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Who Owns the MEDIA? (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
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Lakeport CA
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Who Owns What
Here is a small smattering of who owns what; only half are American properties. The big six consist of:
AOL TIME WARNER (world's largest media company)
Time Magazine, HBO, History Book Club, publishing companies; Hanna-Barbera Cartoons; Warner Bros. Studio in 30+ countries, amusement parks, numerous magazines (120 million readers); Turner Entertainments internationally, such TBS station, Cartoon Network, Turner Classic Movies, TNT, and others. Sports, such Metro Sports, the Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Hawks, and Turner Thrashers. Also operating under this media mogul are high speed cable, online services in addition to AOL, i.e. CompuServe, Interactive Services, and Netscape, etc.. Too, ownership exists in CNN Newsroom; all of Warner Music Group as Warner Bros. Records, Reprise, Atlantic Jazz, Elektra, and 47 other labels. They also possess stores in over 30 countries, as well as theme parks, and various consumer products. The company partners with other media ownerships, such as Sony.
Chairman: Steve Case; CEO: Gerald Levin; 79,000 employees; ~$32 billion revenues[1] AOL division: Chairman & CEO: Jon Miller, J. Michael Kelly; about 18,000 employees;
As the second largest media dynasty, Disney has percentages of other various corporations and media holdings. Its biggest acquisition is Capital Cities/all of ABC TV, radio networks, and publishing groups (magazines, books, daily newspapers). TiVo (partial investment), Disney productions, and much of the ESPN networks (especially sports), belong primarily to Disney but they also share the History Channel (with Hearst and GE). More Disney properties, some co-held, include Disney Channel UK, France, Italy, and Spain; Eurosport England, Tele-Munchen Germany, Scandinavian Broadcast System; sports franchises and Sports Network of Canada, and the broadcasting of sports around the world, such as soccer in Latin America, table tennis in Asia, cricket in India, Anaheim Ducks (national hockey league), a world's sports complex, and other major league teams. Additionally, they hold Hollywood pictures, Miramax Films, Caravan Pictures, Buena Vista Television, Touchstone Television, WD Television, Disney Animation, with production facilities in Australia, Canada, and Japan. Online shopping, 15 amusement parks, hotels, cruise lines, stores, their own merchandise, and communications tools belong to this titanic company.
Chairman & CEO: Michael D. Eisner; nearly $24 billion in revenues
Labeled as the third largest media firm, this corporation has ownership in other companies, and is the world's largest publisher as seen in this sampling: Random House (in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and UK as well), with Ballantine, Bantam, Crown, Doubleday, Knopf, Fodor's, audio components, and business, science, trade and professional, and medical books. Additionally, Modern Library, Book-of-the-Month Club, and Doubleday Book Club are also their properties, as are 50% ownership of Bookspan, European book clubs, online bookstores, and 40% ownership of Barnes & Noble. They also hold international TV and radio stations, various newspapers, magazines such as PARENTS, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (France), FAMILY CIRCLE., McCALLS, PRIMA, FOCUS, etc., along with music groups (Arista, RCA, BMG, EMI), and videos, DVDs, and Lycos Fireball. This gigantic company owns companies that are in the paper business as well, such as offset paperback manufacturing, a maul-belser industry, graphic design entities, along with locking in computer/database businesses, e-commerce, financial services, and call centers.
CEO: Dr. Thomas Middlehof; 64,000 employees; $16-billion in revenues)
This is the Australian-born but naturalized U.S. citizen Rupert Murdoch's holding which encompasses, New York Post, and, internationally, books-owned in whole or in part with other media magnates-published from top-notch houses like Harper Collins, Hearst Book Group, William Morrow, Avon, Zondervan, and others. Fox broadcasting, BskyB, sport networks, Madison Square Garden network, Fox News, and many other cable/TV stations, and film companies belong to him, not counting cross-ownership with Cablevision, Speedvision, the Health Network, and Liberty Media - a bagful of more goodies. News Corporation owns magazines, studios, and partially the L.A. Staples Center, the NY Knicks, NY Rangers, the L.A. Dodgers, L.A. Kings, L.A. Lakers, an Australian rugby league, U.K. football clubs, as well as sports and entertainment.
Chair and CEO: Rupert Murdoch; 50,000 employees; revenues of about $14-billion.
This company, as is true with other media tycoons, owns some properties outright, while many are held in a percentage ownership. Simon & Schuster imprints, MTV books, Scribner, the Free Press, and other publishing houses; numerous nationwide T.V. film, and radio networks, such as Infinity Radio (184 stations) belong to this company. Others consist of Nicolodeon, CBS and all its affiliates, VH1, Spelling Television, King World Productions, UPN T.V. stations, cable networks, United Paramount Films, consumer products, MTV, videos, DVDs, cinemas, United Cinemas International (with Vivendi Universal) media merchandise, online music, Sonicnet.com, sports online, as well as 7,300 American Blockbuster stores with additional stores in nearly 30 other countries. Under their deeds fall five Paramount Parks.
Chair & CEO: Sumner M. Redstone; 127,000 employees; appx. revenues: $13-billion
Operating in over 60 countries, this media cartel owns telecommunications operations, T.V. and film via Canal+ Group, Comcast, AT&T (pending), USA Networks, EchoStar, alcohol (Seagrams), privatized water; MP3, 60 publishing houses, Universal and other studios as well as about 24,000 TV episodes, the SciFi channel and more. Universal Music Group, Decca, MCA, Motown, Polygram are part of their portfolio, as are utilities, Connex (UK train services), mobile phones, Havas press, imprints, and multimedia. Add VivendiNet, Vizzavi, Viventures, Cineplex, United Cinemas International (49% ownership), video distributions, and theme parks, as well as environmental services.
Chairman & CEO: Jean-Marie Messier; revenues of no less than $55-billion
GENERAL ELECTRIC can arguably be considered one of the biggest, or on the second tier of media omnipotence, with its 11 divisions and 15% revenue growth in the last quarter. The Olympics, along with an international folder, fueled GE's holding of Universal, NBC stations, studios, and distribution. They also own Universal Pictures, parks, sports, health care technology, and transportation.
Playing right behind the big guys are more media tiers that consist of Sony, Gannett, Hearst Corporation, Tribune, Community Newspaper Holdings, McClatchy, Advance publications, Pearson, Lee, Copley, Cox, Belo, Cumulus, Clear Channel Communications, and several others.

