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White Racial Nationalistic Wakeup Myth (1 Viewer)

Mar 6, 2006
Reaction score
Among the White US Terrorists
Political Leaning
So what is this Racialist White Wakeup myth? This myth has been around even before the WWW came mainstream. This white wakeup myth was designed to put hope in futuristic numbers, that are hailed as the salvation for whites. With these big numbers, white wakeup would snowball from the comatosic sleep done in by the "Jewish ZOG-JOG" sleep pill, and then; whites can finally do something. The hope was that whites would have to come to the realization and reality if they see the riots, rapes, looting; that if they experience the breakup of family, start living in poverty, high prices of goods, gas, insurance, etc., they would finally wakeup from the fairy tale they believe is/was webbed

Well? Did the L.A riots produce a mass of white people in California to wakeup and jell together? No. What about the violence and riots of the civil movement in the 60's? No white jell. What about Katrina? Is a white racialist revival happening in the areas where whites saw the black rioting? Nope. Is the KKK in these areas reviving so much that the Southern Law office is just very nervous? Negative. Ex-members and former KKK families coming out of the closet? Nope. What about the high prices of gas, insurance and other goods? Nope. No White Racialist Revival. Then who is pushing this myth? The misinformed, the people who just want to belong to a group and that's it, the unresponsible and the moles, for it buys them time and more time and of course the money making Racialists. Of course one is going to say they see a lot of new members joining pro-white online forums, but I'm talking of reality, not cyberspace.

Of course another thing gets in the way of the White Wakeup myth some still purport as the salvation of white kind and that is that people will see something on TV; exactly like Katrina and wakeup after they saw the "blacks" do what they did; putting two plus two together, even if the media doesn't spin the exact truth. Well, what Americans didn't see this and what did they do? Turn born again Racialist? Put two plus two together? Nope. They didn't care or if they did, they watched Roots or just forgot about it. So the question is, how are you going to compete against that Trillion dollar media infrastructure white people eat up? Your not, your boards, your literature, DVDs, tapes, songs, etc. will never convert many at all--and if they did, ; even if those whites you so hope will wakeup--will they go beyond just the screen?. Show me the numbers who have. It has failed to translate onto the soil.

A recreated post:

Name: ThorWarrior456 Post count: 8709 member since Nov. 04 Did you see all that looting and the news on Katrina? It's like the News agency is really going to wakeup all the whites who think blacks are just like whites, it's just a matter of time now. 88

Name: LoveNordicChild09787 Post count 567 member since Jan 2001 Yes, all we have to do is educate all those who will be going to this board and the great White Racialist wakeup theory we perpetuate will finally be proven as really a good thing to wait for. Katrina drove them to us. And by educate I mean not giving Zog-JOG, KKK or Skinhead images or talk, that would scare them away. A refined and subtle manner it will be done in. 14

Name: GothSeed Post Count: 26 member since: Nov. 04 Katrina isn‘t going to do a thing, were going to have a lot of online chatter and it will just fade away in the white general public eye. If the general public cannot see the obvious before Katrina, it’s not going to after. LoveNordicChild you talk of a refined and subtle manner. Tell me how’s that done? Your telling me that someone is going to be pro-white and no one is going to associate that with anti-Semitism, Klan, adolf, skinheads? Show me which media outlet, general public, a family having such views? It doesn’t exist, even if you say KKK, Hitler, skinheads had it all wrong and talk against them. The Racialist movement tried that decades ago before you were even in diapers, learn from history in what works and what doesn’t.

This post wasn't done by me, but authored by a man whose best interests are at heart against the white CyberRacialist movement.

I would tell all white movement members that whites don't care about you, they don't care about being white and do wish deep down they could all be as John Lennon said, "the world can be as one." If they did care then why didn't they wakeup after Katrina? Why don't they show they care? Your movement didn't snowball--give it up and join the human race .
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
So what is this Racialist White Wakeup myth? This myth has been around even before the WWW came mainstream. This white wakeup myth was designed to put hope in futuristic numbers, that are hailed as the salvation for whites. With these big numbers, white wakeup would snowball from the comatosic sleep done in by the "Jewish ZOG-JOG" sleep pill, and then; whites can finally do something. The hope was that whites would have to come to the realization and reality if they see the riots, rapes, looting; that if they experience the breakup of family, start living in poverty, high prices of goods, gas, insurance, etc., they would finally wakeup from the fairy tale they believe is/was webbed

