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Who is an American? (1 Viewer)

The American

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Jul 16, 2005
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I recieved this in an e-mail!...

Who is an American?

You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American. So an Australian dentist wrote the following to let everyone know what an American is, so they would know when they found one.

An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani, or Afghan.An American may also be a Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.

An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan. The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses. An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

An American is from the most prosperous land in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the God given right of each man and woman to the pursuit of happiness.

An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need. When Afghanistan was overrun by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country. As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan.

Americans welcome the best, the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best athletes. But they also welcome the least. The national symbol of America, The Statue of Liberty, welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America.

Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, earning a better life for their families. I've been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 other countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.

So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao , and every blood thirsty tyrant in the history of the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American (that's where they came from).
Unfortunately, most of the world (and just about every person I talked to that wasn't born here), think (for good reason), that Americans are narcissistic, arrogant a$$holes that don't give a $hit about anyone outside their own personal comfort zone. And now since the invasion of Iraq, we can add major f-ing hypocrits to that list as well.

If we continue to make excuses for our foriegn policy when it clearly proliferates its own kind of terror around the world on behalf of the WTO, were not going to make any new friends outside our borders. And we do need friends. But not at gun-point. And not with chants of USA, USA, USA! Because we don't deserve to be so proud of our country when we are no better than the people were trying to wipe-out. Only difference between us and the terrorists is, were not psycho! We just don't have any moral high ground anymore with the practice of renditions, refusal to administer certain provisions of the Geneva Conventions, Abu Ghraib, GITMO, our new dictionary of terms regarding enemy combatants and our disregard for UN Resolutions.

We have a wonderful opportunity to provide prima facia evidence to the world that Americans do care about others and we do change things when we see wrongs have been committed. Even if it means cleaning our own house. We can do this by first impeaching Bush for lying to Congress and various other war crimes...

And for you idiots out their that don't think he lied, let me refresh your pre-disposed memory. He said in his State of the Union address that Hussein was "... trying to get uranium from Niger..." when he knew (and the CIA told him beforehand), that they couldn't trust the sources [like the one they refered to as Curveball] for the British report. But he blew off all the dissenters and went with his own personal agenda (as proven with Downing Street) and lied to this nation and Congress (an impeachable offense). Our problem is Congress doesn't have any balls. And I'm afraid us Americans watch way too much tv to give them any.

...then replacing every god-damn member of Congress that can't seem to do their job without spending all of our god-damn money. But that's not going to happen until the neo-cons and libby's get in bed together work as voting Americans to make a change. It's not that hard to communicate a little better. If Teacher and I can do it, anybody can. Except for maybe "right-said" cnredd and "the challenger from columbia" stsburns.

One last thing. Is it just me, or does anyone else think Navy Pride looks like someone hanging around, waiting for some guy, in the kitchen at the Biltmore!
Billo_Really said:
Unfortunately, most of the world (and just about every person I talked to that wasn't born here), think (for good reason), that Americans are narcissistic, arrogant a$$holes that don't give a $hit about anyone outside their own personal comfort zone. And now since the invasion of Iraq, we can add major f-ing hypocrits to that list as well.

If we continue to make excuses for our foriegn policy when it clearly proliferates its own kind of terror around the world on behalf of the WTO, were not going to make any new friends outside our borders. And we do need friends. But not at gun-point. And not with chants of USA, USA, USA! Because we don't deserve to be so proud of our country when we are no better than the people were trying to wipe-out. Only difference between us and the terrorists is, were not psycho! We just don't have any moral high ground anymore with the practice of renditions, refusal to administer certain provisions of the Geneva Conventions, Abu Ghraib, GITMO, our new dictionary of terms regarding enemy combatants and our disregard for UN Resolutions.

We have a wonderful opportunity to provide prima facia evidence to the world that Americans do care about others and we do change things when we see wrongs have been committed. Even if it means cleaning our own house. We can do this by first impeaching Bush for lying to Congress and various other war crimes...

