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Who will be the more respected SecDef- Hegseth or Austin? (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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We all remember how Austin just dropped off the radar and goes in the hospital without notifying his superiors. Very unbecoming of a 4 Star General.

Compared to;

An Army battle proven infantry soldier with an Ivy League education. Who by the way has many, many veterans by his side including US Navy Seals.

So who will be respected more by the troops.?

Hegseth will not be confirmed so there is that...
Hegseth not having any qualifications for the job points to him being worse than Austin, and I don't even think Austin was any good.
We all remember how Austin just dropped off the radar and goes in the hospital without notifying his superiors. Very unbecoming of a 4 Star General.

Compared to;

An Army battle proven infantry soldier with an Ivy League education. Who by the way has many, many veterans by his side including US Navy Seals.

So who will be respected more by the troops.?

View attachment 67550917View attachment 67550918
Forgot the black out drunk sexual predator part.

Your election prediction didn’t age well either
Oh yeah? Tell me what I predicted. Quotes or links will work.
We all remember how Austin just dropped off the radar and goes in the hospital without notifying his superiors. Very unbecoming of a 4 Star General.

Compared to;

An Army battle proven infantry soldier with an Ivy League education. Who by the way has many, many veterans by his side including US Navy Seals.

So who will be respected more by the troops.?

View attachment 67550917View attachment 67550918
Counting your chickens before they hatch, huh? We'll see if 3 or more Republican Senators have the guts to vote no on this completely unqualified candidate. I certainly hope so. But, if not, we'll have a person running the DOD who is a disaster waiting to happen.
Oh yeah? Tell me what I predicted. Quotes or links will work.
Let’s do something to benefit the board.

If Hegseth doesn’t get confirmed I’ll donate $20.00 to the site.

Will you match me going the other way?
Trump DoD nominee Pete Hegseth has a problem with the bottle and with abusing females.
Let’s do something to benefit the board.

If Hegseth doesn’t get confirmed I’ll donate $20.00 to the site.

Will you match me going the other way?
Sure, although I already contribute monthly without any strings attached...
We all remember how Austin just dropped off the radar and goes in the hospital without notifying his superiors. Very unbecoming of a 4 Star General.

Compared to;

An Army battle proven infantry soldier with an Ivy League education. Who by the way has many, many veterans by his side including US Navy Seals.

So who will be respected more by the troops.?

View attachment 67550917View attachment 67550918
Being retired military, I can’t remember who was SECDEF recently. The only ones I remember was Rumsfeld, Weinberger and McNamara. I remember them for different reasons. If I saw a list of SECDEF’s, I’m sure I would remember more. SECDEF’s are responsible for carrying out any president’s defense policies. I would imagine who is respected more is in the eye of the beholder along partisan lines. In that way this is a loaded question.
Being retired military, I can’t remember who was SECDEF recently. The only ones I remember was Rumsfeld, Weinberger and McNamara. I remember them for different reasons. If I saw a list of SECDEF’s, I’m sure I would remember more. SECDEF’s are responsible for carrying out any president’s defense policies. I would imagine who is respected more is in the eye of the beholder along partisan lines. In that way this is a loaded question.
I mean more respected by military personnel.
I mean more respected by military personnel.
I don’t know. This hasn’t come up in any of my VFW or American Legion meetings. I suspect most are like me, never knew who Austin was.
I don’t know. This hasn’t come up in any of my VFW or American Legion meetings. I suspect most are like me, never knew who Austin was.
Veterans maybe. But the active duty and reservist very well know who Austin was.
If there are enough Republicans that support him and put him in the position, then let him bury himself. Trump's cabinet during his first term was a revolving door. Why should his second term be any different?
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I think the Senate should just confirm Hegseth for Sec of Defense and be done with it. We're all f*cked anyway because of Trump so where's the harm? So Hegseth doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to running the military and he gets us into WW3, so what? If he doesn't do it then Trump is going to do it. Either way we all lose.
I think the Senate should just confirm Hegseth for Sec of Defense and be done with it. We're all f*cked anyway because of Trump so where's the harm? So Hegseth doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to running the military and he gets us into WW3, so what? If he doesn't do it then Trump is going to do it. Either way we all lose.
Oh the drama. 🤣
Biden and Austin have ruined the military. Morale and recruiting is in the crapper.

Reminds me of the military at the end of Carter's presidency.
We all remember how Austin just dropped off the radar and goes in the hospital without notifying his superiors. Very unbecoming of a 4 Star General.

Compared to;

An Army battle proven infantry soldier with an Ivy League education. Who by the way has many, many veterans by his side including US Navy Seals.

So who will be respected more by the troops.?

View attachment 67550917View attachment 67550918
Looks like darth vader vs obe won lol.

The DEI hire loses every time.

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