Excellent. Not very many who debate the question have. Please tell me your understanding of Section IX B, paragraph 2. This, as you know, is the pivotal paragraph written by Justice Harry Blackmun. If you wish to refresh your memory, you can find Roe here:
The woman's right to privacy is based upon the combination of four of our amendments (and forgive me if i am wrong, its been a few years)-1, 5, 9, and 14 (and I knew that you weren't talking to me). The problem with that argument that I see is that anti-abortion people see life as beginning at conception and with pro-choice people feeling it begins...well, all over the place, 3 months, 4, etc. The fact is that if you feel that way, another person feels the exact opposite and nothing you say will convince them otherwise.
Should a question as important as life be left to such weak words as "see", "feeling", feels"? These words ignore fact and simply rely on enotion.
There are to use your exact words "50 million of these cases." And there have been because it was legally permissable.
As once was slavery. We advanced from the point of outlawing the buying, selling, and owning of humans to the point at which it is legal to kill them in the womb.
Anything that I consider living, I don't think should be killed. Period.
It sounds as if you're beginning to pontificate.
And my view is that fetuses can be considered living is when they start conciously thinking,
"Consider" is another of those factless, emotional words used a few paragraphs back.
so if that is hypocritical...please tell me.
What I will say to you is this. If you believe what you say, then you would not be hypocritical if you make a concerted effort to find proof that supports your beliefs. If, however, you find proof that refutes your belief and refuse to accept it, then you would be worse than hypocritical.
Are you up to the challenge?