Well? Did the L.A riots produce a mass of white people in California to wakeup and jell together? No. What about the violence and riots of the civil movement in the 60's? No white jell. What about Katrina? Is a white racialist revival happening in the areas where whites saw the black rioting? Nope. Is the KKK in these areas reviving so much that the Southern Law office is just very nervous? Negative. Ex-members and former KKK families coming out of the closet? Nope. What about the high prices of gas, insurance and other goods? Nope. No White Racialist Revival. Then who is pushing this myth? The misinformed, the people who just want to belong to a group and that's it, the unresponsible and the moles, for it buys them time and more time and of course the money making Racialists. Of course one is going to say they see a lot of new members joining pro-white online forums, but I'm talking of reality, not cyberspace.

Of course another thing gets in the way of the White Wakeup myth some still purport as the salvation of white kind and that is that people will see something on TV; exactly like Katrina and wakeup after they saw the "blacks" do what they did; putting two plus two together, even if the media doesn't spin the exact truth. Well, what Americans didn't see this and what did they do? Turn born again Racialist? Put two plus two together? Nope. They didn't care or if they did, they watched Roots or just forgot about it. So the question is, how are you going to compete against that Trillion dollar media infrastructure white people eat up? Your not, your boards, your literature, DVDs, tapes, songs, etc. will never convert many at all--and if they did, ; even if those whites you so hope will wakeup--will they go beyond just the screen?. Show me the numbers who have. It has failed to translate onto the soil.

A recreated post:

Name: ThorWarrior456 Post count: 8709 member since Nov. 04 Did you see all that looting and the news on Katrina? It's like the News agency is really going to wakeup all the whites who think blacks are just like whites, it's just a matter of time now. 88

Name: LoveNordicChild09787 Post count 567 member since Jan 2001 Yes, all we have to do is educate all those who will be going to this board and the great White Racialist wakeup theory we perpetuate will finally be proven as really a good thing to wait for. Katrina drove them to us. And by educate I mean not giving Zog-JOG, KKK or Skinhead images or talk, that would scare them away. A refined and subtle manner it will be done in. 14

Name: GothSeed Post Count: 26 member since: Nov. 04 Katrina isn‘t going to do a thing, were going to have a lot of online chatter and it will just fade away in the white general public eye. If the general public cannot see the obvious before Katrina, it’s not going to after. LoveNordicChild you talk of a refined and subtle manner. Tell me how’s that done? Your telling me that someone is going to be pro-white and no one is going to associate that with anti-Semitism, Klan, adolf, skinheads? Show me which media outlet, general public, a family having such views? It doesn’t exist, even if you say KKK, Hitler, skinheads had it all wrong and talk against them. The Racialist movement tried that decades ago before you were even in diapers, learn from history in what works and what doesn’t.

This post wasn't done by me, but authored by a man whose best interests are at heart against the white CyberRacialist movement.

I would tell all white movement members that whites don't care about you, they don't care about being white and do wish deep down they could all be as John Lennon said, "the world can be as one." If they did care then why didn't they wakeup after Katrina? Why don't they show they care? Your movement didn't snowball--give it up and join the human race .

What is your problem? Are you trying to stir up racial tension? Only a black person would start a thread like this.
What is your problem? Are you trying to stir up racial tension?
I'm so surprised you don't see the brillance of this award winning post, I mean you stated before you only knew of the 6 million Jew genocide and nothing else, so hard for me to believe with all the love I have--I bet your way more educated than you lead on. What's your game plan and what's your problem? Racial tension this isn't--on the streets is racial tension, on the racist boards of black and white racists are tension; this is to set it free. Whites finally free of the obligation they think they have in faith of other whites. It shows no faith and whites don't care--defuse of white racism, no rising.

