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Who Is Behind QAnon? Linguistic Detectives Find Fingerprints (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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"Sleuths hunting for the writer behind Q have increasingly overlooked Mr. Furber and focused their speculation on another QAnon booster: Ron Watkins, who operated a website where the Q messages began appearing in 2018 and is now running for Congress in Arizona. And the scientists say they found evidence to back up those suspicions as well. Mr. Watkins appears to have taken over from Mr. Furber at the beginning of 2018. Both deny writing as Q.

The studies provide the first empirical evidence of who invented the toxic QAnon myth, and the scientists who conducted the studies said they hoped that unmasking the creators might weaken its hold over QAnon followers. Some polls indicate that millions of people still believe that Q is a top military insider whose messages have revealed that former President Trump will save the world from a cabal of “deep state” Democratic pedophiles. QAnon has been linked to scores of violent incidents, many of the attackers who stormed the Capitol last year were adherents, and the F.B.I. has labeled the movement a potential terrorist threat."

Here are pictures of Paul Furber and Ron Watkins...

Paul Furber Now: Where is Baruch The Scribe Today? QAnon Update

Notorious 8chan Forum Is an Internet Nomad - WSJ
No .
The main protagonists at the Capitol were FBI assets and crisis actors impersonating Republicans.
A standard Intelligence Agencies False Flag .

I know that your Q theory is entirely misplaced but alI I can do at this point is to tell you that well before year end you will have a far better background understanding .

Suffice to say that like the Deep State itself , individual Intelligence Agencies have different factions .
Therefore , consider which Agency is most likely to be responsible for Q releases and the time and effort they expend getting others to theorise in the way that you have .
No .
The main protagonists at the Capitol were FBI assets and crisis actors impersonating Republicans.
A standard Intelligence Agencies False Flag .

I know that your Q theory is entirely misplaced but alI I can do at this point is to tell you that well before year end you will have a far better background understanding .

Suffice to say that like the Deep State itself , individual Intelligence Agencies have different factions .
Therefore , consider which Agency is most likely to be responsible for Q releases and the time and effort they expend getting others to theorise in the way that you have .

Can you narrow that down some? Like we'll have a better understanding by June? October?
No .
The main protagonists at the Capitol were FBI assets and crisis actors impersonating Republicans.
A standard Intelligence Agencies False Flag .

I know that your Q theory is entirely misplaced but alI I can do at this point is to tell you that well before year end you will have a far better background understanding .

Suffice to say that like the Deep State itself , individual Intelligence Agencies have different factions .
Therefore , consider which Agency is most likely to be responsible for Q releases and the time and effort they expend getting others to theorise in the way that you have .
No .
The main protagonists at the Capitol were FBI assets and crisis actors impersonating Republicans.
A standard Intelligence Agencies False Flag .

I know that your Q theory is entirely misplaced but alI I can do at this point is to tell you that well before year end you will have a far better background understanding .

Suffice to say that like the Deep State itself , individual Intelligence Agencies have different factions .
Therefore , consider which Agency is most likely to be responsible for Q releases and the time and effort they expend getting others to theorise in the way that you have .
I almost missed the sarcasm and took that seriously. Good one!
Lol @ the NYT trying to convince their followers that Q is something to be concerned about.
well we know of at least one Qannon nutter that was stupid enough to attack the captiol and get herself killed
that seems like legit logical concern to me

are you suggesting that just because Qanon theories and lies are so batshit insane the authorities should not be concerned even though we have already seen them attack our nation's capitol and other morons try to make that nutcase a martyr?

Id say that's illogical

doesn't matter how dumb they are and how likely they are at succeeding or not, what matters is their willingness

flat earthers are just as stupid as QAnon nutters and people dont need to worry about them but the minute a group of them attack our capitol and one gets themselves killed, Im willing to bet they go on a list and rightfully so
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well we know of at least one Qannon nutter that was stupid enough to attack the captiol and get herself killed
that seems like legit logical concern to me

are you suggesting that just because Qanon theories and lies are so batshit insane the authorities should not be concerned even though we have already seen them attack our nation's capitol and other morons try to make that nutcase a martyr?

