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Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matter to National Security (1 Viewer)

That is just a standard right wing ad hom. It really has no merit because there is no recorded instance of that happening. All that DEI does is to tell applicants that they will be treated fairly IF they do get hired. And I notice that you do not actually address anything in my OP directly but immediately resort instead to said standard right wing insult mode.
Kamala Harris was nothing but a DEI hire (since in the above post you moved outside the realm of the military world addressed by the OP). She was hired for both her race and gender and she ceaselessly harped on those "accomplishments" because she could not talk about policy coherently.
If the demographics in the military reflect the demographics in the population at large, wouldn't that still mean "white dominated"?

In Germany, at one time I had a black female CO, a white 1SG, a white Platoon Leader, and a black Platoon Sergeant. Who was "dominating" that smorgasbord of diversity?

Libs just say shit. They don't mean anything by it. You can tell by the complete lack of a response from the other poster to your valid point/question.

And I say that without looking. Becuase the chances of my being wrong, and them giving a serious or honest answer is ... nearly nill.
So you would prefer a military and police force heavily dominated by white people ?

Or do you have a solution to make the military and police more accurately reflect the ethic make-up of US society ?
It's an interesting argument. You seem to be saying that absent pro-minority racial discrimination, non-whites would not acquit themselves well in process that relies on merit. Is this what you mean?
It's an interesting argument. You seem to be saying that absent pro-minority racial discrimination, non-whites would not acquit themselves well in process that relies on merit. Is this what you mean?

Libs just say shit. He won't understand why you are lookign at his words and taking them at their MEANING.

To him, the idea that you would address his words and expect him to make sense of them, is completely alien.
Like givng a job to a guy because he is black, discriminates against every white guy that might have been qualified for it.

What makes you think that the black guy was not qualified? There’s a word for that.
Libs just say shit. They don't mean anything by it. You can tell by the complete lack of a response from the other poster to your valid point/question.

And I say that without looking. Becuase the chances of my being wrong, and them giving a serious or honest answer is ... nearly nill.

“Honest answer” says the person who does nothing but repeat without answering questions from others. Honest answer, my a**.
It's an interesting argument. You seem to be saying that absent pro-minority racial discrimination, non-whites would not acquit themselves well in process that relies on merit. Is this what you mean?

Not sure about the military, but a predominantly white police force has shown itself to be racist on many occasions

I wouldn't lower the physical or intelligence requirements, but I'm not sure a better education is grounds for selection in most cases
In the British Army there is a such a thing as EFP (education for promotion), whereby NCO's take study courses in their own time and promotion is dependent on passing them.
Not sure about the military, but a predominantly white police force has shown itself to be racist on many occasions

I wouldn't lower the physical or intelligence requirements, but I'm not sure a better education is grounds for selection in most cases
In the British Army there is a such a thing as EFP (education for promotion), whereby NCO's take study courses in their own time and promotion is dependent on passing them.

Not sure about the military, but a predominantly white police force has shown itself to be racist on many occasions

I wouldn't lower the physical or intelligence requirements, but I'm not sure a better education is grounds for selection in most cases
In the British Army there is a such a thing as EFP (education for promotion), whereby NCO's take study courses in their own time and promotion is dependent on passing them.
Do you think whites are more racist than blacks?
What makes you think that the black guy was not qualified? There’s a word for that.

I said nothing of the qualifications of the black guy. YOu brought that up to distract from the point, ie that DEI is about giving jobs to people based on skin color, There is a word for that btw.

All you did, was ignore my point, refuse to answer my question and you called me racist.

“Honest answer” says the person who does nothing but repeat without answering questions from others. Honest answer, my a**.

You just above, refused to answer the question. YOu asked a "Qustion" that was based on something YOU made up. That was not a real question, that was just a thinly veiled, you calling me racist.

LIbs are great at this game of calling people names, without directly calling them a name, Then they pat thenmselves on the back for..something, and then act shocked wiht the people that they have bene insulting for days or years, finally get angry and insult them back.

