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whites want to kill Blacks pt. 1 (1 Viewer)


Nov 28, 2005
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Political Leaning
anyone heard of the Eugenics movement? this is was the forced sterilization of Blacks by the US govt.
Blacks were sterilized against their will because the govt. didn't want them reproducing.
read more about it here http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45/302.html
this is part 1 of proving just how evil and racist the US govt. is.
Unfair said:
anyone heard of the Eugenics movement? this is was the forced sterilization of Blacks by the US govt.
Blacks were sterilized against their will because the govt. didn't want them reproducing.
read more about it here http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45/302.html
this is part 1 of proving just how evil and racist the US govt. is.

You should try to get all your ducks in a row on the racist education system first. This is just another very old issue that racist blacks are digging up for some agenda that they won't admit to.
What is your real agenda? Reparations? Not gonna happen. If we do it for blacks, then we would have to do it for native Americans first, and that would bankrupt the nation, so blacks would get nothing.

Besides, all the men in my family tree fought for the north, so what ever blacks do get,they have to share with the descendants of northern troops.
address THIS topic. if not, don't answer.
Unfair said:
address THIS topic. if not, don't answer.
OK, go back and read your own link. The sordid affair was toward the mentally and physically retarded, mostly. There never was a concerted effort to sterilize blacks solely due to being black. If so, liberal historians would have written about it, or are they all racists as well? And how would it be done? Put some magical potion in Church's fried chicken?
Fess up, you have an agenda that you are not approaching directly. We whiteys may not be as smart as you, but we ain't totally stoopid, dude. :2wave:
UtahBill said:
You should try to get all your ducks in a row on the racist education system first. This is just another very old issue that racist blacks are digging up for some agenda that they won't admit to.
What is your real agenda? Reparations? Not gonna happen. If we do it for blacks, then we would have to do it for native Americans first, and that would bankrupt the nation, so blacks would get nothing.

Besides, all the men in my family tree fought for the north, so what ever blacks do get,they have to share with the descendants of northern troops.
if you do that, the economy of the south will be destroyed. lol. everybody down here would be that much poorer.
Unfair said:
anyone heard of the Eugenics movement? this is was the forced sterilization of Blacks by the US govt.
Blacks were sterilized against their will because the govt. didn't want them reproducing.
read more about it here http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45/302.html
this is part 1 of proving just how evil and racist the US govt. is.

It was about sterilizing people with mental illness not blacks.

"German and American eugenics advocates both believed science could solve social problems, tended to measure the worth of the individual in economic terms and felt mental illness a threat to society grave enough to warrant compulsive sterilization"

Well, it looks like a couple others have beat me to pointing out that the program was not directed against blacks.

Try again, Unfair. I have faith that you won't let a little thing like facts stand in your way...
Part 2...hurry up!...
Unfair said:
anyone heard of the Eugenics movement? this is was the forced sterilization of Blacks by the US govt.
Blacks were sterilized against their will because the govt. didn't want them reproducing.
read more about it here http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45/302.html
this is part 1 of proving just how evil and racist the US govt. is.

And......how LONG ago was that? Not only that but the players involved are different now, ..& to assume that the whole of the U.S. Government hates blacks, ..& wants to kill them all is pretty darn farfetched.

I had heard it was to remove the ones who were mentaly deranged, ..sure that was bad enough, ..but then so was the most honorable Elija Mohammed of NOI that called ALL whites devils, ..& plenty of blacks ate all it up too!

Hitler did much the same thing in Germany to thousands of WHITES also, ..& they were NOT all jewish either.

If the U.S. government hated, & wanted to kill all blacks believe me NONE would ever have been empowered, been permitted in pro sports, been in politics, & Jim Crow laws would "really" be the norm of today, ..not the phoney baloney charges that are said, ..but real mandated racial segregation.

Welfare, & other social programs would be excluded IF the government really wanted to see the end of black americans, ..& free college educations would not be given to blacks IF you really believed that the government was out to commit genocide upon black americans.