Id say that's illogical

doesn't matter how dumb they are and how likely they are at succeeding or not, what matters is their willingness

flat earthers are just as stupid as QAnon nutters and people dont need to worry about them but the minute a group of them attack our capitol and one gets themselves killed, Im willing to be they go on a list and rightfully so
the QAnon nut jobs are praying that people won't notice the QAnon nut jobs (and how dangerous they are and how much misinformation they push).
well we know of at least one Qannon nutter that was stupid enough to attack the captiol and get herself killed
that seems like legit logical concern to me

are you suggesting that just because Qanon theories and lies are so batshit insane the authorities should not be concerned even though we have already seen them attack our nation's capitol and other morons try to make that nutcase a martyr?

Id say that's illogical

doesn't matter how dumb they are and how likely they are at succeeding or not, what matters is their willingness

flat earthers are just as stupid as QAnon nutters and people dont need to worry about them but the minute a group of them attack our capitol and one gets themselves killed, Im willing to be they go on a list and rightfully so
I have not seen any proof that Jan 6th was anything but spontaneous.
I have not seen any proof that Jan 6th was anything but spontaneous.
weird that doesnt answer any of my question
ill ask you AGAIN

are you suggesting that just because Qanon theories and lies are so batshit insane the authorities should not be concerned even though we have already seen them attack our nation's capitol and other morons try to make that nutcase a martyr?

now on you your post

1.) why would that matter to anything I said, spontaneous is meaningless like i said WILLINGNESS is what matters
2.) it factually was NOT spontaneous that is proven because 1/6 protest was planned and all the videos and social media accounts of thossaying they are going to fight for trump not negate the definition of spontaneous
Because as far as I can tell they are not.
why are pople who were willing to attack our capitol not dangerous?

wait wait wait

what was Jan 6th in your opinion?
I have not seen any proof that Jan 6th was anything but spontaneous.

There is quite a long trail that points to the 1/6 insurection was just part of a huge conspiracy to form a coup

A coup d'état (/ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/ (audio speaker iconlisten); French for "blow of state"), often shortened to coup in English[1] (also known as an overthrow), is a seizure and removal of a government and its powers. Typically, it is an illegal seizure of power by a political faction, rebel group, military, or a dictator.[2] Many scholars consider a coup successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days.[2]
Lol @ the NYT trying to convince their followers that Q is something to be concerned about.

A September 2021 poll conducted by Daily Kos/Civiqs found that the majority of Republicans believed that QAnon is mostly or partly true. A third (33 percent) said the conspiracy theory is mostly true, while an additional 23 percent said parts of the bizarre belief are valid. In total, 56 percent of GOP voters said they believed it was partly or mostly accurate.
Qanon sounds like some made up Leftist nonesense concocted to vilify Conservatives.

Honestly, besides what you hear from the liberal media sock puppets, how many have ever found any prevelant source of QAnon babbling online? I haven't and I've looked to see what the weenies were crying about. Seriously, we don't know what the hell you liberals are talking about.
Can you narrow that down some? Like we'll have a better understanding by June? October?
Or the actual year referenced

I type in QAnon in a Google search and all I see is a bunch of stories by liberal media sock puppets babbling some crazy S. I'd hazard to guess 99.9 of Coservatives could care less about QAnon but that won't stop the Left from acting like they are some prevalent Conservative group. Same as they try to pretend there's a large Right wing Nazi movement. It's all a bunch of made up BS.
the QAnon nut jobs are praying that people won't notice the QAnon nut jobs (and how dangerous they are and how much misinformation they push).

But perhaps the "scientists" who conducted "the studies" are masking who they really work for, likely those deep state democratic pedophiles, no? These "researchers" are using a public cover of innocence to uncover and persecute the leakers so as to force them into spilling the beans on Q's identity - it is very clever, and yet also proof that the cabal is in a state of panic.

I write this with some hesitation, knowing that if I see a black helicopter landing in my backyard, I've pissed off the deep state and must use my trap doored tunnel to escape. Living without cable TV wouldn't be easy.

And besides, who is going to feed my cat when on the run?
I type in QAnon in a Google search and all I see is a bunch of stories by liberal media sock puppets babbling some crazy S. I'd hazard to guess 99.9 of Coservatives could care less about QAnon but that won't stop the Left from acting like they are some prevalent Conservative group. Same as they try to pretend there's a large Right wing Nazi movement. It's all a bunch of made up BS.
you run with that. it's a safer place for you.

How QAnon conspiracy led Iowa's Doug Jensen to Jan. 6 Capitol riots

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