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Who's ready for the Xbox 360? (1 Viewer)

Mixed View

Active member
Mar 7, 2005
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Slightly Liberal
I'm really into videogames and I cannot wait for the 360 and espscially Halo 3. How about you?
You know my socialist-hating best friend, I really can't see the XBox 360 taking off too well. Sure Halo 3 or something will be great, but it's coming out soo soon I think It may go the way of the Dreamcast.
I think it looks awesome. The graphics were amazing. And about it coming out too soon, I'm not worried. Even if the PS3 is awesome, we're talking about Microsoft here. Worse case scenario, they pull a Gamecube and keep producing bad games until they get another chance at a console.
Worse case scenario, they pull a Gamecube and keep producing bad games until they get another chance at a console

Aw whats with the attack on the gamecube? Sure it had a lot of kiddy games and in the beginning they did market it more to younger kids but it had better graphics then the PS2 and they have very limited third party support but I think that their games that they make on their own are excellent. Metroid Prime was a friggin amazing game. So was Zelda and the new one is gonna be even better.
I have to admit, I've been a loyal Nintendo fanbody for many years because I grew up on Zelda and Mario and I loved those games but I think that Nintendo has to get with the program or else I'm going to have to suck up my pride and get an xbox or something.

Its nice to know though that if nintendo does go under, they will probably sell to either ps3 or xbox and so I will still be able to play zelda. But it will suck not to have Miyamato or any of those guys working on it.
"We will have the most powerful console of them all" Vice President of Microsoft

"I think we will get second, but I'm ok with second, we will still do great" Vice President of Sony.

I don't think the 360 will drop like the dreamcast (the dreamcast was pretty cool), simply because there is a bunch of advertising now adays, it's only going to cost like 300 bucks, and it will be soooo much better than the PS3.

Do any of you subscribe to a video game magazine?
It looks like it's going on sale on Nov. 22

The U.S. price for Xbox 360, previously announced, will be $399.99.

A scaled-down version will be sold for $100 less.
I found the fact sheet on MS, but it didn't say what the scaled down version is.. anyone know?
FinnMacCool said:
Aw whats with the attack on the gamecube? Sure it had a lot of kiddy games and in the beginning they did market it more to younger kids but it had better graphics then the PS2 and they have very limited third party support but I think that their games that they make on their own are excellent. Metroid Prime was a friggin amazing game. So was Zelda and the new one is gonna be even better.
I have to admit, I've been a loyal Nintendo fanbody for many years because I grew up on Zelda and Mario and I loved those games but I think that Nintendo has to get with the program or else I'm going to have to suck up my pride and get an xbox or something.

Its nice to know though that if nintendo does go under, they will probably sell to either ps3 or xbox and so I will still be able to play zelda. But it will suck not to have Miyamato or any of those guys working on it.

I am also a loyal nintendo-er. I still love to play all the old-school games that I grew up with. I also have a thing for the sega genesis. What ever happened to Sega? I know they create games but is there any chance of a gaming system coming from them? I need to get with the times cause I'm way out of date.lol I still play with my commodore, what does that tell you?!
I like the Nintendo 64 better than the Gamecube....And GC also doesnt just have kiddy games anymore, look at Resident Evil and MGS: Twin Snakes. Definately not intended for little kids. But I still like the PS3 because of Final Fantasy series and the volume and range of games.

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