Blacks certainly were NOT the first to ever be exploited for slavery, ..in spite of what you read in jet magazine, ..or perhaps ebony magazine's brilliant but disingenuine writers who like to keep the pot stirred in seeing themselves, ..& the bulk of the black population as "victims" forever.

All races dabbled in slavery, & discrimination back in antiquity,...& ALL races were at one time victims of it, ..& that ALSO includes "whites"!

The babylonians, the Assryians, The persians, The greeks, BLACK AFRICAN TRIBESMEN, The romans, The native americans, & also practiced a form of slavery themselves & kidnapped white settlers in order to redeem them to the highest bidders ..& in fact in some regions in africa TODAY, ..there are some black groups who are exploiting other BLACK tribes in servitude, & slavery itself, ..& some currently engaged in the most barbaric forms of maltreatment upon blacks is being committed by ARAB muslims, ..against the people of Sudan!

In spite of the modern attempt to re-write the historical record of ancient Egypt, ...even some of the black Egyptian dynasties did in fact engage in slavery themselves; & generally who were their victims? Its easy, ...who were around them?

Babylonians, Assryians, jews, Canananites, Jordanians...the whole gamut of the many different cultures, ...& here is the best tidbit that IS juicyist:

THOSE groups mentioned above ARE CLASSIFIED AS CAUCASIONS, ...because they ARE caucasions, ..as the many mideastern cultures are MOSTLY comprised of.

AS a matter of fact, ...most of ancient NORTH AFRICA was inhabited by caucasions, ..& most negroid peoples were confined to the sub-sahara regions at, or near...& beneath the equator.

Yes....arab peoples ARE NOT CLASSIFIED AS NEGROES, ..they ARE caucasion in spite of what the modern psuedo- intellectuals WANT some people to believe!

While it is true that since that time, ...many of the races have intermarried etc. with many races.

Dark skin pigmentation does not classify race, ..just as many many inhabitants that live around the mediteranean region ARE darker than many caucasions from the northern regions of Europe, ..but they are caucasion just the same.

Most blacks were certainly the "latest", & most recent victms of slavery & discrimination, ...but NOT the only ones as often portrayed!

The simple truth whether you like it or not is this: Ending slavery, & racial discrimination could have ONLY happened IF most white folks were willing to see it ended, ..& the VAST majority were.

Slavery ended 140 years ago, ..& for that matter NOT all blacks were slaves, ..so please get over it, & how can YOU say for sure that your great great grandaddy was a slave; & even if he was how does that IMPACT YOU NOW?

Certainly slavery was NOT the only issue of the civil war, ...but it was a BIG ISSUE, ..& hundreds & hundreds of thousands, ..if not millions of WHITES DIED fighting to help end it!

I realize that most blacks want to hold ALL whites accountable for "PAST" slavery, & racism etc; ..but it is ABSURD because millions upon millions of immigrants that settled in America came here LONG after slavery had ended, ..& millions of them were dirt poor, & had damn little opportunity themselves, & few freesdoms. ...hence THAT is the reason THEY immigrated here to America to make a better life for themselves as well.

Many blacks have this twisted notion that MOST, if not ALL whites should suffer GUILT, & punitive penalties forever because of past slavery, & past discrimination.

That would be fine IF all whites were guilty of slavery, & racism, ..& if ALL blacks since the foundation of the humankind themselves NEVER engaged in the repugnant practice of slavery, & maltreatment of others in their own genre' back in antiquity.

And...it would certainly be understandable IF all blacks TODAY could say that THEY personnally were, & ARE & continue to be victims of it.

