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Whistleblower says UFO retrieval program exists (1 Viewer)

There are UFOs but most of what we see are man made crafts with technology that they've reversed engineered from the recovered UFOs. But that's hidden from most of the government including the President.
That is a theory based on ?

I need concrete proof, so far that has not been provided.

Bigfoot, not one carcass, same thing. I would accept a dead animsl as evidence. Where is the beef?
-Pilot says he worked as contractor for secret organization
-Jake Barber believes he recovered craft of nonhuman origin

A U.S. Air Force veteran believes he was involved in the recovery of alien technology while working for a long-rumored secret UFO retrieval program.

In an exclusive interview with NewsNation, whistleblower Jake Barber said he has contracted as a helicopter pilot to retrieve all kinds of downed craft, some of which he believes are of nonhuman origin.

“Just visually looking at the object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous,” Barber told NewsNation’s Ross Coulthart. “It was not human.”

When asked to describe the object, Barber said: “I saw an egg, a white egg.”

He added: “It’s inconsistent with anything I’d ever seen before. I can also tell you that the reaction by my team, we all knew we were dealing with something extraordinary.”

The interview is supposed to include show retrieval footage. Even as someone who believes in UAP/UFO and that we've reversed engineered some of the UFO technology I'll believe it when I see it. There has been talk that whistleblowers would be coming forward around this time to expose the too secret compartmentalized UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs that are hidden from most of the government including the President.

If this man is legit, then the FBI will have some questions.

A contractor working on such a project would have a top secret clearance. Spilling the beans would seriously jeopardize his freedom. This on its own makes the story dubious at best.

thanks Nola...........and 3 hours long; i wanna watch this a few Bites at a time.

of course these things exist, best to leave DENIAL at the door and learn.

Cognitive dissonance is going to also take hold of many, but that is collateral damage i suppose.

as a christian, i have always believed in these things because i believe there are only 2 Super Powers in this world

only 2, that's it.

(God and the devil's forces)

i suppose this video will kinda hint at that or chew along the edges. what people don't understand is most of the details of these things have been highly classified thru the years, they don't let the Sheep in on this for various reasons. (some can't handle it, just like a lot of Conspiracy Truth. the world is full of conspiracies as conspiracy really is just evil; some will not face that fact. best not to press to hard, they will just run away)

blessings all, we need a few more watching yur video to see what is going on with the thinking nerves.

thanks Nola...........and 3 hours long; i wanna watch this a few Bites at a time.

of course these things exist, best to leave DENIAL at the door and learn.

Cognitive dissonance is going to also take hold of many, but that is collateral damage i suppose.

as a christian, i have always believed in these things because i believe there are only 2 Super Powers in this world

only 2, that's it.

(God and the devil's forces)

i suppose this video will kinda hint at that or chew along the edges. what people don't understand is most of the details of these things have been highly classified thru the years, they don't let the Sheep in on this for various reasons. (some can't handle it, just like a lot of Conspiracy Truth. the world is full of conspiracies as conspiracy really is just evil; some will not face that fact. best not to press to hard, they will just run away)

blessings all, we need a few more watching yur video to see what is going on with the thinking nerves.

It's very interesting and his interview is mind blowing and is definitely worth the watch. Ross Coulthart has also interview Barber and other whistleblowers who worked directly with Barber. Exciting times for UFO enthusiasts!

The biggest part of the secret is not the fact that we are not alone in the universe, it's the fact we have reverse engineered ET craft. We have built very advanced aircraft, and those have been used in counterintelligence operations and criminal activities. "

Steven Greer on Lue Elizondo

He patently denied it and wrote it off as anti-interesting, and there was 'no evidence.' And I know for a fact that Sean Kirkpatrick has admitted outside of the office of AARO, directly to members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, that it did in fact happen exactly as reported by Michael Herrera, and with my additions." [From Jesse Michels' interview of Jake Barber, posted on YouTube Jan. 30, 2025]

Sean Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., former director of AARO: "For the record, I never 'admitted outside of the office of AARO, directly to members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, that it did in fact happen exactly as reported by Michael Herrera, and with my additions,' as Barber said. I also never validated any of Herrera's story. The only thing I can point to as being accurate is that there was a natural disaster in Indonesia at the time he references. Barber's claims are blatantly false." [From email exchange with Douglas Dean Johnson, Feb. 4, 2025]

particularly because of his interactions with an entity referred to as "the Lady".

So many people in so much denial.

Decades of stigma has worked. People are so afraid of being fooled, that they are being fools.


a previous post, i noted that the Universe has only 2 powers, this video may support that idea.

prayer affected the ufo by flashing, hmmm.

(as noted, i believe there to be only 2 powers, good and evil in the universe. as a christian i believe them to be God and the devil. the devil is easily out voted and eventually will be trash canned away from eternal realities. might wanna think about that)


a previous post, i noted that the Universe has only 2 powers, this video may support that idea.

prayer affected the ufo by flashing, hmmm.

(as noted, i believe there to be only 2 powers, good and evil in the universe. as a christian i believe them to be God and the devil. the devil is easily out voted and eventually will be trash canned away from eternal realities. might wanna think about that)

Have you seen the recent Shawn Ryan episode with Chris Bledsoe? It was fascinating.

yes, this will be HUGE Nola; those is denial will have a very clear wake up call.

there are many christians who have done excellent work on this, L.A. Marzulli is just one of them....

Janie Duvall worked in TV and now has her own channel interviewing those who understand UFO and Prophecy. UFO works with Prophecy and the book of Revelation...

yes, this will be HUGE Nola; those is denial will have a very clear wake up call.

there are many christians who have done excellent work on this, L.A. Marzulli is just one of them....

Janie Duvall worked in TV and now has her own channel interviewing those who understand UFO and Prophecy. UFO works with Prophecy and the book of Revelation...

I can't wait although I'll believe it when I see it.

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