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Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matter to National Security (1 Viewer)

Repeating what he sees/hears on News Max.

YOu cannot disciminiate in favor of one group, without discriminating AGAINST, another.

The pretense that you can, is irrational and stupid.
See my first sentence of post #321. As of now, I am no longer humoring you.

YOu are the one that wants to be "humored", and I refuse to do so for you.

DEI, is anti-white (male) discrimination. It is silly and absurd to pretend otherwise.

Anyone who attempts to discuss the issue, under the false premise that it is not, is just being dishonest.

ANyone who tries stonewalling on such a dumb point, is acting like a troll.
YOu cannot disciminiate in favor of one group, without discriminating AGAINST, another.

The pretense that you can, is irrational and stupid

Are there any cases in this nation where a white group is favored in discrimination against blacks? Why do you make such effort to avoid such questions?
YOu are the one that wants to be "humored", and I refuse to do so for you.

DEI, is anti-white (male) discrimination. It is silly and absurd to pretend otherwise.

Anyone who attempts to discuss the issue, under the false premise that it is not, is just being dishonest.

ANyone who tries stonewalling on such a dumb point, is acting like a troll.

More projection, as usual. It is you who refuses to extend the conversation beyond constant repetition of your talking points. What are you so afraid of?
Are there any cases in this nation where a white group is favored in discrimination against blacks? Why do you make such effort to avoid such questions?

dei is a fine example of it, adn you know it. YOur stonewalling has destroyed all your credibility.

You have shut down any discussion of the issue with your dishones stonewalling.
More projection, as usual. It is you who refuses to extend the conversation beyond constant repetition of your talking points. What are you so afraid of?

I would love to discuss this issue seriously and honestly. But I am not going to pretend that a massive policy of discriminating in favor of non-whites, can be done without discrminating against whites.

Anyone with an understanding of math of a level of subtracting ONE, from TWO, can understand that your position that you can, is stupid.
dei is a fine example of it, adn you know it. YOur stonewalling has destroyed all your credibility.

You have shut down any discussion of the issue with your dishones stonewalling.

I asked you if there are instances of blacks being discriminated against by whites. Are you saying that DEI allows for blacks to be discrminated against by whites?
I would love to discuss this issue seriously and honestly. But I am not going to pretend that a massive policy of discriminating in favor of non-whites, can be done without discrminating against whites.

Anyone with an understanding of math of a level of subtracting ONE, from TWO, can understand that your position that you can, is stupid.

See post #330. And I note that you still won't answer my question.
I asked you if there are instances of blacks being discriminated against by whites. Are you saying that DEI allows for blacks to be discrminated against by whites?

You refused to discuss any actual white interests in teh context of the issue you are defending and insisted on trying to make teh conversation about blacks.

That is really shitty behavior. YOu are demonstrating your belief that whites are not allowed to have any interests and certainly not allowed to advocate about them.

Thus, I refused to engage in your attempt to pivot away from the thread topic.
See post #330. And I note that you still won't answer my question.

Watsup. YOU are the one that refuses to discuss the issue, unless I do so by accepting your unstated premise, ie that one can discriminate in favor of one group, without discriminating against another.

Which is dumb.

ALL you have done to support your unstated premise, is to reassert it over and over and to call me racist.

That is the full extent of your attempts to discuss the issue.

Also, at one or two points you tried to justify the discrmination you were denying exists, but I pounced on that pretty hard and you dropped it.

You didn't CONCEED the point like a good faith debater would have, but you did at least realize that I have crushed it and you dropped it.
You refused to discuss any actual white interests in teh context of the issue you are defending and insisted on trying to make teh conversation about blacks.

That is really shitty behavior. YOu are demonstrating your belief that whites are not allowed to have any interests and certainly not allowed to advocate about them.

Thus, I refused to engage in your attempt to pivot away from the thread topic.

Repetition. See post #324.
Watsup. YOU are the one that refuses to discuss the issue, unless I do so by accepting your unstated premise, ie that one can discriminate in favor of one group, without discriminating against another.

Which is dumb.

ALL you have done to support your unstated premise, is to reassert it over and over and to call me racist.

That is the full extent of your attempts to discuss the issue.

Also, at one or two points you tried to justify the discrmination you were denying exists, but I pounced on that pretty hard and you dropped it.

You didn't CONCEED the point like a good faith debater would have, but you did at least realize that I have crushed it and you dropped it.

See post #334.
YOu cannot disciminiate in favor of one group, without discriminating AGAINST, another.

The pretense that you can, is irrational and stupid.

Like discriminating in favor of the truth, discriminates against those who tell lies ?
Repetition. See post #324.

I'm repeating the point, about you refusing to discuss the issue, becuase you are stonewalling and just spamming stupid negs.
Like discriminating in favor of the truth, discriminates against those who tell lies ?

Like givng a job to a guy because he is black, discriminates against every white guy that might have been qualified for it.

So you would prefer a military and police force heavily dominated by white people ?

Or do you have a solution to make the military and police more accurately reflect the ethic make-up of US society ?
So you would prefer a military and police force heavily dominated by white people ?

I have no opinion on how the military or police forces would look, if we did not discriminate based on race.

I want Amercians who want in either, to have a chance based on their individual merit, and not their skin color.

That this is completely alien to you and seems to upset you, is sort of the point.

Or do you have a solution to make the military and police more accurately reflect the ethic make-up of US society ?

My "solution" to that, is to not care about that.
I have no opinion on how the military or police forces would look, if we did not discriminate based on race.

So you think a white dominated military and police force is not a bad thing
I have to say I can't agree with you.
So you think a white dominated military and police force is not a bad thing
I have to say I can't agree with you.

Why not? Why do you care about the color of the military or police that protect you?
So you think a white dominated military and police force is not a bad thing
I have to say I can't agree with you.

If the demographics in the military reflect the demographics in the population at large, wouldn't that still mean "white dominated"?

In Germany, at one time I had a black female CO, a white 1SG, a white Platoon Leader, and a black Platoon Sergeant. Who was "dominating" that smorgasbord of diversity?

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