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white house is now locked down due to DC protests (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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that escalated quickly
White House goes into lockdown as George Floyd protests in DC rage hotter – Raw Story

Protesters have burned and looted stores and buildings from L.A. to D.C., including Minneapolis, of course, Phoenix, New York, Atlanta, Houston, and elsewhere. Protesters blocked the 101 Freeway in San Jose, CA.

Protesters arrived at Pennsylvania Avenue/Lafayette Park, and the White House went into locked down.

The doors to the White House briefing room, where reporters have their offices, have also been locked and Secret Service officers are not letting anyone off White House grounds.

Trump held a press conference today for about ten minutes. He did not address the violence in our cities. He said nothing about the protests in George Floyd's name ... or his death. He did not allow questions from reporters.

It was almost as if Trump was living in his own little world, and he was not cognizant of events in the real world.
a man would defuse things by being decent and human and Christian.

Shoulda watched the tv awhile longer. He invited the press into the WH and fielded plenty of questions about that. So.
*Fingers crossed*
Hope it doesn't last too long, Trump needs to hit the links tomorrow.
Hope it doesn't last too long, Trump needs to hit the links tomorrow.

Oh, I'm sure the American People will pay plenty to make sure there is adequate security for his weekend golfing trips.
presidential resignation would sure reduce the heat

*just wishful thinking*
Funny how advocating violence can blow up in one's face like this.

Donald Trump will blame it on Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AOC, Bernie Sanders and Illhan Omar.
presidential resignation would sure reduce the heat

*just wishful thinking*

Trump should end the lockdown and force the tyrannical federal government to liberate the white house. The people need to be free
Trump should end the lockdown and force the tyrannical federal government to liberate the white house. The people need to be free

Is there a translation key for this Palin-esque word salad because this post is as clear as mud?
Donald Trump will blame it on Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AOC, Bernie Sanders and Illhan Omar.

I'm sure it's everybody's fault but his.
Shoulda watched the tv awhile longer. He invited the press into the WH and fielded plenty of questions about that. So.

He held a televised press conference in the W.H.?

I don't think so. I know he spoke to reporters later because he can't avoid them, but not a televised press conference.
Is there a translation key for this Palin-esque word salad because this post is as clear as mud?

It is Trump speak

He called for people to liberate states during the lockdown during the worst of Covid 19. To end the oppression by the government and let people be free. Trump should call for the Whitehouse to be liberated, to end government tyranny
He held a televised press conference in the W.H.?

I don't think so. I know he spoke to reporters later because he can't avoid them, but not a televised press conference.

while it was advertised as a press conference, it wasn't
the media was assembled, and tRump came in to share criticism of china and its handling of covid and disproportionate influence upon the WHO. he then left without taking any questions
Mankind’s contributions to Planet Earth —> War, Destruction, Pollution, Apocalypse, Extinctions —

Pollution — Earth, Air, Fire, Water — Industrial Pollution since the Civil War — imagine, a war that is ‘civil’ — Geneva — ‘rules’ for war — rules for genocidal and ethnic cleansing —

Conventional, Mechanical Ignition, Biological, Chemical, Nuclear —

Now a Quadrillion $$$ of World War Waste — forsaken
while it was advertised as a press conference, it wasn't
the media was assembled, and tRump came in to share criticism of china and its handling of covid and disproportionate influence upon the WHO. he then left without taking any questions

Exactly. The Trump fan was misinformed.

Why am I not surprised?

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