A listed is Globalist based media. In America today we have the same problem that the Germany people faced during WWII

"Hitler's dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. It was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own country. Through technical devices like the radio and the loud-speaker, eighty million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man..."
Albert Speer, Hitler's Minister for Armaments (at his trial after World War II)
Robodoon said:
Who Owns What
Here is a small smattering of who owns what; only half are American properties. The big six consist of:
AOL TIME WARNER (world's largest media company)
Time Magazine, HBO, History Book Club, publishing companies; Hanna-Barbera Cartoons; Warner Bros. Studio in 30+ countries, amusement parks, numerous magazines (120 million readers); Turner Entertainments internationally, such TBS station, Cartoon Network, Turner Classic Movies, TNT, and others. Sports, such Metro Sports, the Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Hawks, and Turner Thrashers. Also operating under this media mogul are high speed cable, online services in addition to AOL, i.e. CompuServe, Interactive Services, and Netscape, etc.. Too, ownership exists in CNN Newsroom; all of Warner Music Group as Warner Bros. Records, Reprise, Atlantic Jazz, Elektra, and 47 other labels. They also possess stores in over 30 countries, as well as theme parks, and various consumer products. The company partners with other media ownerships, such as Sony.
Chairman: Steve Case; CEO: Gerald Levin; 79,000 employees; ~$32 billion revenues[1] AOL division: Chairman & CEO: Jon Miller, J. Michael Kelly; about 18,000 employees;
As the second largest media dynasty, Disney has percentages of other various corporations and media holdings. Its biggest acquisition is Capital Cities/all of ABC TV, radio networks, and publishing groups (magazines, books, daily newspapers). TiVo (partial investment), Disney productions, and much of the ESPN networks (especially sports), belong primarily to Disney but they also share the History Channel (with Hearst and GE). More Disney properties, some co-held, include Disney Channel UK, France, Italy, and Spain; Eurosport England, Tele-Munchen Germany, Scandinavian Broadcast System; sports franchises and Sports Network of Canada, and the broadcasting of sports around the world, such as soccer in Latin America, table tennis in Asia, cricket in India, Anaheim Ducks (national hockey league), a world's sports complex, and other major league teams. Additionally, they hold Hollywood pictures, Miramax Films, Caravan Pictures, Buena Vista Television, Touchstone Television, WD Television, Disney Animation, with production facilities in Australia, Canada, and Japan. Online shopping, 15 amusement parks, hotels, cruise lines, stores, their own merchandise, and communications tools belong to this titanic company.
Chairman & CEO: Michael D. Eisner; nearly $24 billion in revenues
Labeled as the third largest media firm, this corporation has ownership in other companies, and is the world's largest publisher as seen in this sampling: Random House (in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and UK as well), with Ballantine, Bantam, Crown, Doubleday, Knopf, Fodor's, audio components, and business, science, trade and professional, and medical books. Additionally, Modern Library, Book-of-the-Month Club, and Doubleday Book Club are also their properties, as are 50% ownership of Bookspan, European book clubs, online bookstores, and 40% ownership of Barnes & Noble. They also hold international TV and radio stations, various newspapers, magazines such as PARENTS, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (France), FAMILY CIRCLE., McCALLS, PRIMA, FOCUS, etc., along with music groups (Arista, RCA, BMG, EMI), and videos, DVDs, and Lycos Fireball. This gigantic company owns companies that are in the paper business as well, such as offset paperback manufacturing, a maul-belser industry, graphic design entities, along with locking in computer/database businesses, e-commerce, financial services, and call centers.
