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Who Are the Real Insurrectionists? (1 Viewer)

The violence was instigated by informants that infiltrated the crowd. The crowd was peaceful chanting USA. The first act of violence happened when DC officer Thomas Lloyd ordered to shoot the crowd with plastic bullets, flash bangs, and tear gas, which incited the crowd.

That is true, in a sense.

However, it must be pointed out that the first violation of the law occurred when some members of the crowd pushed past the outer barricades. Now I can understand why some might seek to do this. Most were people who were at the very back of the crowd listening to Trumps speech back at the long lake. They left early (at the urging of several people in "Red Caps") in order to get the best spots at the next speech venue in front of the Capitol.

That act led to the idea that they could go further and try to get even closer. But they had stopped at the last barricades at the bottom of the Capitol steps. It was sometime during the period the crowd was milling around in the area beyond those final barricades that the order was given to fire rubber bullets and toss/fire various forms of gas and stun grenades into the crowd.

Several people in the crowd were injured and this led that crowd to push past the last barricade to assault the Capitol police. The police withdrew to inside the Capitol, but some of the crowd was still angry enough to attack the building exterior. The remaining vast majority were latecomers as well as others already there who were just watching and waiting to see what was happening.

The rest is history.
The violence was instigated by informants that infiltrated the crowd. The crowd was peaceful chanting USA. The first act of violence happened when DC officer Thomas Lloyd ordered to shoot the crowd with plastic bullets, flash bangs, and tear gas, which incited the crowd.

No, the violence was instigated by the mob....
HAHAHAHAHA... They are still trying to justify their anger over losing an election, and then getting bent out of shape like a spoiled child who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas! HAHAHAHAHAHA
The glaring, obvious truth is they are the insurrectionists, and they did it, and still support it, because their diapered dictator cult leader tells them to. :ROFLMAO: We have truly become an embarrassment, as a nation, to the world.
HAHAHAHAHA... They are still trying to justify their anger over losing an election, and then getting bent out of shape like a spoiled child who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas! HAHAHAHAHAHA
The glaring, obvious truth is they are the insurrectionists, and they did it, and still support it, because their diapered dictator cult leader tells them to. :ROFLMAO: We have truly become an embarrassment, as a nation, to the world.

Strange how there's no claims of election fraud when they win.
Strange how there's no claims of election fraud when they win.
Especially when their leader is already a 3 time legally ruled fraud (the third time convicted on 34 felony counts!). So what does this nation of the "best" and the "brightest" do? Elect the fraud again. This is a level of stupidity for this country unseen on these shores since it's birth over 248 years ago.
The 250th is in 2026, how proud we should be to have the first convicted felon, for crimes committed against the people of this country, as president! And there were still 3 trials to go for crimes committed against the people that are now on hold. What a laughingstock this country is to the rest of the world. Some are sad to see it, but most are ecstatic. Their hope is that we implode into a civil war, and then collapse as the world power. Way to go America! Electing criminal frauds is such a well thought out plan.:rolleyes:
Especially when their leader is already a 3 time legally ruled fraud (the third time convicted on 34 felony counts!). So what does this nation of the "best" and the "brightest" do? Elect the fraud again. This is a level of stupidity for this country unseen on these shores since it's birth over 248 years ago.
The 250th is in 2026, how proud we should be to have the first convicted felon, for crimes committed against the people of this country, as president! And there were still 3 trials to go for crimes committed against the people that are now on hold. What a laughingstock this country is to the rest of the world. Some are sad to see it, but most are ecstatic. Their hope is that we implode into a civil war, and then collapse as the world power. Way to go America! Electing criminal frauds is such a well thought out plan.:rolleyes:

Trump is an embarrassment outside the USA
It's just because most of his supporters are so parochial and inwardly looking that he can garner so much support. His is the cheap ;politics of nationalism.
Ray Epps gets a free pass while others face absurd sentences for identical actions. The DOJ’s double standard is the real threat to democracy. Under Kash Patel we will find out about the FBI agents that were involved in the staging of January 6.
Ray Epps gets a free pass while others face absurd sentences for identical actions. The DOJ’s double standard is the real threat to democracy. Under Kash Patel we will find out about the FBI agents that were involved in the staging of January 6.

