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Who is the Anti-Christ? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 22, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
Matthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prohets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; in so much that, if it were possible,they shall decieve the very elect.

Mark 13:5
And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man decieve you: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall decieve many.

Jesus clearly states that an "anti-Christ" will appear on Earth, claiming his is the Christ, and showing great "signs" to try to prove this. He says he will trick many people.
cnredd said:
Pauly Shore

:lol: Even though Pauly Shore is an idiotic media enterpriser, I wouldn't peg him as being a candidate for the anti-Christ. I was thinking more along the lines of George Bush. The only thing that dosen't seem to fit is he isn't claiming to be the Christ, just a "follower" :)rofl ), and he dosen't show any miraculous signs, but he is trying to hasten armegeddon.
kal-el said:
:lol: Even though Pauly Shore is an idiotic media enterpriser, I wouldn't peg him as being a candidate for the anti-Christ. I was thinking more along the lines of George Bush. The only thing that dosen't seem to fit is he isn't claiming to be the Christ, just a "follower" :)rofl ), and he dosen't show any miraculous signs, but he is trying to hasten armegeddon.

I was wondering when someone would insert the "B" name in here...It just rips at your heart doesn't it...

Don't worry...he only has another TWO...&...ONE...HALF...YEARS!!!!:2wave:
kal-el said:
Jesus clearly states that an "anti-Christ" will appear on Earth, claiming his is the Christ, and showing great "signs" to try to prove this. He says he will trick many people.
greetings kal-el-

In the verses you refer to, Jesus is not specifically refering to "The Anti-Christ" but "Anti-Christs" or "false-Christs". Let me explain. "Christ" or "Messiah" literally means "anointed one", so as Matt 24:24 teaches there will be many who will present themselves as "messiahs" as some will present themselves as "prophets" (preachers). David Koresh for example presented himself as a messiah or the messiah. So the verse is simply there to perhaps say that not everything that glitters is gold. Jesus also taught that you will know them by their fruit.

Mark 13:6 may be saying the samething, but most Greek scholars lean towards the idea that it refers to individuals who acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ, only to doctrinally decieve their listeners. I would agree. In any case, we undeniably see both taking place today as in history.

However, the Scriptures do in fact refer to a specific individual who is "the Anti-Christ". The Greek word "ajntiv" (anti) means "against" and/or "in place of". I think both are true, but "in place of" will be the most representative. The "anti-Christ" will be a religious politician who will solve the Israeli-Arab crisis and probably pave the way for the third Temple (which is turn-key as I write). I recall seeing a 2-page photo of Old Jerusalem in Newsweek where it was noted that the East Gate (the gate the Messiah will enter in by) is currently sealed off. My personal belief is that one day that gate will be opened and the "anti-Christ" (in place of Christ) will enter in on a white horse and commit the abomination of desolation (see Daniel, Matt 24) in the Temple by claiming to be God. That is when the real trouble starts.

I hope that helps a little.

George Bush wouldn't be a very good anti-christ if you knew he was one you will probaly not know who is the anti-christ when he comes.
rebel for a cause said:
George Bush wouldn't be a very good anti-christ if you knew he was one you will probaly not know who is the anti-christ when he comes.

I am not sure what GB has to do with the topic. I not sure I understand your point either.

If you mean to say the "anti-Christ" will not be recognized for who he is, I think you are right. But understand that he will surface at a time when the world is LOOKING for a leader, desperately. On the surface, it will appear that he has the solutions to all the world's problems. The Bible calls it a "great delusion" and says that when they think they have peace and safety, sudden calamity will come upon them.

The picture in Scripture is that of a Global climate, religiously, economically and politically. I think we are closer to that climate than ever before. What do you think?

Isn't it true that the anti-Christ will have everyone marked with the numbers 666 to buy and sell in the marketplace?

