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Who is your political idol? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Mine is George Orwell, as I'm sure your all aware. I reccomend any of his books and all of his essays. They are all brilliant.
Can't really say, but as you know I'm into the ideas of people like Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky.

Orwell is a pretty swell guy, I've read Animal Farm and found it to be intresting. But unfortunatly, his writings are misunderstood, most people think he was writing moreover anti-Stalinism/Communism, but Orwell was a socialist himself, so he often critisized capitalism too, in Animal Farm the farmer the animals had before "animalism" you should note often never fed them, and were just as repressive as Napoleon. Napoleon depicts Stalin, Snowball dapicts Trotsky, Old Major depicts Lenin. Farmer Jones, I think his name was, depicts the Tsars and Capitalists. And the rest of the animals except pigs, are Soviet citizens, the pigs are the bureaucrats and leaders of the party.
Orwell is a pretty swell guy, I've read Animal Farm and found it to be intresting. But unfortunatly, his writings are misunderstood, most people think he was writing moreover anti-Stalinism/Communism, but Orwell was a socialist himself, so he often critisized capitalism too, in Animal Farm the farmer the animals had before "animalism" you should note often never fed them, and were just as repressive as Napoleon. Napoleon depicts Stalin, Snowball dapicts Trotsky, Old Major depicts Lenin. Farmer Jones, I think his name was, depicts the Tsars and Capitalists. And the rest of the animals except pigs, are Soviet citizens, the pigs are the bureaucrats and leaders of the party.

Agreed. Orwell was a social democrat. He described himself as a 'Democratic Socialist' but the terms have changed over the years so thats a bit misleading.
F.A. Hayek

the man destroyed socialism...
Jesse Ventura, He told the truth and made no apologies for what he believed. He wasn't a lap dog to special interests.
Aaron Burr because he shot Hamilton. :lol:

But seriously, if I were to pick one, I'd say Jefferson.
All of the NC State House of Reps Democrats that finally defeated the Southern Baptist Bible Humping Republicans in legislation that is going to give us a damned Lottery.
Jim Leach, congressman from Iowa, he is just plain fantastic.
Also, I add Howard Dean for his contribution in making the Democratic party what it is today.
FinnMacCool said:
Mine is George Orwell, as I'm sure your all aware. I reccomend any of his books and all of his essays. They are all brilliant.
Mine would probably be keir hardie [One of the founder of the labour party in the uk] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keir_Hardie

I really admire his perserverence and intellect as he had no schooling at all but still managed to teach himself to read and help to set up the first socialist party to gain seats in parliament. This was very significant as the two biggest partys in parliament at the time where completely dominated by the rich and the current government became more pressured into implementing reforms after the labour party was set up. The labour party went on to get into government a couple of times and implement universial healthcare before being completely messed up by tony blair. So all in all i think we owe him alot. Im very influenced by his form of socialism as well which put alot of enthesis on trade unionism and christiality [see wikipedia article] . Im also a big fan of noam chomsky at the moment
independent_thinker2002 said:
Jesse Ventura, He told the truth and made no apologies for what he believed. He wasn't a lap dog to special interests.

I'm gonna have to agree here.....a lot of people like to rag on the man, but he didn't take any **** from anyone.

And, I got some nice money back come tax time thanks to him :mrgreen:

I like to stick to politicians that are more during my own time, as it's a little easier for me to identify with them and their ideas and beliefs.
I'm going with Reagan. For rebuilding our nation in both spirit and economics. And winning a war against the most powerful enemy a country has ever had to face without firing a shot. And all the while, It was all on him and his vision, not any advisors or political pressure from opponents.
Reagan didn't single-handidly defeat the USSR, its had problems of its own, recession, repression, etc.
And the govt. that came after managed to create about the same thing.
Stace said:
I'm gonna have to agree here.....a lot of people like to rag on the man, but he didn't take any **** from anyone.

And, I got some nice money back come tax time thanks to him :mrgreen:

I like to stick to politicians that are more during my own time, as it's a little easier for me to identify with them and their ideas and beliefs.

not taking **** from anyone in politics isnt always a good thing

in country without political homogeniety we need compromise

you know who also didnt take **** from anyone? Hitler.

it's seductive to think "yeah **** it, i dont need to compromise my beleifs for anyone" but it's an immature way to go through life, it's a doubly immature way to approach politics
Comrade Brian said:
Reagan didn't single-handidly defeat the USSR, its had problems of its own, recession, repression, etc.
And the govt. that came after managed to create about the same thing.

Reagan's administration saw how periously weak the system had become, and applied pressure.
new coup for you said:
not taking **** from anyone in politics isnt always a good thing

in country without political homogeniety we need compromise

you know who also didnt take **** from anyone? Hitler.

it's seductive to think "yeah **** it, i dont need to compromise my beleifs for anyone" but it's an immature way to go through life, it's a doubly immature way to approach politics

Umm... I think they were talking about "SPECIAL INTRESTS" groups.

Standing up to special intrests groups is a quality I look for in a Politician.
new coup for you said:
Reagan's administration saw how periously weak the system had become, and applied pressure.

Yes, but by no means did he "single-handedly" take down the Communists.

Saying that is like me saying I "single-handedly" took down Iraq, just because I was a part of the effort.
new coup for you said:
Reagan's administration saw how periously weak the system had become, and applied pressure.

Thats why I said single-handidly.

Did he do it all? No.

Did he do most? No.

Did he do some? Yes.

But most reasons were because the USSR had many internal probalems, and some other external, such as Aghanistan.
In no order:

General George Patton
Joe Torre
Joe Paterno
Bobby Knight
My political idols are JFK and RFK.
Billo_Really said:
My political idols are JFK and RFK.

Sticking to just politics mine would be Ronald Reagan and "Scoop" Jackson........
Navy Pride said:
Sticking to just politics mine would be Ronald Reagan and "Scoop" Jackson........

thats strange, as someone who is so suporrtive of the iraq war i would expect you to be opossed to Saddam Husein .I must have been wrong as you admire the guy who suporrted saddam during the iran-iraq war in which saddam commited many of the atrocities [with our help] that we heard oh-so-much about in the run up to the latest invasion, . Funny old world............

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