IMO, blacks who continually delve into past racial injustice ...it is used "MOSTLY" as a crutch by blacks so we can play the modern "Hero & Villain" routine, as in the same fashion that it is perfectly "acceptable" by blacks to refer to the lighter persuasion as "whiteboy, honkey etc" & it is not seen as derogotory, ..but of course WE all know that if a lighter person uses the very same derogotory words on a black subject,.. that IT is then considered "a racial epithet", & even perhaps a hate crime with the full power of the federal government to prosecute them for much to do about nothing, ..except for political correctness, & political empowerment to uplift other groups, ..while systematically villifying other groups so we can continue this charade of; "blacks MUST be seen, & viewed as "victims" forever"!

Such are the modern political correct machinations of the white liberal elitists who still think the majority guilty of "something", ..& are still commencing with the handwringing.

IF ..you are looking for an apology, ..or just want recognition at seeing yourself, ..or your racial decendants as "victims'', ...you might want to get in line, ...there is, & has been since the dawn of mankind ENOUGH recrimination, & guilt to pass around for ALL the races on earth to answer for, ..unless you subscribe to the teachings, & other "fairy tales & historical revision" of Elija Poole & Louis Farakkan? ;)
Last edited:
Unfair said:
anyone heard of the Eugenics movement? this is was the forced sterilization of Blacks by the US govt.
Blacks were sterilized against their will because the govt. didn't want them reproducing.
read more about it here http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45/302.html
this is part 1 of proving just how evil and racist the US govt. is.

This is a very odd topic. If the government tried to keep blacks from breeding it sure as heck didn't work. I have one question for you, why are you spewing this stuff? This is nonsense. You know, racism doesn't even enter my brain. When I see a black individual I don't even think of them as any different. Why do blacks keep bringing this stuff up? Let it go. The Irish were heavily discriminated against here(US) after the potato famine. My dad was 100% Irish. I don't dwell on how the Irish were treated.
Unfair said:
anyone heard of the Eugenics movement? this is was the forced sterilization of Blacks by the US govt.
Blacks were sterilized against their will because the govt. didn't want them reproducing.
read more about it here http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45/302.html
this is part 1 of proving just how evil and racist the US govt. is.
I can think of a few blacks who should not procreate. Why should they be allowed to multiply? So that they can add more homies to the already crowded and gang infested ghettos? So they can use up our country's welfare system? They don't know how to get birth control on their own, so maybe the government should sterilize them.

The government is already making rules for women who have too many babies, in California, for a woman to get WIC she must be on birth control, it is a requirement. I worked with a girl who had 4 children with a Mexican illegal alien and she had to be on birth control. The county made her.
alphieb said:
This is a very odd topic. If the government tried to keep blacks from breeding it sure as heck didn't work. I have one question for you, why are you spewing this stuff? This is nonsense. You know, racism doesn't even enter my brain. When I see a black individual I don't even think of them as any different. Why do blacks keep bringing this stuff up? Let it go. The Irish were heavily discriminated against here(US) after the potato famine. My dad was 100% Irish. I don't dwell on how the Irish were treated.
I am 100% Irish also, my grandfathers on both sides of my family immigrated here legally, repeat....legally. And they faced horrible discrimination. The blacks use that stupid racist card over everything. Every time something happens and they don't get their way they scream "racism". :roll:
saffron said:
I am 100% Irish also, my grandfathers on both sides of my family immigrated here legally, repeat....legally. And they faced horrible discrimination. The blacks use that stupid racist card over everything. Every time something happens and they don't get their way they scream "racism". :roll:

Given that you made a very broad generalisation in saying "the blacks" play the racist card whenever they fancy (whereas it's only an annoyingly vocal minority who do), I daresay they have reason to be paranoid.
saffron said:
I can think of a few blacks who should not procreate. Why should they be allowed to multiply? So that they can add more homies to the already crowded and gang infested ghettos? So they can use up our country's welfare system? They don't know how to get birth control on their own, so maybe the government should sterilize them.

The government is already making rules for women who have too many babies, in California, for a woman to get WIC she must be on birth control, it is a requirement. I worked with a girl who had 4 children with a Mexican illegal alien and she had to be on birth control. The county made her.

someones made my nazi watch list.

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