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White House press secretary Jen Psaki tests positive for Covid-19 (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
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Oct 13, 2016
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Seattle, WA
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White House press secretary Jen Psaki tests positive for Covid-19
(CNN)White House press secretary Jen Psaki has tested positive for Covid-19, she announced on Tuesday.
News of her positive diagnosis comes hours before President Joe Biden is scheduled to depart for his trip to Brussels and Warsaw.
Psaki, 43, confirmed the news early Tuesday afternoon.
"Today, in preparation for travel to Europe, I took a PCR test this morning. That test came back positive, which means I will be adhering to CDC guidance and no longer be traveling on the President's trip to Europe," Psaki said on Twitter.

Bummer. Get well soon! Maybe wear TWO masks!
She tested positive in late October as well, seems very unusual to have it again so quickly. I wonder if she had symptoms either time.
The reality of life now. Do they have to test routinely still? She may not even have symptoms, just routine. She's vaxed so she shouldn't be out too long.
She tested positive in late October as well, seems very unusual to have it again so quickly. I wonder if she had symptoms either time.
Sounds like she had no idea this time.
It goes without saying, I join other members (and guests) in wishing her a quick and complete recovery.

And the best of luck when she leaves the White House for a promising job in the media.
Elaborate. This isnt twitter.

What's to elaborate on? She caught COVID. I hope she didn't cough on Joe, I doubt he could handle it.
The reality of life now. Do they have to test routinely still? She may not even have symptoms, just routine. She's vaxed so she shouldn't be out too long.
just give her some "worm pills" and she'll be good to go.

I hope POTUS doesn't get it. He has some important dates this week

Hope she recovers quickly
What's to elaborate on? She caught COVID. I hope she didn't cough on Joe, I doubt he could handle it.
Hell, Joe craps bigger than you!

She tested positive in late October as well, seems very unusual to have it again so quickly. I wonder if she had symptoms either time.
My neighbor got it twice with two months.
Wow that's really creepy
Yeah, and so is the image below. I was joking to make a point of ridicule, but the guys that were carrying these Trump flags on January 6th have some serious Daddy issues.

trumpflag (2).jpg

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