And for you idiots out their that don't think he lied, let me refresh your pre-disposed memory. He said in his State of the Union address that Hussein was "... trying to get uranium from Niger..." when he knew (and the CIA told him beforehand), that they couldn't trust the sources [like the one they refered to as Curveball] for the British report. But he blew off all the dissenters and went with his own personal agenda (as proven with Downing Street) and lied to this nation and Congress (an impeachable offense). Our problem is Congress doesn't have any balls. And I'm afraid us Americans watch way too much tv to give them any.

...then replacing every god-damn member of Congress that can't seem to do their job without spending all of our god-damn money. But that's not going to happen until the neo-cons and libby's get in bed together work as voting Americans to make a change. It's not that hard to communicate a little better. If Teacher and I can do it, anybody can. Except for maybe "right-said" cnredd and "the challenger from columbia" stsburns.

One last thing. Is it just me, or does anyone else think Navy Pride looks like someone hanging around, waiting for some guy, in the kitchen at the Biltmore!

..omg... yet another liberal?... our ONLY enemy till they strike us again!!!
Originally posted by The American:
..omg... yet another liberal?... our ONLY enemy till they strike us again!!!
Who is the THEY you are refering too?
The American said:
..omg... yet another liberal?... our ONLY enemy till they strike us again!!!

Don't you know that according to Liberals and the left that Terrorists are just poor, misunderstood people and that when they commit their murderous terrorist attacks and kill innocent women and children that its not their fault? We should just turn the other cheek and try to understand them....... :roll:
Navy Pride said:
Don't you know that according to Liberals and the left that Terrorists are just poor, misunderstood people and that when they commit their murderous terrorist attacks and kill innocent women and children that its not their fault? We should just turn the other cheek and try to understand them....... :roll:

Thank you Navy... good analyse there! ...maybe that`s why Billo asked who are "they"..?? :doh
Billo, thank you for showing us how you feel....again....and again....and again...

There IS one thing that I'm sure you overlooked...The first paragraph in the thread...

"You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American. So an Australian dentist wrote the following to let everyone know what an American is, so they would know when they found one."

I noticed that you went straight passed this point and went directly into your usual hate-filled stuff(yawn). Apparently, it wasn't important enough for you to comment on.

One of the main points many on the conservative side believe is that some liberals give the terrorists a "free pass" while they are more than happy to denounce the US...I understand...It's a reflex...

So if you ever post how Cons always "group" the Libs together as people who want to give the terrorists therapy, and the sort, I don't think you need to look any further as to why than right here...

I also noticed something about your very first paragraph...

Unfortunately, most of the world (and just about every person I talked to that wasn't born here), think (for good reason), that Americans are narcissistic, arrogant a$$holes that don't give a $hit about anyone outside their own personal comfort zone. And now since the invasion of Iraq, we can add major f-ing hypocrits to that list as well.

And yet you post this in response to a letter from an Austalian dentist.

Are we to assume that you believe his opinion doesn't count? What about the people that agree with him? Are they discounted because their views disagree with yours?

"You don't look at anything objectively, do you?"

This is what you wrote to me yesterday in "Polls - Is Corporatism the biggest threat to life on earth?"...Post #39.

I see you have made it your core belief to not listen to your own words...

He shoots...he scores!
Billo_Really said:
And for you idiots out their that don't think he lied, let me refresh your pre-disposed memory. He said in his State of the Union address that Hussein was "... trying to get uranium from Niger..." when he knew (and the CIA told him beforehand), that they couldn't trust the sources [like the one they refered to as Curveball] for the British report. But he blew off all the dissenters and went with his own personal agenda (as proven with Downing Street) and lied to this nation and Congress (an impeachable offense). Our problem is Congress doesn't have any balls. And I'm afraid us Americans watch way too much tv to give them any.

