a lot of money flowing to minority communities.

How ?

But, it's not going to happen, so it's easy for you to say that you would support it, because you know it is not goign to happen.

Why not - would you have predicted the Rooney Rule a generation ago ?
Coincidentally, when most refer to someone as "MAGA" it implies incompetence as well - incompetence in the ability to understand what is just, or factual. It also implies a total lack of morality and empathy.
You're straining to make Libs's varied accusations of the Cons' alleged moral turpitude fit the narrow category of "incompetence." But since the Libs have their own moral failings to justify, they're just tossing stones in glass houses.
Because it would require far less black representation in football and basketball, at least.

Not sure it would. The African-American community is well represented, although it's interesting why the Hispanic community is not well represented in those sports.
In either case there's no suggestion of any racial bias.
For those who support DEI, I would ask whether you want this philosophy applied to your favorite sports team?

Sports are just games though, they don't really matter in the long run.

If we're talking about military matters then yeah diversity matters because an armed forces that don't reflect the nature of your population ultimately results in a military that answers to a specific subgroup rather than the nation itself.
Sports are just games though, they don't really matter in the long run.

If we're talking about military matters then yeah diversity matters because an armed forces that don't reflect the nature of your population ultimately results in a military that answers to a specific subgroup rather than the nation itself.

Same, if not more so, for the police.
Would you just feck off?

Drives you nuts when someone talks the truth and won't shut up, doesn't it?

You like to pretend that the shit you support, is somehow, not what it really is.
Drives you nuts when someone talks the truth and won't shut up, doesn't it?

You like to pretend that the shit you support, is somehow, not what it really is.

Sadly these days, Truth is in short supply - especially with regard to Republicans.

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