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Who is the real Joe Biden? (1 Viewer)

Who is the real Joe Biden?

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DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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Just this year, Joe Biden has said he is on both sides of nearly every issue - depending who he is speaking to - promising to be for or against what suits the audience. Simply, Joe Biden himself has no policies on anything - or none we know of.

So this thread allows you to guess on 5 issues in which this year he has said exactly the opposite stances on the issues - being for or against depending upon what he thinks who he is talking to wants him say.

Accordingly, there are 5 issues (so you cast 5 votes).


Do any of you Democrats on the forum care to guess and vote - or will you make it clear you don't care what Joe Biden does if he becomes president as it is singularly about your personal hatred of Trump?"
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Just this year, Joe Biden has said he is on both sides of nearly every issue - depending who he is speaking to - promising to be for or against what suits the audience. Simply, Joe Biden himself has no policies on anything - or none we know of.

So this thread allows you to guess on 5 issues in which this year he has said exactly the opposite stances on the issues - being for or against depending upon what he thinks who he is talking to wants him say.

Accordingly, there are 5 issues (so you cast 5 votes).


Do any of you Democrats on the forum care to guess and vote - or will you make it clear you don't care what Joe Biden does if he becomes president as it is singularly about your personal hatred of Trump?"

Still better than four more years of Trump.
Might as well ask who is the real Donald Trump

- Mexico will pay for the border fence
- Mexico will not pay for the border fence
- Trump who supports social security
- Trump who wants to bankrupt social security
- Trump who will balance the budget
- Trump who over spends
and the list could go on.
Just this year, Joe Biden has said he is on both sides of nearly every issue - depending who he is speaking to - promising to be for or against what suits the audience. Simply, Joe Biden himself has no policies on anything - or none we know of.

So this thread allows you to guess on 5 issues in which this year he has said exactly the opposite stances on the issues - being for or against depending upon what he thinks who he is talking to wants him say.

Accordingly, there are 5 issues (so you cast 5 votes).


Do any of you Democrats on the forum care to guess and vote - or will you make it clear you don't care what Joe Biden does if he becomes president as it is singularly about your personal hatred of Trump?"

Who is the real Joe Biden?

A unapologetic hypocrite who believes the ends justify any means.
Who is the real Joe Biden?

A unapologetic hypocrite who believes the ends justify any means.

Have you watched this guy lately? He can hardly read. The man doesn't know what he stands for. Most of the time he is not even aware of where he is at.
Just this year, Joe Biden has said he is on both sides of nearly every issue - depending who he is speaking to - promising to be for or against what suits the audience. Simply, Joe Biden himself has no policies on anything - or none we know of.

So this thread allows you to guess on 5 issues in which this year he has said exactly the opposite stances on the issues - being for or against depending upon what he thinks who he is talking to wants him say.

Accordingly, there are 5 issues (so you cast 5 votes).


Do any of you Democrats on the forum care to guess and vote - or will you make it clear you don't care what Joe Biden does if he becomes president as it is singularly about your personal hatred of Trump?"

How very Russian of you to publish this poll.
How very Russian of you to publish this poll.

^ Stupid message straight out of Beijing.

At least you admit you have no clue which of Biden's exact opposite claims on issues are true and which are lies.
Might as well ask who is the real Donald Trump

- Mexico will pay for the border fence
- Mexico will not pay for the border fence
- Trump who supports social security
- Trump who wants to bankrupt social security
- Trump who will balance the budget
- Trump who over spends
and the list could go on.

Mexico will not pay for the border wall directly. It is paid for by money saved on blocking illegal immigrants.
The claim that Trump will destroy social security is the same lie Democrats have made against Republicans for decades.
It is pure hypocrisy for any Democrat to talk about the national debt as they demand TRILLIONS more for the super rich.
What has Trump "over spent" on?

See, I can do what only one of you can - know where my candidate for president stands on issues. None of you even care what Biden will do. Nearly all Democrats are like the crazy ex girl friend who rants against her ex boyfriend to the day she dies - but each new boyfriend is destined to be the next ex she curses in total fixation on hate. She will destroy her life completely if any way this might harm any ex totally consumed in hatred.
Mexico will not pay for the border wall directly. It is paid for by money saved on blocking illegal immigrants.
The claim that Trump will destroy social security is the same lie Democrats have made against Republicans for decades.
It is pure hypocrisy for any Democrat to talk about the national debt as they demand TRILLIONS more for the super rich.
What has Trump "over spent" on?

See, I can do what only one of you can - know where my candidate for president stands on issues. None of you even care what Biden will do. Nearly all Democrats are like the crazy ex girl friend who rants against her ex boyfriend to the day she dies - but each new boyfriend is destined to be the next ex she curses in total fixation on hate. She will destroy her life completely if any way this might harm any ex totally consumed in hatred.

Spin Spin Spin, Spin is the world you are in. :lamo

Would like to see your economic analysis on the wall vs illegal immigration savings.

You are correct that Trump has not said he wants to kill SS. What he wants to do is eliminate the payroll tax that is specific for SS and have SS funded by the General Fund. SS is currently a Trust Fund established by law with a specific fund stream.

You do realize how politicians play games with the General Fund. Money gets moved all the time. So what you are saying is you favor the concept that SS does not have a dedicated funding stream. Got it.
Just this year, Joe Biden has said he is on both sides of nearly every issue - depending who he is speaking to - promising to be for or against what suits the audience. Simply, Joe Biden himself has no policies on anything - or none we know of.

So this thread allows you to guess on 5 issues in which this year he has said exactly the opposite stances on the issues - being for or against depending upon what he thinks who he is talking to wants him say.

Accordingly, there are 5 issues (so you cast 5 votes).


Do any of you Democrats on the forum care to guess and vote - or will you make it clear you don't care what Joe Biden does if he becomes president as it is singularly about your personal hatred of Trump?"

Sounds like a politician to me. How about his one: Biden said that if the health professionals say we should lock the country down he would listen to them and yet the health professionals are saying we don't need to be locked down. So, why did Biden even bring it up in the first place?
Give me a minute to see which way the wind is blowing. Or you can send me a Susan b Anthony coin I can flip.

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