CEO: Dr. Thomas Middlehof; 64,000 employees; $16-billion in revenues)
This is the Australian-born but naturalized U.S. citizen Rupert Murdoch's holding which encompasses, New York Post, and, internationally, books-owned in whole or in part with other media magnates-published from top-notch houses like Harper Collins, Hearst Book Group, William Morrow, Avon, Zondervan, and others. Fox broadcasting, BskyB, sport networks, Madison Square Garden network, Fox News, and many other cable/TV stations, and film companies belong to him, not counting cross-ownership with Cablevision, Speedvision, the Health Network, and Liberty Media - a bagful of more goodies. News Corporation owns magazines, studios, and partially the L.A. Staples Center, the NY Knicks, NY Rangers, the L.A. Dodgers, L.A. Kings, L.A. Lakers, an Australian rugby league, U.K. football clubs, as well as sports and entertainment.
Chair and CEO: Rupert Murdoch; 50,000 employees; revenues of about $14-billion.
This company, as is true with other media tycoons, owns some properties outright, while many are held in a percentage ownership. Simon & Schuster imprints, MTV books, Scribner, the Free Press, and other publishing houses; numerous nationwide T.V. film, and radio networks, such as Infinity Radio (184 stations) belong to this company. Others consist of Nicolodeon, CBS and all its affiliates, VH1, Spelling Television, King World Productions, UPN T.V. stations, cable networks, United Paramount Films, consumer products, MTV, videos, DVDs, cinemas, United Cinemas International (with Vivendi Universal) media merchandise, online music, Sonicnet.com, sports online, as well as 7,300 American Blockbuster stores with additional stores in nearly 30 other countries. Under their deeds fall five Paramount Parks.
Chair & CEO: Sumner M. Redstone; 127,000 employees; appx. revenues: $13-billion
Operating in over 60 countries, this media cartel owns telecommunications operations, T.V. and film via Canal+ Group, Comcast, AT&T (pending), USA Networks, EchoStar, alcohol (Seagrams), privatized water; MP3, 60 publishing houses, Universal and other studios as well as about 24,000 TV episodes, the SciFi channel and more. Universal Music Group, Decca, MCA, Motown, Polygram are part of their portfolio, as are utilities, Connex (UK train services), mobile phones, Havas press, imprints, and multimedia. Add VivendiNet, Vizzavi, Viventures, Cineplex, United Cinemas International (49% ownership), video distributions, and theme parks, as well as environmental services.
Chairman & CEO: Jean-Marie Messier; revenues of no less than $55-billion
GENERAL ELECTRIC can arguably be considered one of the biggest, or on the second tier of media omnipotence, with its 11 divisions and 15% revenue growth in the last quarter. The Olympics, along with an international folder, fueled GE's holding of Universal, NBC stations, studios, and distribution. They also own Universal Pictures, parks, sports, health care technology, and transportation.
Playing right behind the big guys are more media tiers that consist of Sony, Gannett, Hearst Corporation, Tribune, Community Newspaper Holdings, McClatchy, Advance publications, Pearson, Lee, Copley, Cox, Belo, Cumulus, Clear Channel Communications, and several others.

A listed is Globalist based media. In America today we have the same problem that the Germany people faced during WWII

Albert Speer, Hitler's Minister for Armaments (at his trial after World War II)

The list is getting smaller all of the time. If things keep going the way they're headed, my guess is that 2 corporations will own all major TV, radio and newspapers by the year 2020. The sad part is too many people don't see the danger in corporate media monopolies.
hipsterdufus said:
The list is getting smaller all of the time. If things keep going the way they're headed, my guess is that 2 corporations will own all major TV, radio and newspapers by the year 2020. The sad part is too many people don't see the danger in corporate media monopolies.

Well in a matter of Speaking we already have just ONE, all these corps have the same Agenda

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