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Who is the Most Likely to Be Blackmailed? (1 Viewer)

Who is the most vulnerable to blackmail?

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Risky Thicket

Sewer Rat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
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With Yo Mama
Political Leaning
It's a pretty simple question.

You are a foreign government official in a country such as China, Russia, Saudi Arabia or Israel and you can get leverage by secretly letting POTUS know that your government has information that will at the very least unseat the President of the US or worse. Which candidate is most likely to face that scenario? Which candidate is most likely to be blackmailed?
It's a pretty simple question.

You are a foreign government official in a country such as China, Russia, Saudi Arabia or Israel and you can get leverage by secretly letting POTUS know that your government has information that will at the very least unseat the President of the US or worse. Which candidate is most likely to face that scenario? Which candidate is most likely to be blackmailed?

No doubt. Clinton. And what makes any of us think this hasn't already happened? When one has access to the US Treasury, trade agreements, treaties, etc., it's a piece of cake.
Clinton. I really can't think of anything Trump could do to cost him support. Hence a blackmailer wouldn't pose much risk to Trump.
Definitely Clinton --- she obviously has things she doesn't want anyone to know about (hence, the need to have a private server).
Clinton, without a doubt!

She has decades in government, including as Sec'y of State. She has to hold the public trust (legally).

Trump is a private capitalist, held to lower standards.
I believe that both are vulnerable but, Hillary is even more vulnerable than Trump.

First and foremost, it's not only Hillary. It is very much also Bill. Two shady people and both would do almost anything to be back in the White House.

We know more crap is coming down the pike. Wikileaks has promised the worst is yet to come. I believe that. You should as well. Why? Well, for starters the Clinton machine and it Obama machine surrogate have gone into red alert mode over the pending release. "IT'S THE RUSSIANS! IT'S THE RUSSIANS! WE'RE BEING CYBER ATTACKED BY THE RUSSIANS. OMG! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. IT'S THE RUSSIANS!

That deflection along with well coordinated media cooperation is most telling. The Clinton campaign is worried. They know what could be out there. They don't know how much Wikileaks has but they must assume that Wikileaks has everything. In fact they must assume that Wikileaks has ALL the missing emails that Hillary deleted. Those emails may have damning evidence concerning the Clinton Foundation, their pay to play "donation" scam, discussions of money and policy favors and God knows what else. If evidence comes to the surface about the Clinton Foundation connecting to favors granted by Hillary from the State Department and money donated for services rendered both Clintons would be indicted in a hot minute. Hillary would have to step down as President.

Trump is a bombastic train wreck. He can be blackmailed, sure. Trump isn't as vulnerable as both Clinton are. Hell, we've all seen the near naked pictures of his wife. So that's not an issue for him. Shady business deals, shady foreign connections? Probably. It is unlikely however that Trump could have sold government policies and positions for personal gain, because Trump has never held public office.
Clinton. I really can't think of anything Trump could do to cost him support. Hence a blackmailer wouldn't pose much risk to Trump.

Really? How about something that would get Donald Trump thrown in jail. I realize the Trumpkins would stay faithful but it still might be a problem. How about money laundering? How about bribery? How about fraud? How about intimidating a witness? I wonder if his using aliases could move over into identity theft?

And, I realize Donald was correct when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single supporter. But, he might lose votes from people who aren't supporters. Donald's faithful, those he calls "my people" were just barely half of the Republicans voting in the primary. Of total Republicans it wasn't close to half. Of total voters in the U.S., not even counting the Democrat stranglehold on dead voters, foreign nationals, felons, and the senile, those Donald Trump call "my voters" won't get the job done.
Really? How about something that would get Donald Trump thrown in jail. I realize the Trumpkins would stay faithful but it still might be a problem. How about money laundering? How about bribery? How about fraud? How about intimidating a witness? I wonder if his using aliases could move over into identity theft?

And, I realize Donald was correct when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single supporter. But, he might lose votes from people who aren't supporters. Donald's faithful, those he calls "my people" were just barely half of the Republicans voting in the primary. Of total Republicans it wasn't close to half. Of total voters in the U.S., not even counting the Democrat stranglehold on dead voters, foreign nationals, felons, and the senile, those Donald Trump call "my voters" won't get the job done.

I was only thinking of political fallout. Good point on criminal repercussions. I didn't think of that.
I believe that both are vulnerable but, Hillary is even more vulnerable than Trump.

First and foremost, it's not only Hillary. It is very much also Bill. Two shady people and both would do almost anything to be back in the White House.

We know more crap is coming down the pike. Wikileaks has promised the worst is yet to come. I believe that. You should as well. Why? Well, for starters the Clinton machine and it Obama machine surrogate have gone into red alert mode over the pending release. "IT'S THE RUSSIANS! IT'S THE RUSSIANS! WE'RE BEING CYBER ATTACKED BY THE RUSSIANS. OMG! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. IT'S THE RUSSIANS!

That deflection along with well coordinated media cooperation is most telling. The Clinton campaign is worried. They know what could be out there. They don't know how much Wikileaks has but they must assume that Wikileaks has everything. In fact they must assume that Wikileaks has ALL the missing emails that Hillary deleted. Those emails may have damning evidence concerning the Clinton Foundation, their pay to play "donation" scam, discussions of money and policy favors and God knows what else. If evidence comes to the surface about the Clinton Foundation connecting to favors granted by Hillary from the State Department and money donated for services rendered both Clintons would be indicted in a hot minute. Hillary would have to step down as President.

Trump is a bombastic train wreck. He can be blackmailed, sure. Trump isn't as vulnerable as both Clinton are. Hell, we've all seen the near naked pictures of his wife. So that's not an issue for him. Shady business deals, shady foreign connections? Probably. It is unlikely however that Trump could have sold government policies and positions for personal gain, because Trump has never held public office.
On the flipside though, Risky:

Where I believe Mr. Trump is liable to risk, would be in the documentation of collusion between him and Russia/Putin to the detriment of the American people, American business, or to put Russian business interests in advance of American business interests, including helping or using Russian business in advantage over Americans & American businesses.

I think we as Americans still incorporate the vestiges of the cold-war in our collective memory, spiked with alarm over Putin's recent rise and aggressive expansionist actions.
On the flipside though, Risky:

Where I believe Mr. Trump is liable to risk, would be in the documentation of collusion between him and Russia/Putin to the detriment of the American people, American business, or to put Russian business interests in advance of American business interests, including helping or using Russian business in advantage over Americans & American businesses.

I think we as Americans still incorporate the vestiges of the cold-war in our collective memory, spiked with alarm over Putin's recent rise and aggressive expansionist actions.

Very few in the media reported the following: Russia’s ARMZ to Gain Control of Canada’s Uranium One during Clinton term as Secy of State.

Russia’s ARMZ to Gain Control of Canada’s Uranium One - Bloomberg

Clinton Foundation Linked To Russian Effort To Buy Uranium Company

Clinton Foundation Linked To Russian Effort To Buy Uranium Company : NPR

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