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'White Genocide was Good for Environment, Native American Genocide was Bad' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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From the SAME news company (The Guardian)-

2011: "Why Genghis Khan was good for the planet. His murderous Mongol armies were responsible for the massacre of as many as 40 million people. Genghis Khan, in fact, may have been not just the greatest warrior but the greatest eco-warrior of all time, according to a study by the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Energy. It has concluded that the 13th-century Mongol leader's bloody advance, laying waste to vast swaths of territory and wiping out entire civilisations en route, may have scrubbed 700m tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere – roughly the quantity of carbon dioxide generated in a year through global petrol consumption – by allowing previously populated and cultivated land to return to carbon-absorbing forest."

(Genghis Khan conquered most of Asia and Europe, creating the Mongol Empire, and killing tens of millions in his colonization of foreign lands)


2019: "European colonization of the Americas resulted in the killing of so many native people that it transformed the environment and caused the Earth’s climate to cool down, new research has found.

Settlers killed off huge numbers of people in conflicts and also by spreading disease, which reduced the indigenous population by 90% in the century following Christopher Columbus’s initial journey to the Americas and Caribbean in 1492.

This “large-scale depopulation” resulted in vast tracts of agricultural land being left untended, researchers say, allowing the land to become overgrown with trees and other new vegetation."


Truly bizarre...a journalist heaps praise on a genocidal dictator for wiping out 40 million people, as it 'cleansed' the planet of people. No mention of European colonizers being 'eco-warriors' in the 2019 article though. How flippant some are to analyze genocide from the perspective of 'saving the environment'.
The majority of people killed by the Mongols were not white european
You don't suppose Billionaires would encourage global genocidal wars to mitigate Global Warming?

First question-Would it be profitable?

Second Question-Would it be possible?

Third question-Could we start tomorrow?
Genocide probably is good for the environment. Doesn't justify it, though.
Genocide probably is good for the environment. Doesn't justify it, though.

That presumes the conquering nation's population rate does not increase due to windfall, eclipsing that eliminated.
From the SAME news company (The Guardian)- .

How much time do you have on your hands to put this kinda crap online??? :confused:

Still true to form you have a very loose relationship with the truth... more appropriate would be "Pan Eurasian genocide may have stopped global warming, North American genocide may have helped cause one'...

But you're really not trying to spread any truth are you.... :peace
Interesting, I thought global warming started and was mainly driven by the industrial civilization. Once we started accelerating the transfer of ground carbon into air carbon. Unfortunately for us, global warming is going to continue unless there is a mass extinction of human life. I am not an advocate of the government nuking large portions of the population, but a good old fashioned plague would perform wonders for world health. If it wipes out older citizens, it would quickly solve our debt issues, younger people, then we are completely screwed.
From the SAME news company (The Guardian)-

2011: "Why Genghis Khan was good for the planet. His murderous Mongol armies were responsible for the massacre of as many as 40 million people. Genghis Khan, in fact, may have been not just the greatest warrior but the greatest eco-warrior of all time, according to a study by the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Energy. It has concluded that the 13th-century Mongol leader's bloody advance, laying waste to vast swaths of territory and wiping out entire civilisations en route, may have scrubbed 700m tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere – roughly the quantity of carbon dioxide generated in a year through global petrol consumption – by allowing previously populated and cultivated land to return to carbon-absorbing forest."

(Genghis Khan conquered most of Asia and Europe, creating the Mongol Empire, and killing tens of millions in his colonization of foreign lands)


2019: "European colonization of the Americas resulted in the killing of so many native people that it transformed the environment and caused the Earth’s climate to cool down, new research has found.

Settlers killed off huge numbers of people in conflicts and also by spreading disease, which reduced the indigenous population by 90% in the century following Christopher Columbus’s initial journey to the Americas and Caribbean in 1492.

This “large-scale depopulation” resulted in vast tracts of agricultural land being left untended, researchers say, allowing the land to become overgrown with trees and other new vegetation."


Truly bizarre...a journalist heaps praise on a genocidal dictator for wiping out 40 million people, as it 'cleansed' the planet of people. No mention of European colonizers being 'eco-warriors' in the 2019 article though. How flippant some are to analyze genocide from the perspective of 'saving the environment'.