Only a black person would start a thread like this.
And how do you know that I'm black, latin, or middle eastern? Actually the original author is white, not me, didn't you actually read that? Stereotypes would only state a "black person would start..." Don't worry I'm not mad at you--you will be assimilated, but stop playing the game you don't know or understand, I bet your not even a female. Love you. Peace out.
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beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
So what is this Racialist White Wakeup myth? This myth has been around even before the WWW came mainstream. This white wakeup myth was designed to put hope in futuristic numbers, that are hailed as the salvation for whites. With these big numbers, white wakeup would snowball from the comatosic sleep done in by the "Jewish ZOG-JOG" sleep pill, and then; whites can finally do something. The hope was that whites would have to come to the realization and reality if they see the riots, rapes, looting; that if they experience the breakup of family, start living in poverty, high prices of goods, gas, insurance, etc., they would finally wakeup from the fairy tale they believe is/was webbed

Well? Did the L.A riots produce a mass of white people in California to wakeup and jell together? No. What about the violence and riots of the civil movement in the 60's? No white jell. What about Katrina? Is a white racialist revival happening in the areas where whites saw the black rioting? Nope. Is the KKK in these areas reviving so much that the Southern Law office is just very nervous? Negative. Ex-members and former KKK families coming out of the closet? Nope. What about the high prices of gas, insurance and other goods? Nope. No White Racialist Revival. Then who is pushing this myth? The misinformed, the people who just want to belong to a group and that's it, the unresponsible and the moles, for it buys them time and more time and of course the money making Racialists. Of course one is going to say they see a lot of new members joining pro-white online forums, but I'm talking of reality, not cyberspace.

Of course another thing gets in the way of the White Wakeup myth some still purport as the salvation of white kind and that is that people will see something on TV; exactly like Katrina and wakeup after they saw the "blacks" do what they did; putting two plus two together, even if the media doesn't spin the exact truth. Well, what Americans didn't see this and what did they do? Turn born again Racialist? Put two plus two together? Nope. They didn't care or if they did, they watched Roots or just forgot about it. So the question is, how are you going to compete against that Trillion dollar media infrastructure white people eat up? Your not, your boards, your literature, DVDs, tapes, songs, etc. will never convert many at all--and if they did, ; even if those whites you so hope will wakeup--will they go beyond just the screen?. Show me the numbers who have. It has failed to translate onto the soil.

A recreated post:

Name: ThorWarrior456 Post count: 8709 member since Nov. 04 Did you see all that looting and the news on Katrina? It's like the News agency is really going to wakeup all the whites who think blacks are just like whites, it's just a matter of time now. 88

Name: LoveNordicChild09787 Post count 567 member since Jan 2001 Yes, all we have to do is educate all those who will be going to this board and the great White Racialist wakeup theory we perpetuate will finally be proven as really a good thing to wait for. Katrina drove them to us. And by educate I mean not giving Zog-JOG, KKK or Skinhead images or talk, that would scare them away. A refined and subtle manner it will be done in. 14

Name: GothSeed Post Count: 26 member since: Nov. 04 Katrina isn‘t going to do a thing, were going to have a lot of online chatter and it will just fade away in the white general public eye. If the general public cannot see the obvious before Katrina, it’s not going to after. LoveNordicChild you talk of a refined and subtle manner. Tell me how’s that done? Your telling me that someone is going to be pro-white and no one is going to associate that with anti-Semitism, Klan, adolf, skinheads? Show me which media outlet, general public, a family having such views? It doesn’t exist, even if you say KKK, Hitler, skinheads had it all wrong and talk against them. The Racialist movement tried that decades ago before you were even in diapers, learn from history in what works and what doesn’t.

This post wasn't done by me, but authored by a man whose best interests are at heart against the white CyberRacialist movement.

I would tell all white movement members that whites don't care about you, they don't care about being white and do wish deep down they could all be as John Lennon said, "the world can be as one." If they did care then why didn't they wakeup after Katrina? Why don't they show they care? Your movement didn't snowball--give it up and join the human race .

uhhhhh what the hell are you talking about? Sounds like we got a new canuck lite
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
I'm so surprised you don't see the brillance of this award winning post, I mean you stated before you only knew of the 6 million Jew genocide and nothing else, so hard for me to believe with all the love I have--I bet your way more educated than you lead on. What's your game plan and what's your problem? Racial tension this isn't--on the streets is racial tension, on the racist boards of black and white racists are tension; this is to set it free. Whites finally free of the obligation they think they have in faith of other whites. It shows no faith and whites don't care--defuse of white racism, no rising.

