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Who would you vote for in 2008? (1 Viewer)

Who would you vote for in 2008?

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Blah said:
Who would you like to see take the 2008 election?

Senator McCain is somebody I would like to see in the 08 election.
The libertarian but that won't happen so the Republican. You see I really don't care who the nominees are. If you get a pro gun Dem his party is still going to send him the same trial and appellate judges that a Schumer or Clinton would get sent to them.

that is the most important issue to me-its the party that holds the WH that is important.
TurtleDude said:
The libertarian but that won't happen so the Republican. You see I really don't care who the nominees are. If you get a pro gun Dem his party is still going to send him the same trial and appellate judges that a Schumer or Clinton would get sent to them.

that is the most important issue to me-its the party that holds the WH that is important.

Yeah, that's a big problem I have with the dems is their gun control agenda. It costed Gore alot of votes. So long as the government has guns, I want to keep mine. When the government surrenders all weapons and guns, then I may, just may, think about any remote possibility of surrending my guns. But more than likely not because nobody else will surrender their guns either. I think an armed population is consistent with a free society.
Ahh crap man, I should have voted for Dr. Phil or Jesus Christ.
TimmyBoy said:
Yeah, that's a big problem I have with the dems is their gun control agenda. It costed Gore alot of votes. So long as the government has guns, I want to keep mine. When the government surrenders all weapons and guns, then they I may, just may, think about any remote possibility of surrending my guns. But more than likely not because nobody else will surrender their guns either. I think an armed population is consistent with a free society.

Well said. Im against guns as much as the next guy, but people are always going to have guns. So why try to limit myself, although I dont even have a gun. The people who would shoot me with guns will still have them no matter what law gets passed. But I dont need to worry, I live in wisconsin, and the cows are friendly as long as you tip them.
TimmyBoy said:
Yeah, that's a big problem I have with the dems is their gun control agenda. It costed Gore alot of votes. So long as the government has guns, I want to keep mine. When the government surrenders all weapons and guns, then I may, just may, think about any remote possibility of surrending my guns. But more than likely not because nobody else will surrender their guns either. I think an armed population is consistent with a free society.

sound thinking:dito:
I don't know if the Republican's are too much different than the Democrats anymore. Ideally, I wish a member of the Green party would run, but I'll most likely vote for the whoever the Dems put up.
John McCain cant save you from the fiery gates of hell!!!!!!!!

Christ '08
I'll have to go with either McCain or Rudy G. If I had to vote Democratic because a gun was at my head, then Wesley Clark.

Now, I am going to put a big target on my back for this one: I think the United States is in need of a female president. But certainly not Hillary. We're not ready for a Butch Lesbian President. But definetly, I think we should have a female president soon.
Blah said:
John McCain cant save you from the fiery gates of hell!!!!!!!!

Christ '08

I highly doubt if there was a returning Christ, that he would have anything to do with politics.:lol: Besides with slogan's like "Love your enemy", he wouldn't get high on the political ladder.
Jesus is willing to provide forgiveness for supporters of his 2008 campaign. Jesus would also like to let you know that Dr. Phil is infact a woman.
Hey what about Dr. Phil? I always liked his TV show ha ha ha ha ha !
I voted for Dr. Phil. Maybe as President, he can counsel Saddam Huessain into giving up all the other terrorists.

"Now you KNOW that terrorism is wrong. Don't ya Saddam? I think you DO. You're just repressing your feelings. You have to realize the whole, 'I'm the big bad dicator of Iraq' thing was VERY immature..."
galenrox said:
where the hell is Bayh?

Son of Indiana Dem legend Birch Bayh, has been both a senator and governor of the state. Widely seen as a moderate who prospers in one of the reddest states but his vote against Roberts was seen as an attempt to cater to the far left which makes up an disproportionate number of the DNC delegates
galenrox said:
no, I know WHO he is, I'm just upset that he wasn't part of the poll, cause I am praying that he runs so I can vote for him!

My Bad-I misread your post:doh
galenrox said:
not a problem brother
what do you think of Bayh?

as Democrats go, one of the best, though I am still scratching my head how anyone could honestly vote against CJ Roberts given that almost all the GOP voted for Ginsburg and everyone voted for Scalia
galenrox said:
no, I know WHO he is, I'm just upset that he wasn't part of the poll, cause I am praying that he runs so I can vote for him!

Im sorry I've never heard of him, didnt purposely leave him out. It makes me feel kinda bad. Because I dont think Dr. Phil is doing so well anyhow.
Evan Bayh.

See, I am from Indiana...born and raised until I joined the military. Evan Bayh was the man. And then my best friend's dad ran for political office as a Dist Rep, under the Repub Party...and well...I was ruined. RUINED!!!!

Evan Bayh is a good guy. Polite, well spoke, and a political puncher. I wont say what I want to say, because then all the liberals will smell blood in the water and chew me up.
Russ Feingold is an awesome guy. It would be awesome if he became president but for many reasons it will never happen.

Its kinda funny that people like Dr. Phil more than Dick Cheney though.
George Allen..........
Last edited:
George Allen and Evan Bayh have been added.

As much as I don't like Allen (He's trying to get Bush Republicans), he's got a solid chance to get the nomination.

I like Condi and McCain...and I have a soft spot in my heart for Feingold now, as the ONLY DEMOCRAT to support the Coburn amendment to start cutting pork.

McCain/Feingold...it's not just a bill, it's a ticket.
Navy Pride said:
George Allen..........

Yes, George Allen is a well-spoken individual, I wouldn't vote for him. He was on NBC's Meet the Press, and said something to the effect of any Republican that votes to confirm Miers, better forget about running for Pres.

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