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who do you think will win the Super bowl? (1 Viewer)

Who do you think will win the Super Bowl?

  • Philadelphia Eagles

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • New England Patriots

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters


Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
I don't know if anybody here enjoys the game of football like me but I just wanted to know for the helluv it
That's easy. The winner will be the team that scores the most points.

Most likely the favorite, the Patriots.
I'm an NFC fan, so I gotta go with the Eagles.

For me...it's St.Louis...do or die...no matter the sport.

The trouble is...I know the Blues would've won the Stanley Cup this year..isn't that just the luck?

On another rant...sports has gotten out of hand. They're all spoiled rotten millonaires...from both sides.
Pats by 7. I have predicted the last ten super bowls so I sould be right. And there was some upsets, I predicted the Pats would beat the Rams, I predicted the Ravens would whoop up on the Giants. I predicted last years game but I thought it wouldn't be so close. If I was a gambling man I could make a lot of money.
Fantasea said:
That's easy. The winner will be the team that scores the most points.

Most likely the favorite, the Patriots.

I, for once, find myself in complete agreement with Fantasea. Wasn't sure that day would ever happen.

I would like to see it be a good game, though I think the Pats are going to clean the Eagles clock. Whenever I don't really have a team in the game I like to root for the underdog.

Being a Northwest boy I've always been a Niners fan, nothing to cheer about this year. After the Seahawks entered the picture in the 70' I always held out hope. So far they've always lived up to their nickname of the "Seachokes."

One's things for certain, well almost certain, there won't be any wardrobe malfuctions at half time.
pwo said:
Pats by 7. I have predicted the last ten super bowls so I sould be right. And there was some upsets, I predicted the Pats would beat the Rams, I predicted the Ravens would whoop up on the Giants. I predicted last years game but I thought it wouldn't be so close. If I was a gambling man I could make a lot of money.

Well Sir, You were most certainly correct. But they didn't win by 7 so I got my wish as well and at least it was game, something that can't be said for a lot of Superbowls. Hopefully a good time was had by all. Now let's go Chokes, err, I mean Hawks next year.
What was the spread?
The spread was pats by 6

Even though I don't care about either team in the game I really did wanna see pats lose

I'm a Houston fan by the way
MeChMAN said:
The spread was pats by 6

Even though I don't care about either team in the game I really did wanna see pats lose

I'm a Houston fan by the way

Huh, the local paper here said the point spread was Pats by 4? I like Houston's football team, they have a quarterback that used to play for San Jose? Is that right? Anyway, I like Houston's football- team had a terrible experience at the airport there one time.
Pacridge said:
Huh, the local paper here said the point spread was Pats by 4? I like Houston's football team, they have a quarterback that used to play for San Jose? Is that right? Anyway, I like Houston's football- team had a terrible experience at the airport there one time.

Eh what's 2 points? And I think David Carr came from Fresno State. He is a very tough player too
What did I tell you guys. Pats win. It was a good game too. Maybe I should become a professional gambler. Last year I won NCAA basketball pool at my my work, $100. Not too bad.
MeChMAN said:
Eh what's 2 points? And I think David Carr came from Fresno State. He is a very tough player too

David Carr, that's the guy I was thinking about. I really like him, obviously not huge fan or I might know what Cal. school he went to, but I've saw a couple shows about him. Real down to earth. He seems like what the college player of the past might well of been like.

BTW- In the gambling world, two points might make you or break you. Which is why I don't gamble, don't like being broke.
pwo said:
What did I tell you guys. Pats win. It was a good game too. Maybe I should become a professional gambler. Last year I won NCAA basketball pool at my my work, $100. Not too bad.

Got to hand it to you were right. Who needs Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal? We got pwo. Though to be honest, I think in the gambling world you're suppose to be closer than 4 points on the spread. You may want to think about that career change. Of course this is coming from a guy who should most certainly not be giving anyone gambling lessons.

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