Revelations 13:17-18
And that no man might buy or sell,save he that had the mark,or the name of the beast,or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.
kal-el said:
Isn't it true that the anti-Christ will have everyone marked with the numbers 666 to buy and sell in the marketplace?
Yes, but notice it says a mark, or the name of the beast or his number. So I am not sure anyone knows exactly what would be visible. But the popular notion is that of a micro chip (nano technology) being injected in the hand which could contain a remarkable amount of information. This is already being used in some security systems. It has already been a proposed solution to terroist related issues in theis country and others. Not to mention, no need to remeber your PIN either.

conan said:
Yes, but notice it says a mark, or the name of the beast or his number. So I am not sure anyone knows exactly what would be visible. But the popular notion is that of a micro chip (nano technology) being injected in the hand which could contain a remarkable amount of information. This is already being used in some security systems. It has already been a proposed solution to terroist related issues in theis country and others. Not to mention, no need to remeber your PIN either.


Sounds logical. The injected micro chip could contain the person's identification, precise location, and vital stats like blood pressure, blood sugarlevel, and pulse rate. This microchip will know who you are, where you are, where you have been, and how you are there.
kal-el said:
Sounds logical. The injected micro chip could contain the person's identification, precise location, and vital stats like blood pressure, blood sugarlevel, and pulse rate. This microchip will know who you are, where you are, where you have been, and how you are there.
Logically speaking, I don't see how it can be avoided. In fact, were it not for the advent of modern science, these prophetic theories would be impossible.

On the other hand if I were a humanist of sorts, I think I would welcome a global community built on premises of security. However, it would take a stretch of faith in human government. So all I know is this anti-Christ is going to be quite compelling to say the least.

kal-el said:
:lol: Even though Pauly Shore is an idiotic media enterpriser, I wouldn't peg him as being a candidate for the anti-Christ. I was thinking more along the lines of George Bush. The only thing that dosen't seem to fit is he isn't claiming to be the Christ, just a "follower" :)rofl ), and he dosen't show any miraculous signs, but he is trying to hasten armegeddon.
i wouldnt say him, remember he is a christian.
i would personally nominate John Kerry, me being a republican and all. lol :rofl
Kelzie. All done.
dthmstr254 said:
i wouldnt say him, remember he is a christian.
i would personally nominate John Kerry, me being a republican and all. lol :rofl

He does indeed say he is Christian. I guess God condones of the thousands of coffins coming home,and the torture and abuses that were going on?:smile:
There are several requirements for THE Anti-christ (not just the many anti-christs that the Bible speaks of in Matthew...there is a post about them earlier in this thread). One is that he will rise up from Rome and will be born into politics. He will bring peace to Israel for seven years, during which time the Temple will be rebuilt. I am not sure which temple in Jerusalem is meant, but I am convinced it will be the temple on Mt. Moriah. He will be accompanied by a false prophet who will institute a one world religion...many people confuse the Anti-Christ with the False Prophet, but the two are completely separate. In fact, it is the False Prophet who will perform signs and wonders in an effort to give legitimacy to the Anti-Christ (who will also lie in state and rise from the dead at some point). Following the Anti Christ miraculous ressurrection, he will proclaim himself god (though he is to be completely in-dwelt by Satan at this point). He will then take the throne of god in the rebuilt temple as his ultimate blasphemy.

Thats the shortened version anyway...
Mikhail Gorbachev,he caused the fall of the Soviet Union resulting in a more unstable and potentially dangerous world than during the Communist years.
Almost guaranteed to lead to the eventual destruction of the Planet,he's very quiet at the moment,but will rise up and take full advantage of the chaos when it comes,and the credulous will follow him cos they think he's a nice guy!.
If you look at that birth mark closely enough,you'll see it's false,I wonder what it's covering?:lol:
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jallman said:
There are several requirements for THE Anti-christ (not just the many anti-christs that the Bible speaks of in Matthew...there is a post about them earlier in this thread). One is that he will rise up from Rome and will be born into politics. He will bring peace to Israel for seven years, during which time the Temple will be rebuilt. I am not sure which temple in Jerusalem is meant, but I am convinced it will be the temple on Mt. Moriah. He will be accompanied by a false prophet who will institute a one world religion...many people confuse the Anti-Christ with the False Prophet, but the two are completely separate. In fact, it is the False Prophet who will perform signs and wonders in an effort to give legitimacy to the Anti-Christ (who will also lie in state and rise from the dead at some point). Following the Anti Christ miraculous ressurrection, he will proclaim himself god (though he is to be completely in-dwelt by Satan at this point). He will then take the throne of god in the rebuilt temple as his ultimate blasphemy.

