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Who hates America, Liberals or Conservatives? (1 Viewer)

Who hates America, Liberals or Conservatives

  • Liberals

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Entire Democratic Party

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I can hear it now, "surely you jest, Kid; we all know conservatives are very patriotic".
I suppose by placing the Conservative option here--I have given more credence to my fair and balanced open-minded attitude about politics.
Whoever votes in this poll should be required to have an immediate Electroencephalogram.

ptsdkid said:
I can hear it now, "surely you jest, Kid; we all know conservatives are very patriotic".
I suppose by placing the Conservative option here--I have given more credence to my fair and balanced open-minded attitude about politics.
Is this a Troll Poll? Surely it's not a serious one? Why start polls that are so blatantly biased? All it does is completely diminish one's creditabilty. To do polls like this regularly speaks to the validity of the pollster...

My response had it been asked would have been NEITHER. Just because someone disagrees with me politically is in no way an indication whether they "hate" America.

Troll Polls are useless...this one especially. I refuse to participate.
My answer to your question would be, Americans hate America. We all want it to be something it isn't, and we hate it for not being what we want it to be.
I think your poll shows this quite clearly. The fact that you find this amusing proves my own feelings about America.
No political group hates America. Both sides try to do what is best for America and it all comes down to perspective and interpertation.
Tashah said:
Whoever votes in this poll should be required to have an immediate Electroencephalogram.

I can tell you right now that this guy is stuck in the beta state... I would suggest a complete lobotomy. (kidding of course.)
FinnMacCool said:
No political group hates America. Both sides try to do what is best for America and it all comes down to perspective and interpertation.

I abso-freaking-lutely, One hundred percent, AGREE.
If you don't have anything of any particular substance to offer, why bother? These generalized attacks on those who don't share your perspective don't say a hell of a lot about your rationale or your intelligence. Perhaps, if you want to get a real debate going, you could tell us WHY you think certain groups "hate America".

For reasons that should be obvious to anyone with the brainpower of algae, I refuse to vote in this poll.
galenrox said:
[mod mode]
This thread is ridiculous. There is no debate value to it, so I'm moving it to the basement.
[/mod mode]
Good. Now I can flame the moron who created it. :rofl
ptsdkid said:
I can hear it now, "surely you jest, Kid; we all know conservatives are very patriotic".
You suck balls, lick my ass you sexist ****.

I suppose by placing the Conservative option here--I have given more credence to my fair and balanced open-minded attitude about politics.[/QUOTE]
Whatever asshole, the poll was once again made in order to support your ignorant though process.
The only problem is, now that there are TWO choices for morons who have the same mindset as yourself to vote for, now you will see that Conservatives will always be the highest percentages of votes because the idiots like you will split thier votes between Liberals and your Any Democrat option.

Your a ****ing moron dude.
Originally posted by Caine:
Your a ****ing moron dude.
Don't sugar-coat it like that. Tell him what you really think!
I noticed that the majority of you voted 'Conservatives' as being those that hate America most. Is it just further hate of America, or an overall empty-headedness from you liberals that guided you into voting for the most patriotic among us? I didn't see one example as to why a conservative hates America. Probably because you couldn't find one...eh?
There isn't room enough here for me to list the thousands of examples of the liberal hate for America. But if I were to start a list; I would certainly begin with Ramsey Clark, Howard Dean, John Kerry and work my way through the guest list of of the Cindy Sheehan's and the Michael Moore's to help accentuate the point.
Originally posted by ptsdkid:
I noticed that the majority of you voted 'Conservatives' as being those that hate America most. Is it just further hate of America, or an overall empty-headedness from you liberals that guided you into voting for the most patriotic among us? I didn't see one example as to why a conservative hates America. Probably because you couldn't find one...eh?
There isn't room enough here for me to list the thousands of examples of the liberal hate for America. But if I were to start a list; I would certainly begin with Ramsey Clark, Howard Dean, John Kerry and work my way through the guest list of of the Cindy Sheehan's and the Michael Moore's to help accentuate the point.
I noticed John Kerry hated America so much he put his life on the line by going to Vietnam. I also noticed George Bush loved America so much he was too ***** to do the same.
ptsdkid said:
I noticed that the majority of you voted 'Conservatives' as being those that hate America most. Is it just further hate of America, or an overall empty-headedness from you liberals that guided you into voting for the most patriotic among us? I didn't see one example as to why a conservative hates America. Probably because you couldn't find one...eh?
There isn't room enough here for me to list the thousands of examples of the liberal hate for America. But if I were to start a list; I would certainly begin with Ramsey Clark, Howard Dean, John Kerry and work my way through the guest list of of the Cindy Sheehan's and the Michael Moore's to help accentuate the point.

I very much doubt there are many people living in America that actually Hate it. It would seem you are confusing the Country.....with the Leadership again. One thing to keep in mind here is the projected attitude of the individual....and the effect this has on others. Perhaps we will use yourself as an example:

By making this poll, anyone with a functional brain understands the intent, and agenda you set before us. Merely by expressing the Hatred you have for a large portion of the population that makes up this country.....you show a hatred for America. You also profess to be conservative therefore one of an analytical mindset must come to the conclusion that you hate America, and it is quite a small leap to click the conservative button on your little poll because of this.

Personally....if I were still willing to call myself conservative (which I obviously am not) your very existance would force me to renounce my affiliation....just to distance myself from such hatred....it really does poison the population.
FinnMacCool said:
No political group hates America. Both sides try to do what is best for America and it all comes down to perspective and interpertation.
YES! I agree 100%! One can argue that there's a large degree of selfishness in every group but that is not HATE.

I do not know of any major political organization in the USA that hates America. It does not exist. To think otherwise is unwise...
On the flip side of this I actually do have some conservative ties... but I am all ears to all sides of the equation..

What we have, in the form of the ptsdkid... is a cocksmoking, ass-licking, sh!t eating fu©kwipe. He is the common brand of the Bush apologist. He has no mind of his own.

He sees only two colors.....

his belief GO!
any other belief STOP!

there is no middle ground with this shi† for brains.
Conflict said:
On the flip side of this I actually do have some conservative ties... but I am all ears to all sides of the equation..

What we have, in the form of the ptsdkid... is a cocksmoking, ass-licking, sh!t eating fu©kwipe. He is the common brand of the Bush apologist. He has no mind of his own.

He sees only two colors.....

his belief GO!
any other belief STOP!

there is no middle ground with this shi† for brains.

Hey! Don't hold back!
Tell that mutha fukka how you REALLY feel about him.

Personally, I don't think someone who developed PTSD because he was threatened with maybe POSSIBLY having to fight in a war, has the right to call ANYONE unpatriotic.

My ass went to Iraq twice, with the infantry, I don't have PTSD, and I saw all sorts of ****.
Originally posted by 26 X World Champs:
YES! I agree 100%! One can argue that there's a large degree of selfishness in every group but that is not HATE.

I do not know of any major political organization in the USA that hates America. It does not exist. To think otherwise is unwise...
I agree. Both sides want what is best for America. It's how we get there is where we defer.
Billo_Really said:
I agree. Both sides want what is best for America. It's how we get there is where we defer.
Well said Billo! Most politicians are not Duke Cunningham or Scooter Libby. Most abide by the law and have committed themselves to public service, which for many is a calling.
I would say both sides have more than enough hate to go around, unless its an issue they agree with.

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