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Who’s your favorite (or most hated, Dems) conservative radio talk show host? (1 Viewer)

Favorite or most hated?

  • Clay and Buck

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hannity

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Levin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A guy on SiriusXM channel 125

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


America First Populist
DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning
It’s part news, part politics and part entertainment. Which guy and why?
Alex Jones?
It’s part news, part politics and part entertainment. Which guy and why?
When was the last time any of them presented any actual news? All of those bastards are simply paid liars. If they were all abducted by aliens today the world would be a better place tomorrow.
There was a time when I would listen to Hannity but gave up after it became the same repetitive crap ("HILLARY! DEMOCRATS IN A DEATH SPIRAL! HILLARY! OMG ISN'T TRUMP JUST THE GREATEST? HILLARY! THE. MOST. IMPORTANT. ELECTION. IN. OUR. LIFETIME! HEY LISTEN, I LOVE MY PILLOW!)

Never listened to the others mentioned, although I've heard Levin on Hannity's show and the only thing more grating than his rhetoric is that high pitched falsetto he delivers it it.
Is Hannity on the radio? I though he was on Fox News. Never heard of any of the other ones. Talk radio is for people who like to be spoonfed bumper sticker soundbites and find reading too hard.
Ahem .... the more modern term is "podcast", not "radio show".
What a brain-dead post.
The only kind the OP is capable of making. He's angry and confused, living in the past. All he knows how to do is call other members commies.....one trick pony must be bored today...or, he started drinking his breakfast.

Haha. I'm beginning to understand the leftist's inability to see the truth now. Anybody listen to Jesse Kelly? Anybody?
Imagine never being visted at home, so DP is where you come to get attention. So sad.
Imagine never being visted at the old folks home, so DP is where you come to get attention.

Where is the civility? Why are all the perpetually 30 year old conservatives not taking their grandparents inside?
Political radio is for old crusty racist conservatives.
Imagine never being visted at home, so DP is where you come to get attention. So sad.
Imagine a 66 mile daily commute to a 40 hour a week job, and the only entertainment is the radio. Imagine the deluded commies sitting home all day sucking up Joe's freebie bullshit.
That I'm paying for.
Do you contribute to society?
Imagine a 66 mile daily commute to a 40 hour a week job, and the only entertainment is the radio. Imagine the deluded commies sitting home all day sucking up Joe's freebie bullshit.
That I'm paying for.
Do you contribute to society?
Have you considered music? Audiobooks of the great works in the Western canon? Anything other than politics?

Might do some good to take a break. :)
Imagine a 66 mile daily commute to a 40 hour a week job, and the only entertainment is the radio. Imagine the deluded commies sitting home all day sucking up Joe's freebie bullshit.
That I'm paying for.
Do you contribute to society?
You should listen to fantasy football podcasts.
Imagine a 66 mile daily commute to a 40 hour a week job,

Ewwww, you dont have your own company? You drive to someone else's place where they employ you? How sad. Not very Trumpian. You sure you are MAGA?

You sound like a disgruntled cross burner to me, but thats just an opinion.

Might do some good to take a break.
I’m trying to get my mom to take a break from Fox news. The stuff that comes out of her mouth is crazy.

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