And how do you know that I'm black, latin, or middle eastern? Actually the original author is white, not me, didn't you actually read that? Stereotypes would only state a "black person would start..." Don't worry I'm not mad at you--you will be assimilated, but stop playing the game you don't know or understand, I bet your not even a female. Love you. Peace out.

You started this post with post #1. I still don't understand what your point is. What is the debate here and what are you smoking?
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Actually the original author is white, not me.
Then you have failed to link your source.
Then you have failed to link your source.
Everytime people post on debatepolitics I see loads of sources all over, links upon links, LOL, yea right. And the posters who don't have sources never have responses :2wave: Where are you living?

Why would you even be concerned with this issue anyway?

You started this post with post #1. I still don't understand what your point is
I think you do--you play the cute little coy girl awesomely.

But for all else, if your from StormFront, WhiteRevolution or whatever white board and guising yourself as something else on debatepolitics (plenty of that)--your white wakeup theory is crap; no snowball ever came from Katrina, no snowball will come regardless of what the other races do to whites, come join the human race and realize your hope is just a pipe dream. Whites don't care and nothing will make them join your ignorance.
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beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Everytime people post on debatepolitics I see loads of sources all over, links upon links, LOL, yea right. And the posters who don't have sources never have responses :2wave: Where are you living?

Why would you even be concerned with this issue anyway?

I think you do--you play the cute little coy girl awesomely.

But for all else, if your from StormFront, WhiteRevolution or whatever white board and guising yourself as something else on debatepolitics (plenty of that)--your white wakeup theory is crap; no snowball ever came from Katrina, no snowball will come regardless of what the other races do to whites, come join the human race and realize your hope is just a pipe dream. Whites don't care and nothing will make them join your ignorance.

alphieb made her point whats yours?

If you want to debate something lets do it
Post your f-ucking links

shut the f.uck up! You whine like a f-ucking 10 year old..
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beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
So what is this Racialist White Wakeup myth? This myth has been around even before the WWW came mainstream. This white wakeup myth was designed to put hope in futuristic numbers, that are hailed as the salvation for whites. With these big numbers, white wakeup would snowball from the comatosic sleep done in by the "Jewish ZOG-JOG" sleep pill, and then; whites can finally do something. The hope was that whites would have to come to the realization and reality if they see the riots, rapes, looting; that if they experience the breakup of family, start living in poverty, high prices of goods, gas, insurance, etc., they would finally wakeup from the fairy tale they believe is/was webbed

Well? Did the L.A riots produce a mass of white people in California to wakeup and jell together? No. What about the violence and riots of the civil movement in the 60's? No white jell. What about Katrina? Is a white racialist revival happening in the areas where whites saw the black rioting? Nope. Is the KKK in these areas reviving so much that the Southern Law office is just very nervous? Negative. Ex-members and former KKK families coming out of the closet? Nope. What about the high prices of gas, insurance and other goods? Nope. No White Racialist Revival. Then who is pushing this myth? The misinformed, the people who just want to belong to a group and that's it, the unresponsible and the moles, for it buys them time and more time and of course the money making Racialists. Of course one is going to say they see a lot of new members joining pro-white online forums, but I'm talking of reality, not cyberspace.

Of course another thing gets in the way of the White Wakeup myth some still purport as the salvation of white kind and that is that people will see something on TV; exactly like Katrina and wakeup after they saw the "blacks" do what they did; putting two plus two together, even if the media doesn't spin the exact truth. Well, what Americans didn't see this and what did they do? Turn born again Racialist? Put two plus two together? Nope. They didn't care or if they did, they watched Roots or just forgot about it. So the question is, how are you going to compete against that Trillion dollar media infrastructure white people eat up? Your not, your boards, your literature, DVDs, tapes, songs, etc. will never convert many at all--and if they did, ; even if those whites you so hope will wakeup--will they go beyond just the screen?. Show me the numbers who have. It has failed to translate onto the soil.

