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Who would you like to see as our President right now? (1 Viewer)

Who would you like to see as our President right now?

  • A greedy politican

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • A non-politician who will turn into a greedy politican

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters


Devil Dog
DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
If you could replace GW Bush who would it be?

My vote would be for Norman Schwarzkopf.
I am not for replacing President Bush because I think he is doing and outstanding job in the war on terror but if he was to be replaced I would say either Dick Cheney or Goeorge Allen.........
Dan Fielding from Night Court...
Excellent question. You won't find one liberal named as a possible substitue. Bank on it! Imagine someone suggesting a walking time bomb like that Kerry fella?
FinnMacCool said:
Jello Biafra. . .without a doubt.

But who would you choose as your vice punk?
[Moderator mode]

I added a stupid poll 'cause I'm too damn tired to move the thread somewhere else...:doh

[/Moderator mode]
I would like to see someone like Michael Savage run the country.
Al Gore, Howard Dean, John Edwards, Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer or Barak Obama.

Al gave a great speech on the 16th on the missuse of executive powers by the Busheviks. You can download it at c-span.org
hipsterdufus said:
Al Gore, Howard Dean, John Edwards, Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer or Barak Obama.

Al gave a great speech on the 16th on the missuse of executive powers by the Busheviks. You can download it at c-span.org

Gore? LOL!!

He was the sitting VP during a booming economy, he should have won by a landslide. But he was so pathetic that he couldn't even win, period.
MrFungus420 said:
Gore? LOL!!

He was the sitting VP during a booming economy, he should have won by a landslide. But he was so pathetic that he couldn't even win, period.

Being a bad candidate doesn't necessarily mean someone would be a bad president, or vice versa.
Hillary Clinton!!! Aka our next president...
hipsterdufus said:
Al Gore, Howard Dean, John Edwards, Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer or Barak Obama.

Al gave a great speech on the 16th on the missuse of executive powers by the Busheviks. You can download it at c-span.org

wow hips, 5 libs and Edwards who has 0 chance to win the nomination.......Where are Hillary and Kerry?
Stupiderthanthou said:
More people voted for him than voted for Bush. Just something people seem to forget rather frequently.

It says your from the USA but I guess you don't know that we elect presidents by the electoral college.........Always have, always will......The popular vote does not mean squat........
Kelzie said:
Hillary Clinton!!! Aka our next president...

Please God let her win the democratic nomination.....It is the best thing that could ever happen to Conservatives, Moderates and the Republican party....

Don't worry people. The country's safe and secure. Just don't question me.
Navy Pride said:
Please God let her win the democratic nomination.....It is the best thing that could ever happen to Conservatives, Moderates and the Republican party....

You think losing will be good for them? Me too!
Kelzie said:
You think losing will be good for them? Me too!

I will tell you what kelzie if I am not banned by election time and the "Ice Princess" gets the nomination you and I will have to make a little wager on who wins, the loser paying their loss to the forum.....

Are you up for that? I will let you set the amount of the wager to make it easy on yourself.........
Navy Pride said:
I will tell you what kelzie if I am not banned by election time and the "Ice Princess" gets the nomination you and I will have to make a little wager on who wins, the loser paying their loss to the forum.....

Are you up for that? I will let you set the amount of the wager to make it easy on yourself.........

Sorry yo. I'd love to, but I'm a broke college student. If you want to loan me my half of the bet I will. And by loan I mean give. :mrgreen:

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