Thats the shortened version anyway...
lighten up, this forum is more of a comedy, im enjoying it.
i nominate the kerry edwards team for the antiachrist/ false prophet team :rofl
dthmstr254 said:
lighten up, this forum is more of a comedy, im enjoying it.
i nominate the kerry edwards team for the antiachrist/ false prophet team :rofl

How can you say that? We didn'teven give them a chance?:smile:
jallman said:
There are several requirements for THE Anti-christ (not just the many anti-christs that the Bible speaks of in Matthew...there is a post about them earlier in this thread). One is that he will rise up from Rome and will be born into politics. He will bring peace to Israel for seven years, during which time the Temple will be rebuilt. I am not sure which temple in Jerusalem is meant, but I am convinced it will be the temple on Mt. Moriah. He will be accompanied by a false prophet who will institute a one world religion...many people confuse the Anti-Christ with the False Prophet, but the two are completely separate. In fact, it is the False Prophet who will perform signs and wonders in an effort to give legitimacy to the Anti-Christ (who will also lie in state and rise from the dead at some point). Following the Anti Christ miraculous ressurrection, he will proclaim himself god (though he is to be completely in-dwelt by Satan at this point). He will then take the throne of god in the rebuilt temple as his ultimate blasphemy.

Thats the shortened version anyway...

Very good summary.

Let us live our lives, be good people, and then give us eternal bliss.

Why does there have to 20 false prophets and an antichrist before Jesus shows up? Just so he knows, when he gets down here he will only have athiests left because he tricked all of the gullible christians into following the antichrist.
kal-el said:
:lol: Even though Pauly Shore is an idiotic media enterpriser, I wouldn't peg him as being a candidate for the anti-Christ. I was thinking more along the lines of George Bush. The only thing that dosen't seem to fit is he isn't claiming to be the Christ, just a "follower" :)rofl ), and he dosen't show any miraculous signs, but he is trying to hasten armegeddon.

Imagine that....

That just doesn't suprise me. He is the cause of hurricanes so I see no reason why he can't be the anti-christ. The libs blame him for essentially everything that has ever gone wrong in history so this makes sense for the next step....:rofl
cnredd said:
I was wondering when someone would insert the "B" name in here...It just rips at your heart doesn't it...

Don't worry...he only has another TWO...&...ONE...HALF...YEARS!!!!:2wave:

How the heck did people jump from calling George Bush "Hitler" to calling him "Anti-Christ"?
Arch Enemy said:
How the heck did people jump from calling George Bush "Hitler" to calling him "Anti-Christ"?

Hey everything is his fault. Why the hell can't he be the anti-christ. He caused a hurricane damm it.. He's the dark one, he's the anti christttttttttt
Calm2Chaos said:
Hey everything is his fault. Why the hell can't he be the anti-christ. He caused a hurricane damm it.. He's the dark one, he's the anti christttttttttt

Well I guess blacks arent getting into heaven...
Ryanmodcon said:
Well I guess blacks arent getting into heaven...

Not if the president has anythign to say about it... He's a ravinghomicidal war mongering crazy man....After the president summons forth his band of demons from the underworld he can go back to texas for a vacation...

By the way since Katrina was bush's fault. Is he being blamed for creating Ophela also?

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