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Why are males more homophobic than females?[W:218:252] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
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East Coast - USA
Political Leaning
Why are men far more afraid of society accepting homosexuals than women?

Is it sheer arrogance?
Do they fear that they are so damned good looking that the second society accepts homosexuality they'll be getting hit on (or worse) every time they step out in public?

It seems like the most vocal anti-gay people are males.


Are women naturally more accepting then men are?

Are women just more intelligent?

Are men typically more fearful than women?
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Why are men far more afraid of society accepting homosexuals than women?

Is it sheer arrogance?
Do they fear that they are so damned good looking that the second society accepts homosexuality they'll be getting hit on (or worse) every time they step out in public?

It seems like the most vocal anti-gay people are males.


Are women naturally more accepting then men are?

Are women just more intelligent?

Are men typically more fearful than women?
A proper answer to this would require several pages of writing, but the short version is that it's a society/cultural thing regarding the need for men to be manly men and homosexuals, stereotypically (regardless of how untrue it may be), are not real men.
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Why are men far more afraid of society accepting homosexuals than women?

Is it sheer arrogance?
Do they fear that they are so damned good looking that the second society accepts homosexuality they'll be getting hit on (or worse) every time they step out in public?

It seems like the most vocal anti-gay people are males.


Are women naturally more accepting then men are?

Are women just more intelligent?

Are men typically more fearful than women?

I think men were unaccepting of homosexuals because they thought it spoke to their own sexuality. (Not so much now, thank goodness.)
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Why are men far more afraid of society accepting homosexuals than women?

Is it sheer arrogance?
Do they fear that they are so damned good looking that the second society accepts homosexuality they'll be getting hit on (or worse) every time they step out in public?

It seems like the most vocal anti-gay people are males.


Are women naturally more accepting then men are?

Are women just more intelligent?

Are men typically more fearful than women?

Not supporting the homosexual lifestyle and being afraid of homosexuals are two totally different things. You improperly or ignorantly label anyone against homosexuality as a homophobe.
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

From my experience men seem to be threatened and repulsed by the idea that a man can actually be on the *ahem* receiving end of intercourse. It endangers what they view as the traditional and dominant male role.
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Not supporting the homosexual lifestyle and being afraid of homosexuals are two totally different things. You improperly or ignorantly label anyone against homosexuality as a homophobe.

Gee...I wonder why you'd naturally assume I was talking about someone like you? Me thinks thou protests too much. :lamo
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Why are men far more afraid of society accepting homosexuals than women?

Is it sheer arrogance?
Do they fear that they are so damned good looking that the second society accepts homosexuality they'll be getting hit on (or worse) every time they step out in public?

It seems like the most vocal anti-gay people are males.


Are women naturally more accepting then men are?

Are women just more intelligent?

Are men typically more fearful than women?

I think that it is because no invasive penetration is evident in female homosexuality...and a straight guy's worse nightmare is??...
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

From my experience men seem to be threatened and repulsed by the idea that a man can actually be on the *ahem* receiving end of intercourse. It endangers what they view as the traditional and dominant male role.

I think men were unaccepting of homosexuals because they thought it spoke to their own sexuality. (Not so much now, thank goodness.)

A proper answer to this would require several pages of writing, but the short version is that it's a society/cultural thing regarding the need for men to be manly men and homosexuals, stereotypically (regardless of how untrue it may be), are not real men.

So in a word..... fear?

Men are more afraid than women? Naturally?
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Not supporting the homosexual lifestyle and being afraid of homosexuals are two totally different things. You improperly or ignorantly label anyone against homosexuality as a homophobe.

The easiest way to spot a homophobe on these forums is to see how many of their postings are devoted to the subject in a negative way.

Hey, that gives me an idea!...........
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

I think that it is because no invasive penetration is evident in female homosexuality...and a straight guy's worse nightmare is??...

So it's the arrogance of being so good looking, and the fear of being raped?
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

So in a word..... fear?

Men are more afraid than women? Naturally?

Not fear so much, but rather a "necessity" of sorts.

