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White House : Putin must respect sovereignty of Belarus (1 Viewer)

Will Trump´s cuckold Vovka Poogabe listen the White House this time ?

  • No , he will not

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • Yes , Poogabe in 2020 is not Poogabe in 2014

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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White House : Putin must respect sovereignty of Belarus. Will Trump´s cuckold Vovka Poogabe listen the White House this time ?

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia must respect the sovereignty of Belarus and the right of its people to elect their own leaders, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Monday.

McEnany also told reporters that the leaders of the former Soviet republic of Belarus should heed demands for democracy from large numbers of demonstrators who have taken to the streets over the past three weeks to protest what they consider a rigged national election. "

Russia must respect sovereignty of Belarus, says White House - Reuters
So Putin's bitch Donald, who openly invited Russia to get involved in our election, then defended them for doing it, is telling Russia not to get involved in Belarus's elections, even though they already are and the white house won't do anything to stop it. Sounds serious!
White House : Putin must respect sovereignty of Belarus. Will Trump´s cuckold Vovka Poogabe listen the White House this time ?

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia must respect the sovereignty of Belarus and the right of its people to elect their own leaders, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Monday.

McEnany also told reporters that the leaders of the former Soviet republic of Belarus should heed demands for democracy from large numbers of demonstrators who have taken to the streets over the past three weeks to protest what they consider a rigged national election. "

Russia must respect sovereignty of Belarus, says White House - Reuters

One of your choices is silly.
So Putin's bitch Donald, who openly invited Russia to get involved in our election, then defended them for doing it, is telling Russia not to get involved in Belarus's elections, even though they already are and the white house won't do anything to stop it. Sounds serious!

i saw today article, which says that Moscow is planing hackers - hybrid attacks on upcoming USA elections . i say bomb Nigeria in snow with oil - gas sanctions

NSA, FBI publicize hacking tool linked to Russian military intelligence - CyberScoop

i saw today article, which says that Moscow is planing hackers - hybrid attacks on upcoming USA elections . i say bomb Nigeria in snow with oil - gas sanctions

NSA, FBI publicize hacking tool linked to Russian military intelligence - CyberScoop


Don’t look down on them too hard. The United States is heading in the same direction.

Putin is deciding if he can’t catch up to the rest of the developed democracies of the world, he will drag them back down to his level. Russia must regain its pride somehow.


Tweety isn't going to stand up to Putin.
So Putin's bitch Donald, who openly invited Russia to get involved in our election, then defended them for doing it, is telling Russia not to get involved in Belarus's elections, even though they already are and the white house won't do anything to stop it. Sounds serious!

Trump did not say one word about it. That is how he tells Putin he does not care. He called Putin's bounties for American soldiers a hoax too.
And where do you get your fantasy maps from?

putin´s scholars published it a year ago , in your age you ´d save articles which i post here. try with google i posted here the link 4 times
putin´s scholars published it a year ago , in your age you ´d save articles which i post here. try with google i posted here the link 4 times

Another non answer. Putin's scholars didn't post the fantasy map to this forum.

Where did YOU get this fantasy map from?

And, again. There is no "Muscovite empire".

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