Ahhhhhh, yes he was and yes we found the yellow-cake with some of it already having gone through the first steps of processing. Wilson lied to the public. The Brits to this day still stand by thier report. The only thing our intelligence services said was that they didn't know about it and could not confirm it, not that they did not believe it to be true. You need to get your facts straight before you post such blarney.

Why do you on the left keep posting such misinformatin and downright lies?
Stinger said:
Why do you on the left keep posting such misinformatin and downright lies?

What else do they have?...Gotta cling to something.
Stinger said:
Ahhhhhh, yes he was [trying to get uranium from Niger]...
Why do you keep posting such misinformation and downright lies? You need to get your facts straight before you post such blarney.

From the oft ignored Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD
ISG has uncovered no information to support allegations of Iraqi pursuit of uranium from abroad in the post-Operation Desert Storm era.

ISG has not found evidence to show that Iraq sought uranium from abroad after 1991 or renewed indigenous production of such material—activities that we believe would have constituted an Iraqi effort to reconstitute a nuclear weapons program.

Regarding specific allegations of uranium pursuits from Niger, Ja’far claims that after 1998 Iraq had only two contacts with Niamey—neither of which involved uranium.

So far, ISG has found only one offer of uranium to Baghdad since 1991—an approach Iraq appears to have turned down.
Stinger said:
and yes we found the yellow-cake with some of it already having gone through the first steps of processing.
Also from the oft ignored Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD
As a result of Desert Storm and IAEA inspection efforts, Iraq’s indigenous yellowcake production capability appears to have been eliminated.
ISG also investigated the Ibn-Sina’ Facility—which in 1991 was part of Iraq’s EMIS uranium enrichment program—but found no indicators that the chemical processes being developed there had produced more than a few kilograms of uranium-bearing wastes as a byproduct of phosphoric acid purification.
Stinger said:
Wilson lied to the public.
What was the lie exactly?
I must make this short and sweet so that I can move on to my omage to Teacher for his kind words and thoughts in my abscence:
Originally posted by cnredd:
Billo, thank you for showing us how you feel....again....and again....and again...

There IS one thing that I'm sure you overlooked...The first paragraph in the thread...

"You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American. So an Australian dentist wrote the following to let everyone know what an American is, so they would know when they found one."

I noticed that you went straight passed this point and went directly into your usual hate-filled stuff(yawn). Apparently, it wasn't important enough for you to comment on.
I didn't overlook anything. I think whomever published that ad is a jerk that I would personnally like to get within arms reach of and say, "I'm an American! Watcha gonna do now bitch?" That's the kind of article that a lot of us can go off on in a big way. I consider him [and the ones who cut off heads] total living garbage.
What I don't understand is why you like to think that I believe the opposite.
Originally posted by cnredd:
One of the main points many on the conservative side believe is that some liberals give the terrorists a "free pass" while they are more than happy to denounce the US...I understand...It's a reflex...
This is a point the conservative side should ponder dropping. If for nothing else but the fact that this is an illogical arguement against someone who has problems with how the US is viewed in the International community. Just because I don't like us torturing prisoners, that does not mean I think we should set out the buffet for hungry terrorists. If I saw a terrorist scoping out an American GI and I was in the area with a gun, I would be the one firing the first shot. As for the other, I don't think you do "...understand." Because I'm not "...happy..." saying negative $hit about the actions of my government. I say it because I feel I'm partly responsible for what this country does in my name.
Originally posted by cnredd:
So if you ever post how Cons always "group" the Libs together as people who want to give the terrorists therapy, and the sort, I don't think you need to look any further as to why than right here...
No, that's a problem people like the cons [mostly neo's] make with irrational generalizations after hearing certain people make the point that your not going to solve terrorism without understanding what causes it in the first place. It is an illogical jump to go from the latter to thinking it also means terrorists' should get an "all inclusive payed for trip" to the Sandals with Carl Jung. You just don't solve problems until you get to the root. I understand this. And I got a "D" in algebra.
Originally posted by cnredd:
I also noticed something about your very first paragraph...
I bet you did...
Originally posted by cnredd:
Unfortunately, most of the world (and just about every person I talked to that wasn't born here), think (for good reason), that Americans are narcissistic, arrogant a$$holes that don't give a $hit about anyone outside their own personal comfort zone. And now since the invasion of Iraq, we can add major f-ing hypocrits to that list as well.

