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Who's keeping score of the liars? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Who's keeping score of the liars? Flynn, Gates, Papadopoulos, Cohen, Manafort and now his once partner, Stone. Oh, and our president.

Cohen is a lying liar who can't be trusted according to the right. My question is this, out of this group of liars, who do you believe is going to tell the story closest to the truth?
Who's keeping score of the liars? Flynn, Gates, Papadopoulos, Cohen, Manafort and now his once partner, Stone. Oh, and our president.

Cohen is a lying liar who can't be trusted according to the right. My question is this, out of this group of liars, who do you believe is going to tell the story closest to the truth?

We are as a people colossal liars now...that is a big part of why the West is dying....let's not pretend that Mueller is finding anything unusual.
Who's keeping score of the liars? Flynn, Gates, Papadopoulos, Cohen, Manafort and now his once partner, Stone. Oh, and our president.
Cohen is a lying liar who can't be trusted according to the right. My question is this, out of this group of liars, who do you believe is going to tell the story closest to the truth?

Any that oppose Trump are liars.
Any that defend Trump, like Stone, are heroes...pitbulls, scrappers...victims of the stormtrooper FBI agents.
If Stone flips (which he won't), he'll be a big fat liar too.

Just like Cohen, trusted for a decade by Trump. Giuliani says he's a swell guy.
Cohen flips.
Cohen is a pathological liar!!
Who's keeping score of the liars? Flynn, Gates, Papadopoulos, Cohen, Manafort and now his once partner, Stone. Oh, and our president.

Cohen is a lying liar who can't be trusted according to the right. My question is this, out of this group of liars, who do you believe is going to tell the story closest to the truth?

Trump, because you know almost everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie, hence you know the truth is the opposite, where as with the others the lies are not as consistent so the truth is harder to nail down.
Robert Mueller.........working the scorecard!

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