A recreated post:

Name: ThorWarrior456 Post count: 8709 member since Nov. 04 Did you see all that looting and the news on Katrina? It's like the News agency is really going to wakeup all the whites who think blacks are just like whites, it's just a matter of time now. 88

Name: LoveNordicChild09787 Post count 567 member since Jan 2001 Yes, all we have to do is educate all those who will be going to this board and the great White Racialist wakeup theory we perpetuate will finally be proven as really a good thing to wait for. Katrina drove them to us. And by educate I mean not giving Zog-JOG, KKK or Skinhead images or talk, that would scare them away. A refined and subtle manner it will be done in. 14

Name: GothSeed Post Count: 26 member since: Nov. 04 Katrina isn‘t going to do a thing, were going to have a lot of online chatter and it will just fade away in the white general public eye. If the general public cannot see the obvious before Katrina, it’s not going to after. LoveNordicChild you talk of a refined and subtle manner. Tell me how’s that done? Your telling me that someone is going to be pro-white and no one is going to associate that with anti-Semitism, Klan, adolf, skinheads? Show me which media outlet, general public, a family having such views? It doesn’t exist, even if you say KKK, Hitler, skinheads had it all wrong and talk against them. The Racialist movement tried that decades ago before you were even in diapers, learn from history in what works and what doesn’t.

This post wasn't done by me, but authored by a man whose best interests are at heart against the white CyberRacialist movement.

I would tell all white movement members that whites don't care about you, they don't care about being white and do wish deep down they could all be as John Lennon said, "the world can be as one." If they did care then why didn't they wakeup after Katrina? Why don't they show they care? Your movement didn't snowball--give it up and join the human race .

What in gods name are you blathering about?
KCConservative said:
Then you have failed to link your source.


Provide a link, please.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
So what is this Racialist White Wakeup myth? This myth has been around even before the WWW came mainstream. This white wakeup myth was designed to put hope in futuristic numbers, that are hailed as the salvation for whites. With these big numbers, white wakeup would snowball from the comatosic sleep done in by the "Jewish ZOG-JOG" sleep pill, and then; whites can finally do something. The hope was that whites would have to come to the realization and reality if they see the riots, rapes, looting; that if they experience the breakup of family, start living in poverty, high prices of goods, gas, insurance, etc., they would finally wakeup from the fairy tale they believe is/was webbed

Well? Did the L.A riots produce a mass of white people in California to wakeup and jell together? No. What about the violence and riots of the civil movement in the 60's? No white jell. What about Katrina? Is a white racialist revival happening in the areas where whites saw the black rioting? Nope. Is the KKK in these areas reviving so much that the Southern Law office is just very nervous? Negative. Ex-members and former KKK families coming out of the closet? Nope. What about the high prices of gas, insurance and other goods? Nope. No White Racialist Revival. Then who is pushing this myth? The misinformed, the people who just want to belong to a group and that's it, the unresponsible and the moles, for it buys them time and more time and of course the money making Racialists. Of course one is going to say they see a lot of new members joining pro-white online forums, but I'm talking of reality, not cyberspace.

Of course another thing gets in the way of the White Wakeup myth some still purport as the salvation of white kind and that is that people will see something on TV; exactly like Katrina and wakeup after they saw the "blacks" do what they did; putting two plus two together, even if the media doesn't spin the exact truth. Well, what Americans didn't see this and what did they do? Turn born again Racialist? Put two plus two together? Nope. They didn't care or if they did, they watched Roots or just forgot about it. So the question is, how are you going to compete against that Trillion dollar media infrastructure white people eat up? Your not, your boards, your literature, DVDs, tapes, songs, etc. will never convert many at all--and if they did, ; even if those whites you so hope will wakeup--will they go beyond just the screen?. Show me the numbers who have. It has failed to translate onto the soil.

A recreated post:

Name: ThorWarrior456 Post count: 8709 member since Nov. 04 Did you see all that looting and the news on Katrina? It's like the News agency is really going to wakeup all the whites who think blacks are just like whites, it's just a matter of time now. 88

Name: LoveNordicChild09787 Post count 567 member since Jan 2001 Yes, all we have to do is educate all those who will be going to this board and the great White Racialist wakeup theory we perpetuate will finally be proven as really a good thing to wait for. Katrina drove them to us. And by educate I mean not giving Zog-JOG, KKK or Skinhead images or talk, that would scare them away. A refined and subtle manner it will be done in. 14

Name: GothSeed Post Count: 26 member since: Nov. 04 Katrina isn‘t going to do a thing, were going to have a lot of online chatter and it will just fade away in the white general public eye. If the general public cannot see the obvious before Katrina, it’s not going to after. LoveNordicChild you talk of a refined and subtle manner. Tell me how’s that done? Your telling me that someone is going to be pro-white and no one is going to associate that with anti-Semitism, Klan, adolf, skinheads? Show me which media outlet, general public, a family having such views? It doesn’t exist, even if you say KKK, Hitler, skinheads had it all wrong and talk against them. The Racialist movement tried that decades ago before you were even in diapers, learn from history in what works and what doesn’t.