And yet you post this in response to a letter from an Austalian dentist.
In the words of Ronald [I fall asleep in Congress but I am the greatest American] Reagan, "There you go again!" I don't have a clue as to why you are trying to juxtapose my statement with the aukker's [a term my former kiwi roomate used in reference to aussie's]. But if you think you can score a point here, I say "go for it, homie!"
Originally posted by cnredd:
Are we ...[who's this WE?]... to assume ...[you know what you do when you assume]... that you believe his opinion doesn't count? What about the people that agree with him? Are they discounted because their views disagree with yours?
What are you talking about? I agree with what he says. If you would stop thinking about everything in terms of black and white, if-then, either-or, then you might see there are many other choices [or positions] on an issue than just two. I fully realize that this is a great country with a lot of good Americans. I certainly hope there are more of them than the narcissists. But this wasn't proven in the last election. We put people in office that have completly destroyed all the nobility and respect we earned after WWII. And it really angers me that you do not realize that our current direction of this country is making all their deaths [as well as the ones in Vietnam, Korea, Grenada and first Persian Gulf war] now dying in vane!
Originally posted by cnredd:
"You don't look at anything objectively, do you?"

This is what you wrote to me yesterday in "Polls - Is Corporatism the biggest threat to life on earth?"...Post #39.
I know what I write...I recognize the tome...
Originally posted by cnredd:
I see you have made it your core belief to not listen to your own words...
Similar response as "greatest American" comment above. Sans the aussie reference.
Originally posted by cnredd:
He shoots...he scores!
You watch too much TV. But I will give you credit [and also admire] that this is probably the second time I've seen you respond as a human being by talking too me, instead of at me. Enough a$$-kissing! You don't have the pre-requistes to be in Teachers' class. Unless you can answer the following question:

"If you disable any part of a fire alarm system in a class E occupancy,
what must you immediately start to be in compliance with UMC Chapter 8,
and also continue, until you re-enable the system?"
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Stinger said:
Ahhhhhh, yes he was and yes we found the yellow-cake with some of it already having gone through the first steps of processing. Wilson lied to the public. The Brits to this day still stand by thier report. The only thing our intelligence services said was that they didn't know about it and could not confirm it, not that they did not believe it to be true. You need to get your facts straight before you post such blarney.

Why do you on the left keep posting such misinformatin and downright lies?

The whole yellow cake thing was a big lie by the Bush administration. Iraq already possessed stores of uranium similiar to what they were alleged to have tried to purchase from Niger. A new shipment of yellow cake to Iraq wouldn't have put Saddam any closer to acquiring nuclear weapons. Yellow cake has to be processed to weapons grade material...it has to be run through hundreds of gas centrifuges that would give off telltale gases, heat, and gamma radiation..easily detected by our surveillance tools.

" After three months of intrusive inspections, we have, to date, found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq." _____International Atomic Energy Agency report, March 7, 2003

Everyone knew, including Bush, that the Niger documents were obvious and clumsy forgeries and this knowledge was deliberately twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat. Even our very own State Department, the INR, said in 2002 in the National Intelligence Estimate that....

"the activities we have detected do not, however, add up to a compelling case that Iraq is currently pursuing what INR would consider to be an integrated and comprehensive approach to acquire nuclear weapons, Iraq may be doing so, but INR considers the available evidence inadequate to support such a judgement."