What the hell is wrong with you? You spend so much time dredging up examples of white peple being hard done by that you seem to be obsessed. Are you obsessed? Do you feel like your complexion makes you a target, an object of violent reaction on the part of stronger people?
From the SAME news company (The Guardian)-

2011: "Why Genghis Khan was good for the planet. His murderous Mongol armies were responsible for the massacre of as many as 40 million people. Genghis Khan, in fact, may have been not just the greatest warrior but the greatest eco-warrior of all time, according to a study by the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Energy. It has concluded that the 13th-century Mongol leader's bloody advance, laying waste to vast swaths of territory and wiping out entire civilisations en route, may have scrubbed 700m tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere – roughly the quantity of carbon dioxide generated in a year through global petrol consumption – by allowing previously populated and cultivated land to return to carbon-absorbing forest."

(Genghis Khan conquered most of Asia and Europe, creating the Mongol Empire, and killing tens of millions in his colonization of foreign lands)


2019: "European colonization of the Americas resulted in the killing of so many native people that it transformed the environment and caused the Earth’s climate to cool down, new research has found.

Settlers killed off huge numbers of people in conflicts and also by spreading disease, which reduced the indigenous population by 90% in the century following Christopher Columbus’s initial journey to the Americas and Caribbean in 1492.

This “large-scale depopulation” resulted in vast tracts of agricultural land being left untended, researchers say, allowing the land to become overgrown with trees and other new vegetation."


Truly bizarre...a journalist heaps praise on a genocidal dictator for wiping out 40 million people, as it 'cleansed' the planet of people. No mention of European colonizers being 'eco-warriors' in the 2019 article though. How flippant some are to analyze genocide from the perspective of 'saving the environment'.

Move over Obama. A much older tribal barbarian has now risen from the dust of history to capture top spot of all time environmentalist saviors of the planet.
Interesting to always read how the human species is not counted as part of "the environment."
Must be hard being a rabid right-winger. On the one hand Genghis Khan's character and leadership style encapsulates everything to be desired in a tyrant; on the other hand, he wasn't a white dude.
What the hell is wrong with you? You spend so much time dredging up examples of white peple being hard done by that you seem to be obsessed. Are you obsessed? Do you feel like your complexion makes you a target, an object of violent reaction on the part of stronger people?

I'm only doing what the cultural Marxists have done for 70 years, but reversing their bs back on them. Its working, isn't it?
Must be hard being a rabid right-winger. On the one hand Genghis Khan's character and leadership style encapsulates everything to be desired in a tyrant; on the other hand, he wasn't a white dude.

You forgot Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Guevara. Together with Khan, they make up the lefts dream team of fine leadership.
A study calculating the environmental impacts of large-scale warfare is not suggesting that it was a good idea.
Interesting to always read how the human species is not counted as part of "the environment."

What? We talk all the time about how we affect the environment.
Physicists have a name for scientists who think like this,,,Crackpot.
Must be hard being a rabid right-winger. On the one hand Genghis Khan's character and leadership style encapsulates everything to be desired in a tyrant; on the other hand, he wasn't a white dude.

During one of my gigs, I was given a Ghengis Khan ring by a Bandido, who liked my playing. Told me he conquered the world for white people. I am glad I held back my laugh. ****er might have shot me. LOL.

Ghenghis Khan, of course, was not white, but some white supremacists talk about him as if he were.
Physicists have a name for scientists who think like this,,,Crackpot.

The scientists didn't think like this. They did math.
That one flew right over didn't it?

No, but I don't cozy up to genocidal dictators of any stripe. The NYT spent quite a number of years lying about Lenin and Stalin, and also seemed to welcome Trotsky. That's been forgotten by history now, not accidentally btw.
So let's see if we can parse this out.

The right supposedly loves Genghis Khan because he's a murdering ruthless bastard, but would be disappointed to find out he was not a white guy...

The left on the other hand supposedly loves Mao and and Stalin because they were ostensibly socialists, but would be disappointed to learn they were murdering ruthless bastards?

Interesting set of premises, but I don't think any university faculties would be interested.
The majority of people killed by the Mongols were not white european


This is so obvious to anyone who spend even 10 seconds reading Ghengis Khan's wikipedia page or, you know, went to school.

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