This post wasn't done by me, but authored by a man whose best interests are at heart against the white CyberRacialist movement.

I would tell all white movement members that whites don't care about you, they don't care about being white and do wish deep down they could all be as John Lennon said, "the world can be as one." If they did care then why didn't they wakeup after Katrina? Why don't they show they care? Your movement didn't snowball--give it up and join the human race .

Your user name annoys me.
You still have failed to elaborate on what in God's name you're referring to. Your post contains no logic.
If your into White Nationalism, you will read it and understand what it says and give your own 2 cents..

If your not into White Nationalism, you wouldn't care to be here and wouldn't comment on a post in the basement--it's really that simple; logic dictates only StormFronters and the rest of the White Power idiots will comment; are you of White Nationalism Cyber Movement?

Your post contains no logic.
Then why are you so concerned about it? Why post about it multiple times? What are you trying to do? Got ya. What's your username on Stormfront?
alphieb said:
You still have failed to elaborate on what in God's name you're referring to. Your post contains no logic.

I know, I think he's been using powerful household cleaning agents without proper ventilation. Or eating paint chips, or both, yes, must be both.
alphieb said:
You still have failed to elaborate on what in God's name you're referring to. Your post contains no logic.

Rather like picking out random words from the dictionary and forming them into pseudo-sentences, isn't it? As far as I can tell, it's just a bunch of Louis Farrakhan/nation of Islam type delusions.

If we ignore it, do you think it will go away?
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
If your into White Nationalism, you will read it and understand what it says and give your own 2 cents..

If your not into White Nationalism, you wouldn't care to be here and wouldn't comment on a post in the basement--it's really that simple; logic dictates only StormFronters and the rest of the White Power idiots will comment; are you of White Nationalism Cyber Movement?

Then why are you so concerned about it? Why post about it multiple times? What are you trying to do? Got ya. What's your username on Stormfront?

I was simply interested in what your point is, but now I see you don't have one. What in the hell is Stormfront? If you are suggesting that I'm a racist, that shows nothing but your own ignorance. Now either make a senseable post or don't post at all. Until then GOODBYE
This is for Beyond the rose-colored rim turkey that started this thread:

Like everyone else here, I have no clue as to what your message is; it lacks logic. Unlike most here, I support the White Nationalist movement. I am a dues paying member of Stormfront.org. There is a lot of hate and rage with many of it's members; but that is their prerogative. I can understand their feelings as the white man has taken a modern day shellacking by laws geared to boost the minority, while punishing the white man. Ever hear of reverse discrimination? Sure you have, we live it every day as white people. White Nationalism represents a band of white people that are fed up with those that cave into the minority special treatment by our government. They tend to praise the White man and his accomplisments--going back to our 'WHITE' foundings fathers'. If you have a problem with 'White' people--I'm presuming that you're either an elitist minority or a panty-waisted liberal. Am I wrong?
White Nationalists, come join the human race, the blending of the color wheel into one color. You cannot stop it, nor can I stop it. America will be colored and more what you call multi-cultural in the coming decades; by 2050 whites as a whole will be the minority in this the USA; AZ, TX, NM, CA are already colored dominated.

Stop the pain of the resistance you show, the white race has given us many things, many inventions but also terrible things also, the laws of karma state the balance.

All will be assimilated, what is the defence of the whites? They don't have one, as my progenitors didn't have any defence neither. I'm black, hispanic and middle eastern--I didn't decide the color of my skin, through the changing of the economy, politics, wars, social mores I was of three races. Did the Whites prevent this? No. They made the mixtures. No revisionist history--a fact.

I remember when I was so proud of my middle eastern heritage, I became Muslim, pro-arab and all the like and then I came to realize I'm a family of the human race, not just one biased one.