So Bush ignores all this, and takes us to war based on bad and manipulated intelligence

And what does Bush do when the truth finally comes out? He uses Tenet for a scapegoat. Nice...real nice.

As far as Wilson...he should be considered an American hero...a true patriot of the United States.
Navy Pride said:
Don't you know that according to Liberals and the left that Terrorists are just poor, misunderstood people and that when they commit their murderous terrorist attacks and kill innocent women and children that its not their fault? We should just turn the other cheek and try to understand them....... :roll:
This post has to be one of the all time stupidest posts ever published on this site. Anyone who would write such drivel has zero creditability, IMHO.

Surely you can come up with a somewhat intelligent argument that is not based in rhetoric and bullshit? And I promise to not call you Surely again....(Ever see Airplane?)
Stinger said:
Ahhhhhh, yes he was and yes we found the yellow-cake with some of it already having gone through the first steps of processing.
Really? Funny even Rove said that the report was wrong? I'm really interested in seeing where you're getting this heretofore unknown information? Please enlighten us with proof of this outrageous claim?
Stinger said:
You need to get your facts straight before you post such blarney.

Why do you on the left keep posting such misinformatin and downright lies?
:rofl :rofl :rofl
Does insanity run rampant in your family?
Originally Posted by 26x Champs in response to the following:
Originally Posted by Navy Pride
Don't you know that according to Liberals and the left that Terrorists are just poor, misunderstood people and that when they commit their murderous terrorist attacks and kill innocent women and children that its not their fault? We should just turn the other cheek and try to understand them.......
This post has to be one of the all time stupidest posts ever published on this site. Anyone who would write such drivel has zero creditability, IMHO.

Surely you can come up with a somewhat intelligent argument that is not based in rhetoric and bullshit? And I promise to not call you Surely again....(Ever see Airplane?)
Doesn't his [Navy Pride] avatar look like he's somebody hanging around the kitchen of the Biltmore waiting for someone?
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Navy Pride said:
Don't you know that according to Liberals and the left that Terrorists are just poor, misunderstood people and that when they commit their murderous terrorist attacks and kill innocent women and children that its not their fault? We should just turn the other cheek and try to understand them....... :roll:

Thank you so much Navy Pride. I was just looking for someone to put words in my mouth. Actually, as it turns out, I absolutely hate it when others put words in my mouth.

My general response to this article: I don't have words to describe the man who put out the add. If I wrote what I believe it would just look like a long line of asterisks. As to the Australian who wrote the article, he describes the ideal America. The America that embodies every symbol it was founded upon.

Unfortunately, not all of us feel the real America lives up to the ideal America. So we push for the government to change; to move closer to that ideal America. I speak out against the government when the time is right, because I want America to be as close to that ideal as it possibly can.

Anyone who would post an offer for a dead American (or a dead Iraqi, Brit, Israeli, whatever), deserves whatever they may get. Implying I am pro-whoever posted this add will put will not add to the debate.
26 X World Champs said:
This post has to be one of the all time stupidest posts ever published on this site. Anyone who would write such drivel has zero creditability, IMHO.

Surely you can come up with a somewhat intelligent argument that is not based in rhetoric and bullshit? And I promise to not call you Surely again....(Ever see Airplane?)

The day after 9/11/01 there was a petition on moveon.org signed by 500,000 liberals to try and reason and negotiate with Bin laden instead of take him out and you were probably the first one to sign it you terrorist sympathjzer.....

If we left it to people like you we all would be speaking german or russian today......

Get a clue....they want to kill even a bleeding heart liberal like you.........
The American said:
Thank you Navy... good analyse there! ...maybe that`s why Billo asked who are "they"..?? :doh
isnt turn the other cheak also old testament and kristian thing to do?
Navy Pride said:
The day after 9/11/01 there was a petition on moveon.org signed by 500,000 liberals to try and reason and negotiate with Bin laden instead of take him out...
I call a big fat bullshit on this. Can you back this up?
Originally Posted by The American
Thank you Navy... good analyse there! ...maybe that`s why Billo asked who are "they"..??
No, I asked "who's this they" to bring attention to the fact that we are in a perpetual state of war with no tangible way to predict how it will end. This war on terror is bull$hit! I would like someone to tell me how it will end.