Why continue to lie about Ray Epps?
Ray Epps gets a free pass while others face absurd sentences for identical actions. The DOJ’s double standard is the real threat to democracy. Under Kash Patel we will find out about the FBI agents that were involved in the staging of January 6.

I guess all the insurrectionists will get pardoned come January anyway.
December 12, 2024

Loyal and longtime readers may recall that we began our very first major report exploring federal involvement in the January 6 Fedsurrection began with a striking exchange between Senator Amy Klobuchar and Christopher Wray, in which Klobuchar asks the FBI director if he had any informants in place prior to January 6th

Christopher Wray is able to uncomfortably weasel his way out of answering the question directly, partially because Klobuchar does him the courtesy of not asking him the question directly. Klobuchar instead asks the FBI director if he wishes he had infiltrated the militia organizations allegedly involved in 1/6 — assuming from the outset that there was in fact no infiltration, thereby providing the FBI director an easy way to avoid addressing the question one way or another.
Click link above for full article.
The FBI AG report admit 26 CHS (Informants) so far, but probably there are more. The DOJ IG report is trying not to divulge anything too damning or implicating the true culprits behind the scenes. That J6 was a Fedsurrection will be proven right in due time.

The FBI AG report admit 26 CHS (Informants) so far, but probably there are more. The DOJ IG report is trying not to divulge anything too damning or implicating the true culprits behind the scenes. That J6 was a Fedsurrection will be proven right in due time.

The "real" insurrectionists are the ones who occupied the Capitol building in the hope of changing the resuilt of the 2020 election.
It's the people's building -- and the day that the people are seen as occupiers is the day that the political class have become overlords.
It's the people's building -- and the day that the people are seen as occupiers is the day that the political class have become overlords.

The violent insurrectionists who occupied the Capitol in an illegal attempt at subverting a democratically elected government, did NOT have the consent of the "People".
The DOJ is not including the many dozens of operatives who were operating inside the crowd that day. It has prosecuted nearly 1,500 Americans for their role in the events of J6. President-elect Donald Trump has promised to pardon non-violent offenders. A new committee will investigate the politicization of the January 6th Select Committee.
The DOJ is not including the many dozens of operatives who were operating inside the crowd that day. It has prosecuted nearly 1,500 Americans for their role in the events of J6. President-elect Donald Trump has promised to pardon non-violent offenders. A new committee will investigate the politicization of the January 6th Select Committee.

There were NO "operatives" working inside the crowd that day.
Staff, January 13, 2025 Real World News

President-elect Donald Trump said he’s planning to issue “major pardons” for J6 defendants:

“People that didn’t even walk into the building are in jail right now. So we’ll be looking at the whole thing but I’ll be making major pardons, yes,” Trump said during a Jan. 7 press conference at Mar-a-Lago.
Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren accused Trump of wanting to “whitewash the insurrection.”

For the past four years, independent media have been deconstructing the “insurrection” narrative.

Evidence of a “fedsurrection,” on the other hand, is no secret, as the Contrarian Coffeehouse summed up in a Jan. 13
Click link above for full article.
Steven D’Antuono, a former assistant director of the FBI’s Washington field office, reported that the FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on January 6, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” were present. In addition the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd plus an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security.
Steven D’Antuono, a former assistant director of the FBI’s Washington field office, reported that the FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on January 6, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” were present. In addition the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd plus an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security.

You can't verify anything you've posted in this thread. Your wacko conspiracy theory is total crappy lies for trump.
Steven D’Antuono, a former assistant director of the FBI’s Washington field office, reported that the FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on January 6, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” were present. In addition the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd plus an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security.

So what ?
Nobody made the rioters do any rioting.
Trump offered to send 10,000 National Guard troops to maintain peace at the Capitol, but his offer was rejected by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington, DC mayor Muriel Bowser. former chief of U.S. Capitol Police, Steve Sund, said security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his six requests several days in advance and again on that day to call in the National Guard to maintain peace..
Trump offered to send 10,000 National Guard troops to maintain peace at the Capitol, but his offer was rejected by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington, DC mayor Muriel Bowser. former chief of U.S. Capitol Police, Steve Sund, said security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his six requests several days in advance and again on that day to call in the National Guard to maintain peace..

Citation ?

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