The more all the nations and races put off the one world economy, the one race, one nation-one world of Gaia as some put it. We will live in fear, paranoia, and defense of our beliefs and value systems of ignorance and the constant pain cyclic suffering.

Whites and other races believe they are so special if left intact; Jews also, some blacks, asians, etc., . Look at the white History, you blame a jewish conspiracy and yet did any Jew point a gun to anyone's head and say you vote for this race mixing GOP or Dem party candidate? No. Whites vote for race-mixing and most of them enjoy it, as well as enjoying deep south Georgian black snake, a blond and I mean all blond gave me a ride--I didn't come onto her, she came to my house for black snake; many brothers tell me the same story, married or not--they crave the black snake. I cannot stop this and you cannot neither; you await for whites as a whole to wakeup. They won't, it doesn't matter what facts or stats you want to show them, it doesn't matter if your message is on the www, it doesn't matter if they are losing their jobs or going to the poor house, the don't care about race riots and love to watch them on tv, they move out of neighborhoods infested by the crime ridden and still don't join you, killed by the muds as you call us--and they still don't want to join you, they don't care about white preservationism and the only reason any other race does is when its for a meal ticket to get more money, blacks don't care about preservation either, money, money, power, that's the race card in which when we all join our DNA--no more racism or race card will be played.

Give it up, no white awakening is going to happen--it would've already happened in the 60's if it was so important--you lost the war, come join us as one, for the world can be as one and we can all be in peace. Love you all.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
White Nationalists, come join the human race, the blending of the color wheel into one color. You cannot stop it, nor can I stop it. America will be colored and more what you call multi-cultural in the coming decades; by 2050 whites as a whole will be the minority in this the USA; AZ, TX, NM, CA are already colored dominated.

Stop the pain of the resistance you show, the white race has given us many things, many inventions but also terrible things also, the laws of karma state the balance.

All will be assimilated, what is the defence of the whites? They don't have one, as my progenitors didn't have any defence neither. I'm black, hispanic and middle eastern--I didn't decide the color of my skin, through the changing of the economy, politics, wars, social mores I was of three races. Did the Whites prevent this? No. They made the mixtures. No revisionist history--a fact.

I remember when I was so proud of my middle eastern heritage, I became Muslim, pro-arab and all the like and then I came to realize I'm a family of the human race, not just one biased one.

The more all the nations and races put off the one world economy, the one race, one nation-one world of Gaia as some put it. We will live in fear, paranoia, and defense of our beliefs and value systems of ignorance and the constant pain cyclic suffering.

Whites and other races believe they are so special if left intact; Jews also, some blacks, asians, etc., . Look at the white History, you blame a jewish conspiracy and yet did any Jew point a gun to anyone's head and say you vote for this race mixing GOP or Dem party candidate? No. Whites vote for race-mixing and most of them enjoy it, as well as enjoying deep south Georgian black snake, a blond and I mean all blond gave me a ride--I didn't come onto her, she came to my house for black snake; many brothers tell me the same story, married or not--they crave the black snake. I cannot stop this and you cannot neither; you await for whites as a whole to wakeup. They won't, it doesn't matter what facts or stats you want to show them, it doesn't matter if your message is on the www, it doesn't matter if they are losing their jobs or going to the poor house, the don't care about race riots and love to watch them on tv, they move out of neighborhoods infested by the crime ridden and still don't join you, killed by the muds as you call us--and they still don't want to join you, they don't care about white preservationism and the only reason any other race does is when its for a meal ticket to get more money, blacks don't care about preservation either, money, money, power, that's the race card in which when we all join our DNA--no more racism or race card will be played.

Give it up, no white awakening is going to happen--it would've already happened in the 60's if it was so important--you lost the war, come join us as one, for the world can be as one and we can all be in peace. Love you all.
oh god shut the **** up
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Give it up, no white awakening is going to happen--it would've already happened in the 60's if it was so important--you lost the war, come join us as one, for the world can be as one and we can all be in peace. Love you all.

Oh well, run of the mill, garden variety troll. And a very uncreative, lame one at that.
Yes, America is very diverse that is her nature. Everybody in this country is a mixture of different races. I don't think that bothers anybody and I still think you're smoking crack or something.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Thank you for all of your contributions. I Love you.

And I think your not of the female gender; I still Love you though.

Do I look like a male to you?

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