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Who would you want to debate politics with over a beer (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Political Leaning
Just to show that our differences do not always divide us, post which allie and foe could you see yourself debating politics with over a beer.

My picks:

Allie: MixedMedia
Foe: CNredd
disneydude said:
Just to show that our differences do not always divide us, post which allie and foe could you see yourself debating politics with over a beer.

My picks:

Allie: MixedMedia
Foe: CNredd
Cardinal rule number one: Never discuss politics while drinking.

Cardinal rule number two: Never discuss religion while drinking.

Cardinal rule number three: Discussing sports, sex, hunting, fishing, or just about anything else is OK.

Corollary to Cardinal rule number three. Dont discuss sex in a gay bar. :)
danarhea said:
Cardinal rule number one: Never discuss politics while drinking.

Cardinal rule number two: Never discuss religion while drinking.

Cardinal rule number three: Discussing sports, sex, hunting, fishing, or just about anything else is OK.

Corollary to Cardinal rule number three. Dont discuss sex in a gay bar. :)

Are you kidding? The only thing that does get discussed in gay bars is sex.
alex said:
Are you kidding? The only thing that does get discussed in gay bars is sex.

How would you know...?

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