The instincts of any reproducing specimen is to make itself attractive to the opposite gender. If one is not a "manly man" this could mean he cannot provide food, shelter and protection for his family. This makes him less desirable in the eyes of the female, who seeks out said protection from their men.
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Why are men far more afraid of society accepting homosexuals than women?

Is it sheer arrogance?
Do they fear that they are so damned good looking that the second society accepts homosexuality they'll be getting hit on (or worse) every time they step out in public?

It seems like the most vocal anti-gay people are males.


Are women naturally more accepting then men are?

Are women just more intelligent?

Are men typically more fearful than women?

many men think sex is an action which lets them show their superiority to women

gay males are thought to break this rule

so lesbians are always loved :mrgreen:
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

So it's the arrogance of being so good looking, and the fear of being raped?

You don't have to be good looking to get raped..it is an affront to their masculinity...turns them into less than a man..I have known het males who have committed,suicide after being raped by men..
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Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Why are men far more afraid of society accepting homosexuals than women?

Is it sheer arrogance?
Do they fear that they are so damned good looking that the second society accepts homosexuality they'll be getting hit on (or worse) every time they step out in public?

It seems like the most vocal anti-gay people are males.


Are women naturally more accepting then men are?

Are women just more intelligent?

Are men typically more fearful than women?

Are you sure that you're not simply buying into stereotypes here?

Women may be more accepting of the male variety of homosexual (due to their perceived lack of sexual threat), but I don't exactly see them dying to hang out with the more butch variety of lesbian.

Frankly, for that matter, men tend to be significantly more aggressive when it comes to sex than women and always have been. Could this not also play a role in the level of discomfort straight men feel around homosexuals?

Men are instinctively territorial and strive for dominance. Being reduced to a sexual object by another man tends to be taken as an indicator that they have been placed in a submissive role in relation to them.
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Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Gee...I wonder why you'd naturally assume I was talking about someone like you? Me thinks thou protests too much. :lamo

It wasn't an assumption. I am a man that is not in favor of society accepting homosexuality. Therefore you WERE talking about someone like me. :roll:
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

The easiest way to spot a homophobe on these forums is to see how many of their postings are devoted to the subject in a negative way.

Hey, that gives me an idea!...........

I'm not afraid of homosexuals, therefore I cannot be a homophobe. Homophobe isn't even a proper term anyway, that could mean one is afraid of humans as well.
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

Why are men far more afraid of society accepting homosexuals than women?

Is it sheer arrogance?
Do they fear that they are so damned good looking that the second society accepts homosexuality they'll be getting hit on (or worse) every time they step out in public?

It seems like the most vocal anti-gay people are males.


Are women naturally more accepting then men are?

Are women just more intelligent?

Are men typically more fearful than women?

I question the premise of your OP. Have any facts and figures to back up your opinion?
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

I'm not afraid of homosexuals, therefore I cannot be a homophobe. Homophobe isn't even a proper term anyway, that could mean one is afraid of humans as well.

So the absolutely ENORMOUS number of postings you have dedicated to the subject in such a very short time is indicative of what, then? What motivates your obsession with the subject, if not fear?
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

I'm not afraid of homosexuals, therefore I cannot be a homophobe. Homophobe isn't even a proper term anyway, that could mean one is afraid of humans as well.

I am a musophobe..

Called musophobia, this extreme phobia can be paralyzing to those who find mice anything but cute.....
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

So the absolutely ENORMOUS number of postings you have dedicated to the subject in such a very short time is indicative of what, then? What motivates your obsession with the subject, if not fear?

Indicative that it is a commonly discussed topic on this site, one of the main ones actually. There is a disproportionate amount of discussion on this site about homosexuals and abortion so I find it funny when people try to use the argument that those are my battle cries. The truth is, that is what is discussed here so of course I have a lot of posts about it because that is the topic being discussed. Nothing more. I hardly ever talk about it outside of this forum. Apparently you think I spend every waking moment deliberating how to destroy homosexuality. Not the case.
Re: Why are males more homophobic than females?

I am a musophobe..

Called musophobia, this extreme phobia can be paralyzing to those who find mice anything but cute.....

Thanks for sharing. :peace


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