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Who are your favorite actors/actresses of all times? (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative

Paul Newman (even if he is a liberal:lol:)
Gregory Peck
William Holden
James Stewart
Burt Lancaster
Kevin Costner
Tom hanks
John Wayne
Humphrey Bogart
Kirk Douglas
Charlton Heston
Marlon Brando
Cary Grant
Robert Mitchum
George C Scott
Samuel Jackson
Sidney Potier


Deborah Kerr
Joanne Woodward
Eva Marie Saint
Susan Hayward
Glenn Close
Grace Kelly
Navy Pride said:

Paul Newman (even if he is a liberal:lol:)
Gregory Peck
William Holden
James Stewart
Burt Lancaster
Kevin Costner
Tom hanks
John Wayne
Humphrey Bogart
Kirk Douglas
Charlton Heston
Marlon Brando
Cary Grant
Robert Mitchum
George C Scott
Samuel Jackson
Sidney Potier


Deborah Kerr
Joanne Woodward
Eva Marie Saint
Susan Hayward
Glenn Close
Grace Kelly

That list pretty much covers it. I'd also add Jodie Foster, Jack Nicholson, Dustin Hoffman, and Robert DeNiro. Other than that, there aren't many contemporary actors that can rival the old-schoolers on your list.
I like Tom Hanks, Eddie Murphey, Jim Carey, Adam Sandler, Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman.

I also like Tony Shalhoub from Monk
And Peter Gallagher off of the OC.
Kevin Costner?????
You put that in to see if anyone was paying attention, right?:doh

Adam Sandler???? He couldn't shine Tom Hanks shoes!

Johnny Depp for sheer talent-no one but Dustin Hoffman comes close to the variety of characters he's pulled off effortlessly.
ngdawg said:
Kevin Costner?????
You put that in to see if anyone was paying attention, right?:doh

Adam Sandler???? He couldn't shine Tom Hanks shoes!

Johnny Depp for sheer talent-no one but Dustin Hoffman comes close to the variety of characters he's pulled off effortlessly.

Umm.. Whats wrong with Kevin Costner???
I happen to enjoy his work in Robin Hood, Tin Cup, and Message in Bottle, to name a few.

Whats wrong with Adam Sandler? I happen to like his Comedies.

This thread wasn't to debate the skill of actors, I think it specifically says.
Who are your favorite actors/actresses.....
Sorry...overcome by shock....then gave mine

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