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why did the American people vote bush in again (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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why did the American people vote bush in again after what he has done
to U,that is a problem i can not understand,lets here what u good guys have
to say about that.

mikeey said:
why did the American people vote bush in again after what he has done
to U,that is a problem i can not understand,lets here what u good guys have
to say about that.


Because John Kerry was his opponent. :lol:

"good guys".. :rofl ..you mean leftists.

And what do you mean "after what he has done" to us? Please be specific.
mikeey said:
why did the American people vote bush in again after what he has done
to U,that is a problem i can not understand,lets here what u good guys have
to say about that.


lol what exactly has he done to us?

I voted for him because after 9-11 he decided to kick some ass and take some names, that and putting a war protester in office during WW3 really isn't the way to win.
mikeey said:
why did the American people vote bush in again after what he has done
to U,that is a problem i can not understand,lets here what u good guys have
to say about that.


Bush / Cheney scared the country into voting for him on the terror issue. He also created wedge issues on gay marriage and abortion that helped to capture the vote in key states like Ohio (maybe) See the lastest GAO report.

Kerry tried to stay above the fray and was too slow to respond to the fallacious "Swift Boat" ads. The damage was done before the charges were proven false.

It certainly seems like the American people wish they had a do-over if recent polls are any indication.
mikeey said:
why did the American people vote bush in again after what he has done
to U,that is a problem i can not understand,lets here what u good guys have
to say about that.


Though I think this thread is just designed to start a flame war. I have something to say.

Contrary to republican pundits' and Bush supporters' belief that the last election was a land slide victory. It was a narrow win at best. And if certain Ohio students had been allowed to vote at a precinct with adequate resources maybe a lot of them wouldn't have left.

Of course there are also the Diebold voting machines that can be hacked without a trace. And the results can be manipulated, votes changed or lost.

But that aside most people voted for him because he says things like "bring it on". And the red nec - er red states just love that kind of tough guy B.S., I think it makes them feel safe. Then of course there was the terrified soccer mom who thought that Osama himself was going to bomb their kids' next game out in Bumfuk Egypt, or whatever small town they're from.
The Real McCoy said:
Because John Kerry was his opponent. :lol:

Har true enough! If only Wessley Clark would have shown up for that Iowa caucus. Maybe he got that phone call about his family's safety?
Because the American voters care more about boys kissing, than they do about our soldiers dying in a purposeless war.
Kandahar said:
Because the American voters care more about boys kissing, than they do about our soldiers dying in a purposeless war.

Boys kissing?

Purposeless war?
Because the American voters care more about boys kissing, than they do about our soldiers dying in a purposeless war.

Really now? That's not why I voted for him.

Because John Kerry was his opponent

:rofl Yeah that was a big reason. A lot of my friends who aren't really into politics used that one. It's pretty dumb but that's the truth.

Bush / Cheney scared the country into voting for him on the terror issue.

Do you even know any consevatives? If you really belive that you have a big problem.

Wessley Clark may have been my pick but he didn't win. Oh well. :doh
Bustabush said:
Really now? That's not why I voted for him.

:rofl Yeah that was a big reason. A lot of my friends who aren't really into politics used that one. It's pretty dumb but that's the truth.

Do you even know any consevatives? If you really belive that you have a big problem.

Wessley Clark may have been my pick but he didn't win. Oh well. :doh

Wesley Clark is a piece of **** who violated the constitution by using U.S. troops on our own soil and he's a Clinton stooge if you would have voted for him you might as well vote for Hillary. Sorry, I just really don't like the guy for that and for his actions in the war in Kosovo.
Trajan Octavian Titus,

By the way I love your post. Your handle is pretty cool to.

Wesley Clark is a piece of **** who violated the constitution by using U.S. troops on our own soil and he's a Clinton stooge if you would have voted for him you might as well vote for Hillary. Sorry, I just really don't like the guy for that and for his actions in the war in Kosovo

I have never heard this. Do you have some proof? A link maybe?
mikeey said:
why did the American people vote bush in again after what he has done
to U,that is a problem i can not understand,lets here what u good guys have
to say about that.


What Bush did to us? Well, for me and millions of other Americans--Bush took the attack seriously on 9/11 and pledged to the American people that he would fight terrorism in their back yard so that we wouldn't have to undergo such a tragedy again on our soil. Add to that commitment of being a strong resolute CIC--he enacted the Homeland Security program and the Patriot Act Add to these defensive measures a booming economy, a low unemployment rate and a greater appreciation for America's Christian roots--and you can see what he has done for the over 90% of red-stated counties in America. I admit, Bush didn't quite get a landslide victory in either of his elections, but Evangelical America made up for that discrepancy by assuring George a second term to complete his Nobel Prize determination to bring Democracy to the world.

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