When we bag Bin Laden? Execute Hussien? Leave Iraq? Attack Syria or Iran? When does this $hit end? This is just the same ole $hit were given year after year for our "War on _____!" Fill in the blank. War on crime. War on drugs. War against communism! War. War. War. We always got to have some great satan out there. But it really blows my mind that these hayseed-dickboy red states have selective amnesia when presented with the facts that we have created some of these prick$. Conveniently choosing to forget that we created Bin Laden. We armed him up when the Russians went into Afganistan. We were his ally! His family and Bush's family were in business together. We armed Hussien. He wouldn't of been able to kill those Kurds if we hadn't sold him the gas in the first place!

This war is by design! And I'm sorry, I don't see the emperors new clothes. But I do see we have more people locked up than any other country in the world. This is a prison state. Maybe not a gulag. But a prison state it is.

Not to get off topic, but if they want to reduce crime in America, STOP MAKING SO MANY GOD-DAMN LAWS! I like my Constitution just the way it is. I am not willing to give up one civil right to fight terror. And I am against terror!
Navy Pride said:
....If we left it to people like you we all would be speaking german or russian today......

Get a clue....they want to kill even a bleeding heart liberal like you.........
Another post bathed in pure genius. "people like you." "german or russian"

Your posts are incredibly ignorant....

If you're type of thinking were actually representative of "America" chances are none of us would be around because we probably would have blown up the Earth 10 times over.

Tell me, do you believe in "tactical nuclear warfare"?

Someone else said that if Liberals ruled the roost that we would all be speaking German or Japanese. How come you think it's Russian over Japanese? What about Italian, they were on the Germans side too?

What other stereotypes can you come up with that we would all be living through if Liberals had you in the palm of their hands? C'mon, I want to know how your furtive mind works. Tell us what other disasters would have happened? Would we all be Commies? Would we all have AIDS? Would we all be Gay? Would we all be Child Molesters? How about God? Would we be banned from even talking about her? Would the national pastime be Oktoberfest or Sumo Wrestling? Would May 1st be Independence Day?

Simon W. Moon said:
I call a big fat bullshit on this. Can you back this up?

It was all over the news a couple of weeks ago when Rove made a speech about Liberal being weak against terrorism............Go to moveon.org and ask them about it..........

One of the biggest Liberals of all your loser presidential candidate in 2004 said that the fight against terrorism is a police action............yeah, right..... :roll:
Originally posted by Navy Pride:
It was all over the news a couple of weeks ago when Rove made a speech about Liberal being weak against terrorism............Go to moveon.org and ask them about it..........

One of the biggest Liberals of all your loser presidential candidate in 2004 said that the fight against terrorism is a police action............yeah, right.....
Well, your "hero of 911" was too pu$$y to serve his last two years of military service! At least the "loser of 2004" had the "stones" to go to Vietnam!
Navy Pride said:
It was all over the news a couple of weeks ago when Rove made a speech about Liberal being weak against terrorism............Go to moveon.org and ask them about it..........
You're right Simon, his comment was bullshit. The mere fact that he cannot produce any evidence whatsoever is proof enough. The whole concept that .5 million Americans asked to negotiate with OBL right after 9-11 is such BS that it again reduces the creditabilty of the writer to zero.
Navy Pride said:
One of the biggest Liberals of all your loser presidential candidate in 2004 said that the fight against terrorism is a police action............yeah, right.
Does anyone know what a rumor monger is? It's someone who makes unsubstantiated claims that are false. Sometimes they do so on purpose, but in these instances they appear to do so simply based on ignorance.

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