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Who is a bigger loser? (1 Viewer)

Who is a bigger loser?

  • Steph Curry

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • T om Brady

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Oct 31, 2011
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
They are like that patriots team that won every game except the one that mattered.

Neither. They both have championships and millions of dollars.
A crudely phrased question but losing three games in a row, including two on your home floor is far more embarrassing than losing a single game on a neutral site.
Neither. They both have championships and millions of dollars.

Thread needs to be locked, no other answer can top that and no explanation by the OP can get around it.
Thread needs to be locked, no other answer can top that and no explanation by the OP can get around it.

Its a sports discussion. We aren't talking about how much money these dudes are making. Jeez. I thought that was clear.
Considering that Curry won a title last year and that Tom Brady has won four, I'd say the answer bounces back and forth between "neither" and "what a stupid ****ing question."
I just hope this ends all who is better discussions. The 96 bulls or 16 warriors. Its the bulls hands down.
Where is the Bernie Sanders option?
Its a sports discussion. We aren't talking about how much money these dudes are making. Jeez. I thought that was clear.

And both have championships. One is a for sure hall of famer. Your point?
... One ring?


What about 16?

Bulls have 6. Point is the 96 bulls are still the best. The 16 dubs are like the patriots that won every game except the superbowl.
Bulls have 6. Point is the 96 bulls are still the best. The 16 dubs are like the patriots that won every game except the superbowl.

Lol, the Lakers have 16 Championships. 1/4th of those are from this millennium. Call LA when you get to half of 16? :)
They are like that patriots team that won every game except the one that mattered.


Based on sports and in regard to regular season vs champion it's Tom Brady and the Pats that year. Pats went through the season undefeated, warriors just won the most games.
Lol, the Lakers have 16 Championships. 1/4th of those are from this millennium. Call LA when you get to half of 16? :)

They really good now right. good luck in the lottery.
Based on sports and in regard to regular season vs champion it's Tom Brady and the Pats that year. Pats went through the season undefeated, warriors just won the most games.

Thanks. Some actually decided to answer the question.
They are like that patriots team that won every game except the one that mattered.


People that root for the Bears, Bulls, and White Sox are losers - See Barack Obama.
I just hope this ends all who is better discussions. The 96 bulls or 16 warriors. Its the bulls hands down.

Bulls were healthy during the 96 run. I think there's still some ambiguity between which team is better. Can't judge everything by one seven game series.

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