They think they are being clever, when really they are like the school yard bully sitting on the much smaller child and forcing him to hit him self with his own hand, while taunting them, "why you hitting yourself",

That is the level of liberal debating today.
If DEI is so good, why is it considered an insult to call someone a "DEI hire?"
If "MAGA" is good, why is it considered an insult to call someone a "MAGA"?
I'm not a "MAGA" supporter, so perhaps you should fine one and ask that question again.
My post wasn't an accusation. It was a demonstration that my question was as valid as yours. You should try to shed that guilty conscience.
My post wasn't an accusation. It was a demonstration that my question was as valid as yours. You should try to shed that guilty conscience.

I'm maga. I've never seen a maga supporter take being called maga as an insult.

If you call a non-maga supporter, maga, they might view it as an insult. But that's on them and their reasoning.
Do you think whites are more racist than blacks?

Well lets say that there's more than a little racism in the heavily white populated police, in the USA

Though it seems that you think that white candidates in the US military are more qualified for promotion.
If "MAGA" is good, why is it considered an insult to call someone a "MAGA"?
The two have in common a context of implied contempt, based not on the bare statement but on the tone with which the term is levied. I'm recalling some old detective film in which the P.I. is hunting some liberal activist who's been missing for years. In one scene the PI encounters some rather hostile Latinos, and he vaguely tries to establish his own liberal credentials. A Latino female just says something like, "ohh, a LEEberal." Instant expression of contempt without any sort of direct criticism. Now when someone calls a person a 'DEI hire," as I did, the context is that the person named is not qualified, which is not what the promoters of DEI want others to believe. In my mind at least, it is possible for a DEI hire to BE competent, but in the context I used the word, the example given was not competent, and given that the "hire" was for a highly consequential position, it points some glaring problems with DEI standards.
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The two have in common a context of implied contempt, based not on the bare statement but on the tone with which the term is levied. I'm recalling some old detective film in which the P.I. is hunting some liberal activist who's been missing for years. In one scene the PI encounters some rather hostile Latinos, and he vaguely tries to establish his own liberal credentials. A Latino female just says something like, "ohh, a LEEberal." Instant expression of contempt without any sort of direct criticism. Now when someone calls a person a 'DEI hire," as I did, the context is that the person named is not qualified, which is not what the promoters of DEI want others to believe. In my mind at least, it is possible for a DEI hire to BE competent, but in the context I used the word, the example given was not competent, and given that the "hire" was for a highly consequential position, it points some glaring problems with DEI standards.
Coincidentally, when most refer to someone as "MAGA" it implies incompetence as well - incompetence in the ability to understand what is just, or factual. It also implies a total lack of morality and empathy.
Coincidentally, when most refer to someone as "MAGA" it implies incompetence as well - incompetence in the ability to understand what is just, or factual. It also implies a total lack of morality and empathy.

Except that there isn't a nearly universial system of policy and law trying to force people to do MAGA, like there is for DEI hires.

So, ... ... ... pretending that there is any sort of balance or similarity, is dumb.
Except that there isn't a nearly universial system of policy and law trying to force people to do MAGA, like there is for DEI hires.

So, ... ... ... pretending that there is any sort of balance or similarity, is dumb.
Precisely - in a free county people can choose to be assholes/MAGA.

Also, do you think that my company's dedication to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is one of the reasons our stock price keeps rising or the sole reason?
DEI is racism, pure and simple. Anyone who supports it is equally racist.

100% it is

When it comes to a job - hire the most qualified person. Done, end of story. Its like who get to be the starters on a ball team or chair positions in bands - the best qualified get those positions

Jobs should be the same. NEVER should someone get something because of skin color or sexual preferences or racial background/ethnicity etc. NEVER
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For those who support DEI, I would ask whether you want this philosophy applied to your favorite sports team?

I have a lovely participation award to offer to anybody who says yes.

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